
Displaying items 1,301 to 1,320 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Buchenwald during and after liberation

    Mostly military scenes, group shots of soldiers, tanks and jeeps driving over bridges. CU, corpses with lime. MS, soldier (back to camera) looking into black doorway, taking picture. CU, dressed corpses, in loose pile on ground, blood on ground. WS, enormous mounds of white substance. Collapsed building, soldiers walking on top. LS tank driving over and into plane wreckage in a field. Tank driving towards camera. CU, four soldiers in tank. Refugees walking along road with oxen and big carts covered. Refugees on country path, bikes laden with belongings.

  2. Volksdeutsch return to Germany from USSR

    Ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsch) return to Germany from the Soviet Union. Long line of horse-drawn carts traveling through heavy snow. The narration states that this is the largest emigration in modern times and that 135,00 ethnic Germans will arrive in Germany from Eastern Europe. Nazi officers greet refugees as they cross a bridge in their carts. These Volkdeutsch are from Volynia in Western Russia. Shot of a banner which reads "Grossdeutschland grüßt Euch [Greater Germany greets you]." Panning shot of many covered wagons with horses in a field. Shots of individual refugees wearing furs. The...

  3. Presentation by Kenneth Rosenbaum Goldsmith

    1. Kurt (Rosenbaum) Goldsmith family collection
  4. Memorial leaf for Patria victims

    One leaf, printed, with text in Hebrew, issued in the name of the "Mishmar Ha Yishuv," commemorating the victims of the sinking of the ship, S.S. Patria, in Haifa harbor, Palestine, on 25 November 1940. The ship was sunk by the explosion of a bomb, planted by members of the Haganah, who hoped to disable the ship so that it would not be able to transport over 1,000 refugees to a British-run internment camp in Mauritius. Instead, the explosion sank the ship, killing 267 passengers and injuring 172. This leaflet, issued as a memorial by the Haganah, in the name of the "Mishmar Ha Yishuv," reme...

  5. Bomb damage in Germany

    Various aerial shots of bombed military installations and marshalling yards. Bomb damage in Wiesbaden concentration camp. Damaged buildings in Wiesbaden. MLS trainer parked on airfield. Aerial shots of bomb damage in marshalling yards near Wiesbaden and destroyed town, bridge. Prison camp showing refugees in square. Bomb damaged train and buildings along track. Aerial shot of bomb damage in Durkheim, including town, marshalling yards. Bomb damage in Worms, Germany. Shots of bombed bridges in Frankfurt (hazy). Aerial shot of refugees in prison camp. Bomb damage in marshalling yards, building...

  6. DP camp in Austria

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 19, No. 539, Part 4. Release date, 09/19/1946. According to UN Official Motion Picture Release: "Displaced Persons Camp" Upper Austria. Fifteen hundred refugees of Jewish descent live in this UNRRA sponsored camp at Admont, dreaming of the day when they can go to Palestine. They raise most of the food they eat. Men walk under sign (in Hebrew) with hoes and shovels on shoulders. LS countryside. Beautiful mountains. Young men and women in shorts hoeing. Two women outside washing clothes in tub. Four men walking together. CUs, children in pasture with women playing by ...

  7. Evian Conference: records

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This collection contains minutes, reports, speeches and correspondence of the Evian conference and its various sub-committees.

  8. ‘The St. Louis Affair': list of passengers who found refuge in Great Britain

    This copy list of passengers on the infamous ship, the St. Louis, was probably generated from a database at the Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington.

  9. B'nai Brith Leo Baeck London Lodge: Members life histories

    Personal, mostly autobiographical accounts of former German and Austrian Jewish refugees, who subsequently became members of the Leo Baeck London Lodge. Also list of authors at 1288/56.This collection of memoirs provides a rich and varied account of the experiences of German and Austrian Jewish refugees to Great Britain. They range in length from 1 page to almost book length.

  10. Reverend Wernham: Correspondence

    Correspondence of Reverend Wernham including material relating to his activities assisting German and Austrian Jewish refugees

    This collection of correspondence of the Reverend Wernham contains letters, which document his assistance to German Jewish refugees just before and after the outbreak of war. Also included is material documenting German attitudes to the political situation immediately prior to the outbreak of war.

  11. Cyprus internment camps

    Contains administrative records created by Jewish internees in the internment camps in Cyprus, including correspondence with the Cyprus camp administration, legal files of the camp court, minutes and proceedings of administrative bodies within the camp, certificates issued by the Jewish Agency for Emigration to Palestine, legal files, reports, statistical lists of refugees, and more.

  12. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, June 1946

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,ביולטין, יוני (ב) 1946

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, June 1946 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Information regarding the state of the Jewish refugees in Germany, Hungary and Poland after the war, including harassment of Jewish refugees; - Testimony regarding Auschwitz-Birkenau.

  13. Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, September 1946

    1. M.4 - Bulletins of the Vaad Hahatzalah (Rescue Council) of the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel, 1937-1959
    • ועדת - ההצלה של הסוכנות היהודית לארץ-ישראל ,ביולטין, ספטמבר (ב) 1946

    Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing information from various sources regarding the experiences of the Jews in Europe during the war and afterwards, September 1946 Bulletin issued by the Jewish Agency for Eretz Israel Rescue Committee containing: - Information regarding the return of Jews from the Soviet Union to Poland extracted from a bulletin issued by the Central Jewish Committee in Warsaw, June 1946; - Information regarding the situation of the Jewish refugees in Vienna, Czechoslovakia and Italy; - Testimony of Dov Ber Lemberg regarding the ...