
Displaying items 1,681 to 1,700 of 2,734
  1. War-time and post WW II trial records of soldiers and civilians, accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity during WW II

    Selected trials of members of the Gestapo and the SD, soldiers, people who collaborated with Germans, high-ranking members of the French armed forces, and civilians accused of war crimes against humanity during WWII. The trials took place at the Military Tribunals in several places, e.g. Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Metz, Paris,Tunis, and others, and consider following subjects: Camps, Criminales de Guerre (Individuals tried for war crimes); Gestap-SD; Massacres. The trials did not necessarily took place in the geographical region where the crimes were committed. On the contrary, the trials a...

  2. Selected records of the District Commission for the Investigation of German Crimes in Radom Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Radomiu (Sygn. GK 179)

    This collection contains selected files of the District Commission in Radom and its agencies in Busko Zdrój, Iłża, Jędrzejów, Kielce, Końskie, Kozienice, Lipsk, Opatów, Ostrowiec, Pińczów, Skarżysko-Kamienna, Starachowice-Wierzbnik, Staszów and Stopnica and includes correspondence, circular letters, ordinances, reports, indexes and reports of investigations. The records consist of questionnaires concerning executions and mass graves; statistics concerning loss of civilians by individual counties; lists of the murdered and places of crimes; investigations related to camps (of young male labo...

  3. Promoting need for war crimes trials; bookburning

    Film promoting the need for war crimes trials in Nuremberg. Narration explains the various trials established to prosecute war criminals. Opening shot, statue of Thomas Jefferson in Jefferson Memorial, Washington DC. Ext CUs, Adolf Hitler addressing German people at Nuremberg rally (translated into English). CU, concentration camp victims; weeping relatives/civilians. Piles of corpses, atrocities. CU, documents. US soldiers shot in back, victims of Nazi persecution. Wagons loaded with corpses moving through streets. Marching with swastikas. 12:10:50 Book burning (all familiar images, good d...

  4. Supreme National Tribunal Sprawy organizacyjne Najwyższego Trybunału Narodowego (NTN), (Sygn.196)

    This collection contains selected records relating to the general organization of the Supreme National Tribunal (NTN), including are lists of completed cases, official correspondence of the NTN Secretariat, reports, minutes, and the logbook of correspondence.

  5. Early Nazi Party history, events, leaders

    Reel 2: Jackson continues with the reading of Count 1 at Nuremberg trial. HS, in court, prisoners' dock. CU, "Mein Kampf," text superimposed. In Munich, burgeoning Nazi party, following the lead of Adolf Hitler, instigate street riots with the aim of gaining the highest degree of control over the Germans by any means. HAS, mobs/crowds running through wide street, chaos. Nazis marching with flag, elite members posing on stairway, more marching. Goebbels at desk, on telephone, in leather coat shouting. Nazis parading, Germans heiling. Hitler. Nazis on horseback rushing down street. Newspaper ...

  6. Trials of the German collaborators conducted after WWII on the territory of the Georgia SSR kept by the ex-KGB Archives Postwar trials and investigations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Republic of Georgia (Fond 6)

    Criminal investigation files and records of trials of residents of the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic accused of wartime crimes. It includes interrogation transcripts, witness statements, arrest warrants, sketches, diagrams, photographs, and other evidentiary documents related to suspected war criminals.

  7. Postwar devastation; poverty; hunger; opening of Nuremberg Trial

    Reel 1: "Europe 1945" Panorama of war devastation: buildings and cities laid to waste, rubble, mother climbing out of trap door shelter with naked baby in arms, people in hunger and despair emerge from shelters, children running down steps, clambering for food, poverty, homeless people, begging for food, weeping woman. 05:03:01 "Nuremberg 21 November 1945" EXT and INT Nuremberg Palace of Justice. CU, document announcing trial and listing the accused. Seating of International Military Tribunal. 05:04:26 Chief US prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson presents the opening statement and Count 1 of the ...

  8. District Court in Warsaw Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie (Sygn. SOW)

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted at the District Court in Warsaw during the years 1945-1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles during the German occupation. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of war criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on liability for war crimes committed durin...

  9. District Court in Łomża Sąd Okręgowy w Łomży (Sygn. SOŁ)

    Contains selected files of trials that took place in the District Court in Łomża, 1945–1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles by Germans and their collaborators during the German occupation. Most of investigation were discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's fi...

  10. District Commission in Lublin to Investigate the Nazi Crimes Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Lublinie

    Contains records of the District Commission in Lublin to Investigate the Nazi Crimes of the Lublin province. Records are very diverse and include files of investigation of German crimes; administrative files, including lists of the members of the Commission; reports and correspondence of the Commission; log books of correspondence, questionnaires with information about places and facts of German crimes; name lists of the deported, arrested and murdered people during the WWII; witnesses’ testimonies; registration cards of the wanted war criminals; name lists of the German officers of the Lub...

  11. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 49, 51, 53, 55, 56 -- Witness testimony

    Session 49. Testimony from Dr. Ernst Abeles, who describes receiving hundreds of postcards from deportees who had been sent to the extermination camps. Abeles tells of when he first learned about the existence of the camps (00:03:36) and describes the "Europe Plan," an attempt by the Jewish community to pay a large sum of money to stop deportations all over Europe (00:05:15). Section on the "Europe Plan" is abbreviated - duplicate footage found on Tape 2059. Session 51. Testimony from Pinhas Freudiger, who gives an account of what happened to Jews who escaped from Slovakia and reached Hunga...

  12. District Commission in Katowice to Investigate the Nazi Crimes Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Katowicach

    Contains records of the District Commission in Katowice to Investigate the Nazi Crimes of the Silesia territory. Records are very diverse and include files of investigations of German crimes; files on wanted war criminals and verdicts of criminal trials against war criminals, including the case of the crew of KL Auschwitz and its chief officer, Rudolf Hoess; administrative files, including lists of the members of the Commission; case files of SS and Gestapo officers, German physicians, and collaborators, the verdicts of German Sondergerichte; also contains questionnaires concerning location...

  13. District Court in Kielce Sąd Okręgowy w Kielcach (Sygn. SOK)

    Contains selected records of criminal trials conducting at the District Court in Kielce, Poland during the years 1945-1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles by Germans and their collaborators during the German occupation.Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals their collaborators guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the w...

  14. Municipal Commission in Lublin to Investigate the German Crimes Miejska Komisja Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Lublinie

    Contains records of the Municipal Commission in Lublin to Investigate the Nazi Crimes of the Lublin territory, Poland. Records are very diverse and include files of investigation of German crimes; administrative files, including lists of the members of the Commission; reports and correspondence of the Commission; log books of correspondence, questionnaires with information about places and facts of German crimes; name lists of the deported, arrested and murdered people during the WWII; witnesses’ testimonies; registration cards of the wanted war criminals; name lists of the German officers ...

  15. District Court in Białystok (SOB) Sąd Okręgowy w Białymstoku (SOB), Sygn. GK 205

    Contains selected files from trials in the District Court in Białystok from 1945 to 1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles during the German occupation. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on liability for war crimes committed during World War II. This...

  16. Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Reel 7: Courtroom scenes, questioning various defendants, showing various views of the courtroom and trial proceedings. Questioning Jodl and von Ribbentrop. Prosecutor asks Goering: "Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?" Goering: "I already had said that not even approximately did I know to what degree this thing took place." Prosecutor: "You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy which aimed at the liquidation of the Jews?" Goering: "No, not liquidation of Jews, only knew that certain perpetrations had taken place." ...

  17. David C. Porter papers

    1. David C. Porter collection

    The David C. Porter papers include military records, photographs, news clippings, and speech notes documenting Porter's experiences as a member of the United States Army during World War II and as a guard at the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg from 1945-1946. The papers also include a 1946 photograph book, Nurnberg, which includes signatures of tribunal defendants, prosecution and defense staff, translators, press corps (including Betsy and Walter Cronkite), and the guard staff.

  18. Okresný ľudový súd v Banskej Bystrici

    • District People´s Court in Banská Bystrica

    The fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945). Some of the files contain the information on the so called aryanization of Jewish enterprise property in Banská Bystrica and other places (Podkriváň). There is also a file on the aryanization of the so called agricultural property in Zlaté Moravce. Then there are files pertaining the forced labor of Jews from Banská Bystrica and the activities of the Hlinka Guard in this regard. Various suspects were members of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party (HSĽS) and the Hlinka Guard. The fonds contains...

  19. Okresný ľúdový súd v Medzilaborciach

    • District People´s Court in Medzilaborce

    Fonds contains few files with the information on the anti-Jewish policy at the territory of district Medzilaborce in 1938-1944. One case file contains the information on the so-called temporary administration of Jewish houses and apartments at the territory of Medzilaborce after the deportation of Jews in 1942. Besides that, there is also a file with the information on the deportation of Jews from Medzilaborce and the so-called aryanisation of one particular enterprise in Medzilaborce by the former member of the Hlinka Guard. Fonds contains also a case file of the former local dignitary of ...

  20. Ľudový súd v Bratislave

    • People´s Court in Bratislava

    Fonds contains files of People´s Court in Bratislava which existed in 1948 as the retributive court. It contains several very important Holocaust-related case files. It thus contains the file with information on creation and activity of the Central Economic Office (Ústredný hospodársky úrad) responsible for the radical aryanisation of property or file with information on activities of German advisor for Jewish question in Slovakia. Besides that there is a case file of the former head of 14th (anti-Jewish) department of Interior Ministry with important information on deportation of Jews from...