
Displaying items 1,881 to 1,900 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Randolph Braham collection

    The collection consists of research material collected by Randolph L. Braham, the world renowned expert on the Holocaust in Hungary. Includes materials relevant to the Holocaust and its aftermath in Eastern Europe in general, and in Hungary and Romania in particular, trials against suspected war criminals, the revival of extreme right ideologies, and biographical information pertaining to the donor. Organized into 17 series: Series 1: Hungarian Records Relating to the Holocaust, 1944; 184 microfilm reels; Series 2: Records Relating to the Béla Berend (Albert Bruce Belton) Cases against Rand...

  2. Selected records from the District Court in Kielce Sąd Okręgowy w Kielcach (Sygn. 1134)

    Court files of civil cases (litigations: succession, liabilities, voiding of documents, opening of last wills, auctions and others) and criminal cases from 1939-1945. Indexes include date of trial, subjects of a case, and the date of a verdict. There are cases concerning the Jews from Kielce and its surroundings, as well as the immediate postwar period, such as information about death of relatives.

  3. Goering questioned by Jackson at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 53) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 18, 1946. LS, people in courtroom rise as Tribunal enters, then seat themselves and trial begins. Rear views, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson questions Hermann Goering who in part of his testimony affirms his fealty to Hitler and says that until almost the very last he thought German victory possible. Goering says that probably in the beginning none of the defendants were really against Hitler ("trying to obstruct him"), but he clarifies that one has to distinguish different time periods, they were talking about almost 25 years ...

  4. International Military Tribunal Stork Club white porcelain mug

    1. Robert L. White collection

    White porcelain stein marked International Military Tribunal presumably available during the war crimes trials held in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945-46. The Stork Club was the club for enlisted military personnel serving at the trials. After the end of the war and the defeat of Nazi Germany on May 7, 1945, Allied occupation authorities convened an International Military Tribunal to seek justice for crimes against humanity, evidenced by the Holocaust, perpetrated by Nazi Germany. The best known trial of major German officials began in October 1945, when the IMT formally indicted the Nuremberg ...

  5. Commemorative ashtray used during the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg

    1. Robert L. White collection

    Souvenir ashtray printed with International Military Tribunal available during the war crimes trials held in Nuremberg, Germany, in 1945-46. After the end of the war and the defeat of Nazi Germany on May 7, 1945, Allied occupation authorities convened an International Military Tribunal to seek justice for crimes against humanity, evidenced by the Holocaust, perpetrated by Nazi Germany. The best known trial of major German officials began in October 1945, when the IMT formally indicted the Nuremberg defendants on four counts: crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and con...

  6. Kesselring & Goering testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. MLS defense counselors sitting at tables in front of prisoners' dock as Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson interrogates Kesselring (Jackson's back is toward the camera). When Kesselring is asked if he advocated the invasion of England, he tries not to answer directly and is rebuked for that by the judge. Meanwhile, the camera shows Goering, who nods his head energetically as if answering for the hesitating Kesselring [interesting passage]. 01:16:15 Defendants in dock. Goering testifying on how he first heard of Hitler and...

  7. Heribert Froboese testimony

    Typescript text (37 pages) of the testimony of Father Heribert Froboese, O.F.M., a priest interned at Buchenwald, written shortly after his liberation in 1945; and a photograph of Father Froboese in the clothing of a Franciscan monk, dated August 1945. Father Froboese wrote this testimony with the hope that it could be used in the trial of Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg, and he gave the donor's father, Col. Aloysius McCormick, Jr., of the U.S. Army, a copy of this text after meeting him in 1945. File contains an explanatory note from the donor, dated 1984, and a brief biography of Col. McC...

  8. Records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Crimes Committed by the Nazis and their Accomplices on the Territory of Volyn Region, Ukraine

    Records of the Extraordinary State Commission to Investigate Crimes Committed by the Nazis and their Accomplices on the Territory of the Volyn Region, Ukraine during WWII. Included are records related to the investigation of war crimes ( list of victims, eyewitness testimonies, forensic reports, lists of perpetrators and local collaborators, lists of locals sent for slave labor in Germany etc.) against local population and documentation related to the material and property damage inflicted upon the economy of the region during the Nazi occupation.

  9. Reading of indictments at Nuremberg Trial

    Reading of indictment at Nuremberg Trial. Courtroom at rest (pre-trial). Court rises as Tribunal enters. Dock showing Goering, Hess, Ribbentrop, etc. 01:01:58 Hess stares stonily (at camera). Hess looks around room, smirks and smiles as MP picks up Hess' earphones for him to hear. MS, MLS, defendants, judges, courtroom audience listening as Justice Lawrence (voiceover) speaks about giving defendants access to documents that will be used as evidence during the trial. (poor image quality-scratches on film, underexposed footage) 01:02:39 Lawrence continues stating, "Indictment shall now be rea...

  10. War Crimes Trials: Medical Case, judgement and sentencing

    (Munich 619) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Sentencing of defendants in the Nuremberg "Medical Trial." Most are sentenced to death by hanging or life imprisonment. Slate reads: "Army Pictorial Division. War Crimes Trials. Sentencing. 20 Aug. Last 700. Case #1. CAM 369, MAG 522. Nuremberg War Crimes Trials: "Medical Case" " MHSs, defendants individually step into prisoners' dock to hear sentencing (expressionless faces). Camera remains on defendants as voice of presiding judge is heard sentencing each one. Sentences are handed dow...

  11. Selected records from the collections of the Prahova branch of the Romanian National Archives

    Contains correspondence of the members of Jewish communists from Ploiești, relating to war criminals, creation of the People’s Republic of Romania,1948 elections, meetings, and study circles. Also includes records of the National Committee for Romaization (Aryanization) for the Prahova district containing tables of confiscated Jewish real estate, correspondence relating to the expropriation of Jewish properties, registers, instructions on buildings confiscated from Jews, lists of confiscated Jewish real estate in 1943, procès-verbaux of confiscated Jewish real estate property by address.

  12. Representation of Polish Jewry, Tel Aviv Reprezentacja Żydowstwa Polskiego, Tel Aviv (J25)

    This collection includes lists of Polish refugees in the Soviet Union; testimonies of survivors about the destruction of the Jewish communities in Poland; correspondence with the Polish Provisional Government regarding the actions and attitudes regarding Polish Jews in the present and future.

  13. Barbie Trial -- Day 11 -- Witnesses testify

    Jérôme Scorin continues his testimony before the Court. He describes his transfers from Montluc, Drancy, and ultimately Auschwitz-Birkenau. He then discusses his experience at Auschwitz-Birkenau, including forced labor, sickness, and persecution. He was subsequently moved to Stutthof, to a camp near Stuttgart, to Ohrdruf Le Revier, and then to Buchenwald before being marched away from the encroaching Allied front on foot before being liberated by American troops. 18:35:01 The President asks Scorin to describe how he recognized Klaus Barbie. Scorin replies that he recognized Barbie on televi...

  14. Affidavit re: Schacht presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Lt. Bryson, US prosecutor, presents charges against Hjalmar Schacht. Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone defending Schacht. During the speech are shots of Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess in prisoners' box and MSs of Hans Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Frank. He quotes from a document saying that Schacht warned both British and Americans about the Nazis, and disapproved with basically everything the Nazis were doing. Prosecutor quo...