
Displaying items 1,581 to 1,600 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. [Court preceedings on War Criminal trial against Petersen and others]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains the sentencing and court precedings by the High Court of the British Zone against German Navy Captain Petersen, who along with his subordinates, sentenced three defecting sailors to death by firing squad upon the eve of Nazi Germany's surrender.

  2. [War Crimes I]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains copies of Microgram Summary Sheets compiled by the European Section of the British War Crimes Executive in 1946. It was part of preparatory material for the Nuremberg trials. The file is the first of 5 subsections containing exhibit catalogues by Great Britain and the US (complete) as well as France and the USSR (incomplete) The various Microgram Summary Sheets list the items, provide a short description and inform about their frame numbers. Among the documents listed on the various sheets are copies of political agreements, speeches by Nazi officials, diplomatic notices, ...

  3. [War Crimes V]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains copies of Microgram Summary Sheets compiled by the European Section of the British War Crimes Executive in 1946. It was part of preparatory material for the Nuremberg trials. The file is the fifth of 5 subsections containing exhibit catalogues by Great Britain and the US (complete) as well as France and the USSR (incomplete) The various Microgram Summary Sheets list the items, provide a short description and inform about their frame numbers. Among the documents listed on the various sheets are copies of political agreements, speeches by Nazi officials, diplomatic notices, ...

  4. Кримінальні справи на нереабілітованих осіб

    • Criminal files of individuals who were not rehabilitated
    • Kryminalni spravy na nereabilitovanykh osib

    The collection contains: Criminal files of persons served in the tsarist police, White army, insurgents, spies, as well as participants in the uprisings of 1918-1923, and of the OUN and UPA activists; Files of persons trained at German specialist institutions (intelligence, counterintelligence, police, military ones); Files of employees and agents of intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of Nazi Germany; Files of persons who worked in the German occupation administrative authorities; Files of persons served in German security bodies (gendarmerie, police, commandant's offices); Files...

  5. Kherson City Extraordinary Commission to Investigate the Crimes of the German-Fascist Invaders in the Territory of the City of Kherson, Kherson Region

    The fond includes a single inventory systematized chronologically. Included are proceedings of the commission on the shooting of more than 10,000 Jews of the city of Kherson and the plundering of their property by the occupiers; lists of those shot and of members of their families compiled (1944-47) from eyewitness statements; lists (1947) of German war criminals and their local accomplices having been involved in mass executions and torture of Jews; materials on the investigation of the circumstances of the mass shootings that took place in Kherson on Krasnostudencheskaia Street (on which ...

  6. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from Archives in Serbia

    In the Record Group there is archival documentation photocopied from the Central Archive of Serbia, the Military Archive, and the Foreign Ministry Archive. Included in the Record Group:- Documentation of the Yugoslavian Government-in-Exile including the Foreign Ministry, from the World War II period and afterwards; - Documentation regarding rescue activities of Jews in the areas of Yugoslavia during the war period;- Investigations conducted by the German police against the Jews of Belgrade; - Documentation of the Commission for the Investigation of Crimes of the Nazis and their helpers;- Li...

  7. Documentation from Archives in Croatia regarding the Holocaust

    Included in the Record Group: -Correspondence among various institutions in the Independent State of Croatia during World War II;- Reports submitted by Ustasha institutions regarding Jewish affairs; - Documentation regarding Jewish refugees;- Lists of refugees, deportees, inmates and those who perished; - Documentation regarding deportations of Jews from various places in Croatia;- Documentation regarding antisemitic propaganda and legislation; - Correspondence between the German Foreign Ministry and the German Embassy in Zagreb;- Documentation regarding the rescue of Jews; - Documentation ...

  8. Documentation from the Von Mannstein Trial, 1949

    The Records Group contains transcripts of the trial which was conducted in Hamburg, 23 August-19 December, 1949. A transcript of the court session for each of day of the trial can be found in each of the 62 files in the Records Group.

  9. Documentation regarding the Jews of France , mostly from the Holocaust period

    The collection contains hundreds of files, including documentation received from the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF-General Union of Jews in France). Most of the documentation is original material, some from German sources. There is also much documentation regarding the Jewish underground in France, including material from the Jewish and non-Jewish underground press, the personal archives of Jewish leaders, such as the Joseph Fischer-Ariel Collection, the Charles Wittenberg Collection and the Rabbi Elie Bloch Collection, as well the personal papers of other Jewish activists l...

  10. The Ludwigsburg Collection: Documentation regarding Nazi war crimes, collected by the West Germany legal system

    The collection contains important information regarding many Nazi war crimes reported by the groups that actually carried them out, mainly SS units, the police and the gendarmerie. Additionally, the collection includes both documentation and testimonies gathered by local judicial systems in the eastern European countries. There are also many reports of German units from the field providing information regarding murders of Jews that they carried out, dates, places where the murders took place and the number of Jews murdered. The collection also contains recommendations for the awarding of ci...

  11. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in the Netherlands, 1930-1950

    The documentation deals with persecution of the Jews of the Netherlands, anti-Jewish orders and directives, the German authorities in the Netherlands during the war, Jews in camps in the Netherlands and the East, the Joodse Raad (Jewish Council) of Amsterdam, Jewish education, Jewish children, Jewish property, social welfare, Jewish culture, rescue, the Amsterdam police, betrayal of Jews, the Dutch government-in-exile, testimonies, trials of war criminals, reparations and restoration of Jewish property.

  12. Kalevi-Liiva süüdistab

    • Kalevi-Liiva accuses, Documentary
    • Filmiarhiiv
    • EFA.203.1436
    • English
    • 1961
    • Record contains film tape (b/w, sound; 35 mm), duration 21 minutes.

    Contains video materials about a show trial in Tallinn (March 6-11, 1961) against war criminals Ain-Ervin Mere, Ralf Gerrets, and Jüri Viik, who were accused of a massacre in Kalevi-Liiva (Camp Jägala).

  13. Correspondence with Bauer, Fritz

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The correspondence concerns the extradition of former SS-physician Horst Schumann from Ghana, an enquiry by the Library to obtain a Nazi poster seized by the police in Frankfurt am Main, and congratulations on occasion of Bauer’s 60th birtday.

  14. Correspondence with Berman, Joseph

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Correspondence regarding Berman's restitution case as well as an information request on certain German individuals suspected of having participated in the killing of Jews from the Riga ghetto. Moreover, two accounts on Antisemitism in the GDR and the lack of information about Jews at the newly opened Buchenwald Memorial are contained.

  15. Correspondence with American Jewish Committee (AJC)

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The correspondence deals primarily with publications related to National Socialism or post war Antisemitism, the latter mainly with focus on Italy, West Germany and Austria. Furthermore, the letters regard information requests on a German allegedly involved in medical crimes in concentration camps, and on activities of Ukrainian nationalist Stepan Bandera and his group. Contained are an invoice and a cheque for the Jewish Central Information Office (1940), a memo on political education of the German youth (1956), an outline of The Wiener Library’s political tasks to substantiate the renewal...

  16. Correspondence with Bamberg, Karl

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The correspondence documents Bamberg’s involvement in The Wiener Library’s eyewitness testimony project by establishing contact with survivors in Belgium and encouraging them to write down their experiences. Furthermore, the release of former SS-physician Carl Clauberg from Soviet war imprisonment is discussed. Referring to the case of former concentration camp doctor Hans Eisele the idea of compiling a list all SS-physicians and their post-war fates is also briefly touched.

  17. Correspondence with Buxton, Dorothy Francis

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The hand- and typewritten letters concern Buxton’s offer to provide The Wiener Library with selected books and material from her private collection. She further claimed to have met and briefly interviewed Hermann Göring in Germany on March 26, 1935. Beside letters, the correspondence contains a memo about a meeting with Buxton as well as a clipping of her obituary published in .

  18. Cahul Gendarmes Legions, County Sections and Posts

    • Legiunile de jandarmi, secţiile şi posturile judeţene Cahul
    • Жандармский легион, секции и посты Кагульского уезда
    • Zhandarmskiy legion, sektsii i posty Kagul'skogo uyezda

    Files of the Cahul Gendarmes Legions; files of the gendarme posts in villages belonging to Cahul district: cases of checking the reliability of residents of villages in the county; cases of charging residents of the county in the communist activities; cases against residents of the county for insulting the Romanian government et al.

  19. On his Majesty's Service

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains a newspaper clipping from the Daily Telegraph of 1940, where articles of 'L.C.C and stage nudity' have been cutted. A report can be seen also from 1940, where it is written that Franz and Erich Sass have been shot. Both were well know international criminals, who have been inprisoned in Dennmark. Also newspaper articles from 1918 were cutted regarding the war propaganda and the anti war movement in Germany. Furthermore a handwritten diary starting from November 1939 and continuing till 22nd of March in 1940 is attached.

  20. [Eichmann-trial, Witness statements multiple III]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file is part of the witness statements acquired in Germany and Austria of former functionaries in Nazi Germany on behalf of the prosecutor of the Eichmann trial in 1961. The witnesses are Franz Novak, assistant to Rolf Günther in Vienna and Hans Günther in Prague. Later on he was with Eichmann in Berlin and Budapest. The witness Kurt Becher (Comissar of all German concentration camps) discusses the seizure of the Manfred-Weiss factories, Brand's mission and Eichmann's character (fierce National socialist and fanatic Anti Semite).