
Displaying items 1,021 to 1,040 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. TR. 19: Documentation from the Trial against Bovensiepen and others

    TR. 19: Documentation from the Trial against Bovensiepen and others Otto Bovensiepen served as a Gestapo commander in several places. On 18 March 1941, he was appointed head of the Gestapo in Berlin. In 1943 he was also appointed Inspekteur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD (Chief of the Security Police and SD) in Berlin; in 1944 he was appointed Chief of the Security Police and SD in Denmark as well. In 1969, he was brought to trial at the initiation of the RSHA Work Group (a body which worked within the framework of the Attorney General's Office investigating criminals who had been part o...

  2. O.82 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Baltic States, mainly during the Holocaust period

    O.82: Documentation regarding the Jews of the Baltic States, mainly during the Holocaust period In the Record Group there are files selected from the Latvian State Historical Archives, the Lithuanian State Historical Archives in Vilna and the Tartu Branch of the Estonian Historical Archives Description of the Record Group: In the Record Group there is personal documentation of inmates of ghettos, survivors, partisans and Red Army soldiers. The documentation includes telegrams, private letters, documentation from yeshivas, statistical reports and survey reports from the State Extraordinary C...

  3. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange and Eduard Roschmann. The file also contains extensive correspondence with Jewish organisations in Sweden, Great Britain and Germany trying to find survivors from the...

  4. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  5. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  6. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  7. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga". The file also contains extens...

  8. Yugoslavia Collection: Documentation regarding the Jews of Yugoslavia, mainly during the Holocaust period

    In the Record Group there is documentation regarding the Jews of the former Yugoslavia (according to the April 1941 boundaries) during the 20th century, and concerning various topics from the Holocaust period. Some of the documentation was photocopied from material in various archives in Yugoslavia and in other countries, including Israel, and some of the documentation was submitted to Yad Vashem by private individuals. Among the sources for the documentation are the Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia, the Association of Yugoslav Immigrants in Israel, Hakeren Hakayemet Le-israel...

  9. Documentation regarding the Jews of the Baltic States, mainly during the Holocaust period

    In this Record Group there is personal documentation of inmates of ghettos, survivors, partisans and Red Army soldiers. The documentation includes telegrams, private letters, documentation from yeshivas, statistical reports and survey reports from the State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union (ChGK) regarding the persecution of Jews and the murder of Jews, survey-reports regarding the deportation of Jews from German occupied countries to German occupied areas in the Soviet Union and their murder in its boundaries, a list of Jews who received vis...

  10. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic Countries]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange and Eduard Roschmann. The file also contains extensive correspondence with Jewish organisations in Sweden, Great Britain and Germany trying to find survivors from the...

  11. A Zsidó Világkongresszus Magyarországi Képviselete iratai

    • Documents of the Hungarian Representation of the World Jewish Congress

    The collection includes miscellaneous materials of the Hungarian Representation of the World Jewish Congress. It contains activity and financial reports for the years 1946 to 1949, materials from the Statistical Department as well as the correspondence of the Hungarian Representation of the World Jewish Congress. The materials of the Statistical Department provide data on the demographic situation, family status, educational structure, mother tongue, generational structure and institutional network of Hungarian Jewish survivors alongside information on the aid provided to them. It also incl...

  12. [War Criminal Preeceedings on Crimes perpetrated in the Baltic States]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains extensive preparations for court preceedings, testimony given and requested of victims regarding the Nazi-war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as ethnical cleansing conducted by German forces and their Baltic collaborators during World War II in the Baltic States. Many of the testimonials refer to Riga Ghetto and the massacres and mistreatments the victims were subjected to. Several perpetrators are named, among them Rudolf Lange, Otto Tuchel, Eduard Roschmann, as well as Latvian SS collaborator Herbert Cukurs, the so called "Butcher of Riga" or "Hangman of Riga"...

  13. Fonds Serge Klarsfeld (MDCII)

    Personal archives of Serge Klarsfeld, including are correspondence (personal, legal, administrative, telegrams), handwritten and typewritten notes, administrative documents, partial or complete reproductions of works, colloquia, collections of documents, collection of original or reproduced testimonies, collection of press articles and photos gathered by Serge Klarsfeld, and his research on the deportation of Jews from France. The collected administrative documents were themselves produced by the different organs of the Reich, its occupying authorities in France, the administration of the V...

  14. Documentation regarding the Trials of Nazis and their assistants, 1960s-1970s

    1. P.26 - Heiner Lichtenstein Collection - Documentation collected by a Journalist who wrote about the Holocaust and about Trials of Nazi War Criminals, 1952-1987

    Documentation regarding the Trials of Nazis and their assistants, 1960s-1970s Volume One: Pages 1-6: Bialystok Trial held in Wuppertal, 1967-1968, in which 12 policemen who burned 800 Jews inside a synagogue in Bialystok and shot hundreds of other Jews, 27 June 1941, were sentenced; documentation regarding perjury and the distortion of the truth during the trial; articles and drafts of the trial, May 1968; Pages 7-14: Article in the "Aufbau" newspaper titled, "Portrait of the week: Fritz Bauer", published, 17 May 1968; correspondence and preliminary drafts of the article; Bauer served as th...

  15. Fritz Weinschenk papers

    1. Fritz Weinschenk collection

    The Fritz Weinschenk papers primarily consist of case files documenting his assistance obtaining witness testimony related to war crimes proceedings in Germany. The papers also include Weinschenk’s writing files related to articles he wrote about the war crimes trials, and Gestapo Bremen and Abwehr files, which contain guidelines and regulations related to the Gestapo and government security. The war crimes case files document Weinschenk’s work with the West German government and West German courts and prosecutors in the prosecution of war criminals from the 1960s to the 1990s. German judic...

  16. Kriegsgefangene V

    1. Nachlässe
    2. Bitter, Margarete
    3. Kgf.

    Redemanuskripte und Entwürfe [M. Bitter, R. Hergt], 1952, betr. Grundsätzliche Überlegungen zur Kriegsgefangenenfrage, Kriegsverbrechern, Entwicklung der Rechtschutzstelle für Kriegsgefangene; Schreiben M. Bitter an von Trützschler, 15. April 1952, betr. Kriegsgefangene in den Militärgefängnissen Landsberg, Werl und Wittlich; Aufzeichnung, zweifach 19. April und 25. April 1952, betr. den geplanten Generalvertrag bzw. die dadurch entstehende Revisionsinstanz für Deutsche, welche von den alliierten Besatzungsmächten in Deutschland wegen Kriegsverbrechen verurteilt wurden, 4 S.; Aufzeichnung "...

  17. Zabikowo IX

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Ziegler, Armin (Posen)
    3. Wer kennt schon Zabikowo...

    Kopien ursprünglich beschriftet: Ludwigsburg [Zentrale Stelle der Landesjustizverwaltungen zur Verfolgung Nationalsozialistischer Gewaltverbrechen] Zusammenstellung Staatsanwaltschaft Weiden in der Oberpfalz: "Die Konzentrationslager" zu AZ 410 AR-Z 48/1971 (1a Js 1/71), 17 S., mit handschr. Vermerk A. Ziegler: "Allgemeine Einführung in das System der Konzentrationslager"; Weitere Unterlagen Auszug aus "Stadtführer Poznan", 1977, S. 90-92, 110-111; Gotthold Rhode: "Vorwort", in: Silvia Waade: Baracke 7, Berlin/Bonn 1985, S. 7-12; "Der Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem Internat...

  18. Weizsäcker, Ernst von

    • Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
    • N 1273
    • German
    • 1890-1951
    • Nachlässe 81 Aufbewahrungseinheiten 0,3 laufende Meter

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Rainer A. Blasius: Für Großdeutschland - gegen den großen Krieg. Staatssekretär Ernst Frhr. von Weizsäcker in den Krisen um die Tschechoslowakei und Polen 1938/39. Köln, Wien 1981 Marion Thielenhaus, Zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand: Deutsche Diplomaten 1938-1941, Paderborn 1984.- Leonidas E. Hill (Hg.), Die Weizsäcker-Papiere 1900-1932, Berlin 1982.- Weizsäcker, Ernst von: Erinnerungen. Hrsg. von Richard von Weizsäcker. München, Leipzig, Freiburg 1950 Trials of war criminals before the Nurenberg Military Tribunals under Control council Law Nr. 10 Nuernberg ...

  19. M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance

    M.38 - Documentation from the Archive for the Study of Austrian Resistance There is much documentation regarding the persecution of opponents of the regime by the Nazi authorities in the Austrian Resistance Movement Archives (Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstands). Within the documentation copied for Yad Vashem, there is material regarding the persecution of the Jews in Austria: orders and official directives, lists of people dismissed from their places of employment due to their Jewishness, reports and surveys regarding specific persecutions written during the period of th...

  20. Selected records of the Amtsgericht Mielau Sąd Obwodowy w Mławie (Sygn. 646) : Wybrane materialy

    A criminal case of Poles and Jews accused of illegal trade. They were sentenced to fines and prison.