
Displaying items 1,341 to 1,360 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Notes de la Secrétairerie d'Etat

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    3. Guerra 1939
    • Notes by the Secretariat of State

    The notes list measures that were undertaken by the Holy See Secretariat of State in favour of refugees and war prisoners. Lists of Polish prisoners were sent by apostolic nuncios in Lithuania and Romania; lists of Polish refugees were sent by apostolic nuncios in Latvia, Romania and Hungary. The apostolic nuncios in Germany replied that in the German Reich the Wehrmachtsauskunftsstelle für Kriegsverluste und Kriegsgefangene and the Red Cross are responsible for the issue. It also reports that charity organisations « Oeuvre des Prisonniers » in Lorient (France) and « Aide morale et matériel...

  2. Commissions, Committees and Conferences

    1. Department of Justice: Central Registry files

    The sub-series contains files relating to an interdepartmental committee to consider a scheme of public works (90/108/1); the International Congress for Criminal and Social Medicine (90/108/6); the League of Nations Advisory Committee on Social Questions, formerly the International Convention for the Suppression of Traffic in Women and Children (90/108/12-90/108/19). It also includes files on the Evian Conference and Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees (90/108/7 – 90/108/10), commissions of inquiry and conferences relating to borstal institution for females (90/108/3); and files on the...