
Displaying items 1,881 to 1,900 of 2,734
  1. Hand-colored glass slide

    1. Julien Bryan collection

    View of a boarded up store in besieged Warsaw. The sign outside reads: "A black marketeer was here - He went to Bereza-Kartuska." Bereza - Kartuska was a Polish prison for political criminals that operated from 1934-1939.

  2. Defendants during recess, Jackson addresses court at Nuremberg Trial

    03:00:42 (Paris 451) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. MS, Franz von Papen chews on K ration cracker. MS, Arthur Seyss-Inquart studies chart. MS, Baldur von Schirach and Fritz Sauckel talking. MS, Rudolf Hess and Hermann Goering speaking to defense lawyer. MS, Alfred Jodl and von Papen speaking. MS, Wilhelm Keitel and Alfred Rosenberg, Wilhelm Frick and Seyss-Inquart speaking during recess. Robert G. Storey, US prosecution, presenting evidence. Defense counselor addressing Tribunal. 03:02:56 (Paris 452) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. Prison...

  3. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy; Welt im Film: trade unions & children learning English

    05:01:12 (Munich 167) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 24, 1946. MS, defense counselor talks to the court about the "Bill of Particulars." VS, prosecutor quotes in part Hitler's order to his commanders to disregard Geneva rules as to the treatment of Allied prisoners in the coming "Battle of the Bulge." He goes on to tell how the "German soldiers sang the Sword and Blood song thus releasing them from any regulation as to the treatment of prisoners." 05:05:36 (M-2139) Welt im Film, "Hamburg: Gewerkschaften im Aufbau" [Trade Unions in Hamburg, Germany], July 1946. At outdoor ce...

  4. March of Time -- outtakes -- Paintings from the Louvre being returned to the museum; coffin-making in France; Melun prison in France

    Large covered trucks pull up outside the Louvre, the entrance to which is guarded by armed police. Shots of large crates containing works of art as they are unloaded from the trucks. A woman checks off items against a list. 01:24:52 Hearses enter and exit the garage of "104 rue d'Aubervilliers, the building of municipal undertakers" (according to the dope sheet). Interior shots of men building coffins and coffins traveling down a conveyor belt. Completed coffins, some of which are child-size, being unloaded from a dolly. The dope sheet states that some 7,000 coffins are contained in this bu...

  5. Intl Conference; Hitler's photographer Hoffmann sentenced

    Welt im Film. Issue no. 89 01:01:02 International Conference in Minden, Ruhr District, Germany. Gen Robertson, Dep British Commander in Chief, Lt Gen Lucius D. Clay and Maj Gen Frank A. Keating at International Economic Council. Dr. Agartz, Director of German Bi-zonal Economic Office, addresses the assembly. Cut-ins, various delegates at the conference. 01:02:13 Today's Activities and Plans for Tomorrow, Emden, Germany. Pan, bomb wrecked buildings. LS, pan from giant cranes at dock to windmill. Locks, canals, dockyards of city. LS, loading coal in gondola. HS, ships at piers and moving out ...

  6. Selected records of the District Court in Kielce Sąd Okręgowy w Kielcach (Sygn. 146) : Wybrane materialy

    Court files pertaining to civil cases of Jewish population in Kielce: Authorization, protocols, statements, translations from Russian, court judgments, notices, receipts, marriage certificates related to inheritance, rights of possession, notary acts, acknowledgement of purchase-sales, restoration of property, exclusion of rights of possession, appropriation of land, annulment of last wills, bids, returning of money, divorces and annulment of marriages, ratification of marriage acts, alimonies, determining identity, rectification of register act, criminal acts as homicides, robbery assaults...

  7. Badge

    1. Hans Pauli collection

    Colorful patch advertising Nuremberg as the site of Nazi Party Rallies acquired by Hans Pauli in Italy at an unknown date before 1990. In the 1920s and annually from 1933-1938, this German city in Bavaria was where the Nazi Party staged massive and lavish rallies. Here on September 15, 1935, Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws, racial based antisemitic legislation for the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany. In 1943, the Allies decided to hold an International Military Tribunal to prosecute those responsible for war crimes and violence against civilian populations. In summer 1945, aft...

  8. Badge

    1. Hans Pauli collection

    Colorful patch advertising Nuremberg as the site of Nazi Party Rallies acquired by Hans Pauli in Italy at an unknown date before 1990. In the 1920s and annually from 1933-1938, this German city in Bavaria was where the Nazi Party staged massive and lavish rallies. Here on September 15, 1935, Hitler announced the Nuremberg Laws, racial based antisemitic legislation for the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany. In 1943, the Allies decided to hold an International Military Tribunal to prosecute those responsible for war crimes and violence against civilian populations. In summer 1945, aft...

  9. Kevin Q. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kevin Q., a Catholic, who was born in Bronx, New York in 1918, left training for the priesthood in 1941, enlisted in 1942, and served in the United States Army 45th Infantry Division in World War II. He recounts deployment in Normandy; the Battle of the Bulge; entering Dachau five days after its liberation; being emotionally overwhelmed; chaotic conditions; corpses scattered everywhere; soldiers sharing rations with prisoners resulting in their deaths; speaking with Catholic clergy in Latin; discovering German doctors disguised as inmates to evade incarceration as pot...

  10. Abe S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abe S., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1922. He recalls his family's poverty; their inability to feed him; working in a meatpacking house beginning at age twelve; German invasion; forced labor in several villages from August 1940 to September 1941; transfer to a weaving factory; sharing extra food with an older man; meeting his future wife (his second cousin); transfer to another camp in 1942; slave labor cutting down trees; a death march to Buchenwald in 1944; veteran prisoners asking him and others to kill two "green triangles" (criminals); receiving extra food ...

  11. Soroca Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Soroca
    • Жандармский легион, секций и посты Сорокского уезда
    • Zhandarmskij legion, sectsij i posty Sorokskogo uezda

    Data on moral and political mood of the residents of Soroca county; data on criminal prosecution of communist movements in Ataca village; circulars of Soroca legion from 1939-1940; order of taking necessary measures to prevent anti-Romanian propaganda; lists of individuals who belong to various organizations and parties; lists of Jews who were under the supervision of the gendarmerie in 1937-1938; lists of Jews who illegally crossed Romania's border in 1927; personal files of criminals of Jewish origin (Şmillia Roitburt) accused of theft and murder; information provided by the hotel owners ...

  12. War crimes trials: Document transcripts and other papers

    This collection consists of trial transcripts and copy documents relating to the trial proceedings at Nuremberg, which followed the trial of the major war criminals. The papers in this collection comprise copy trial transcripts, and reports and correspondence relating to some of the 'subsequent trials' mentioned above. It is worth noting that the trial transcripts are verbatim whereas those in the published version are often abridged or extracted.

  13. Joseph Sheldon: account re the liberation of Esterwege concentration camp

    This collection comprises an account by Joseph Sheldon, formerly Jozef Szwarcman, a medical officer holding the rank of Lieutenant in the 1st Polish Armoured Division, of his experiences shortly after the liberation of Esterwege concentration camp, Lower Saxony,and a page torn from a volume which listed details of inmates of that camp.