
Displaying items 1,021 to 1,040 of 2,734
  1. Okresný ľudový súd v Prešove

    • District People´s Court in Prešov

    The fonds contains files of the District People´s Court in Prešov which was one of the retributive courts of post-WWII Czechoslovakia. Besides the files which contain the info on the political and military events during the period 1938-1945 this fonds contains files with info on various forms of persecution of Jews during the respected period, including several files on Aryanization of Jewish property, deportation of Jews living or hiding in various parts of Eastern Slovakia (Prešov, Mrázovce, Veľká Breznica, Vyšný Hrabovec) from Slovakia in 1942. Several of these files pertain former membe...

  2. Ľudový súd v Košiciach

    • People´s Court in Košice

    The fonds contains files of People´s Court in Košice which existed in 1948 as the retributive justice court . It contains several important Holocaust-related files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in Košice (then Kassa) which was part of Hungary (1938-1945). Among others there is a case file of former head of the ghetto in Košice (Kassa), then a case file of the former guard from the labor camp in Košice. One case file pertains to the denunciation of Jewish family in 1944 and its subsequent deportation to Auschwitz. Several files concern the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slov...

  3. Okresný ľudový súd v Sabinove

    • District People´s Court in Sabinov

    Fonds contains files of the District People´s Court in Sabinov which was one of the retributive courts of post-WWII Czechoslovakia. Besides the files which contain the info on the political and military events during the period 1938-1945 in Sabinov and its vicinity, it contains the file pertaining the persecution of Jews living in Sabinov district with various testimonies of survivors on deportation of Jews from the district in 1942, and the activities of former state representatives and Hlinka Guard members in Sabinov. Fonds also contains the file pertaining the persecution of Jews living ...

  4. Selected documents related to Hungary from the National Archives and Record Administration (NARA)

    This collection focuses on US government documents as represented in NARA holdings, which were related to activities of the US Armed Forces and the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in the Hungarian and Austrian areas just before the end of the war and after the end of the war. It includes documents concerning the work of American OSS operative Martin Himmler, who supervised a series of interrogations of a group of Hungarians detained by US forces in Austria after the war, but it does not include the protocols of the interrogations themselves; these protocols were not found at NARA. It als...

  5. Pogroms, gold fillings, murders in Latvia and Lithuania described in Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 443) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, December 13 & 14, 1945. RVs, Major Walsh, US prosecutor, reading original Nazi letters which describe pogroms and other actions taken against the Jews in Latvia and Lithuania. He further reads documentation on the removal of gold teeth and fillings from the mouths of Jews before their annihilation. "Actions," burning of synagogues, etc., in Riga and other areas. LS, courtroom, waiting. Reading of memo by SS Brigadefuehrer Stahlecker to Himmler (10/15/41) reporting a pogrom, "Aktion Gruppe" : "To our surprise, not easy at fi...

  6. Appeal Court in Lublin (SAL) Sąd Apelacyjny w Lublinie (SAL), Sygn. 220

    This collection contains selected files of criminal trials which took place in the Appeals Court in Lublin during the years 1945-1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on liabi...

  7. District Court in Lublin (SOL) Sąd Okręgowy w Lublinie (SOL), Sygn. GK 259

    Contains selected files of criminal trials created by the District Court in Lublin during the years 1945-1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on liability for war crimes comm...

  8. Special Penalty Court in Lublin Sąd Specjalny Karny w Lublinie (SSKL), Sygn. GK 205

    Contains selected files of criminal trials created in the Special Penalty Court in Lublin during the years 1945-1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Most of investigation were discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's fi...

  9. District Court in Wrocław Sąd Okręgowy we Wrocławiu (SOWr), Sygn. GK 298

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted in the District Court in Wrocław during the years 1947-1949. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first legislation on liability for war crimes c...

  10. Special Penalty Court in Kraków Sąd Specjalny Karny w Krakowie (SSKr) (Sygn. GK 203)

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted in the Special Penalty Court in Kraków during the years 1947-1949. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Most of investigation were discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's ...

  11. Appeal Court in Kielce Sąd Apelacyjny w Kielcach (SAK) (Sygn. GK 217)

    Contains selected files of criminal trials conducted in the Appeal Court in Kielce during the years 1946 -1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Most of investigation were discontinued. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 (“Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of German criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. "Sierpniówka" was one of the world's first le...

  12. District Court in Radom Sąd Okręgowy w Radomiu (SORd) (Sygn. GK 281)

    The collection contains selected files of criminal trials conducted in the District Court in Radom during the years 1945-1969. These trials pertain to crimes committed against Jews and Poles in Poland during the German occupation. Trials were based on the Decree of August 31, 1944 ( “Sierpniówka”), issued by the Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego (PKWN), concerning the punishment of Nazi criminals guilty of murders and persecution of civilians and prisoners of war, and the punishment of traitors to the Polish Nation. “Sierpniówka” was one of the world's first legislation on liability for ...

  13. Testimony of Dora Kagan, born in Kaunas, Lithuania, 1923, regarding her experiences in Kaunas

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Dora Kagan, born in Kaunas, Lithuania, 1923, regarding her experiences in Kaunas Occupation of Kaunas by the German Army; riots against the Jews, 24 June 1941; murder of 800 Jews during a pogrom conducted by Lithuanian collaborators; murder of Jews in the Seventh Fort; murder of Jews in the Ninth Fort; liquidation of the Seventh Fort, 07 July 1941; transfer of the Jews from the Seventh Fort to the Ninth Fort; yellow badge; establishment of two ghettos in Slobodka, 15 August 1941; appointment of a Judenrat; establishment of the Jewish police; deportation of 500 youth to forced l...

  14. Drawing of a defendant by an interpreter during the International Military Tribunal

    1. Stefan Horn collection

    Pencil portrait of Hans Fritzsche by Stefan Horn, an interpreter during the Nuremberg Trial of Major German War Criminals by the International Military Tribunal.

  15. Népbíróságok Országos Tanácsa, 1945-1950

    • National Council of People’s Courts, 1945-1950

    Documents of the People’s Courts are among the most significant sources pertaining to the interwar and wartime history of Hungary as well as the Holocaust. The materials include trials against former prime ministers, several ministers, undersecretaties of state and other protagonists of the anti-Jewish policies as well as the direct perpetrators of murders and other atrocities against labour servicemen and Jewish civilians, trials against members of the Arrow Cross, the Volksbund, gendarmerie and various other pro-Nazi organizations and institutions, journalists, informants, beneficiaries o...

  16. Okresný ľudový súd v Bardejove

    • District People´s Court in Bardejov

    The fonds contains files pertaining the post-WWII prosecution of various crimes including the blackmailing of Jews, participation in deportation of Jews from Bardejov and its vicinity, and the so called Aryanization of Jewish property in Bardejov. Among those who were accused are the former members and dignitaries of local Hlinka Guard in Bardejov and Raslavice. Various files include the testimonies of survivors and important documents.

  17. Okresný ľúdový súd v Modrom Kameni

    • District People´s Court in Modrý Kameň

    The fonds contains several files pertaining the persecution of Jews at the territory of Slovakia (1938-1945) as well as Hungary (1938-1945). Two separe case files pertain the so called aryanization of Jewish enterprise property in Modrý Kameň and Zvolen. Another file pertains the hiding of Jewish property in Modrý Kameň. There is also a case file with the infromation on denunciation of Jews who were in hiding Dolny Tisovik and their arrest in January 1945. One of the files pertains the former Hlinka Guard dignitary in Modrý Kameň and contains his notes with drafts of the orders. There is al...

  18. Okresný ľudový súd v Bánovciach nad Bebravou

    • District People´s Court in Bánovce nad Bebravou

    The fonds contains various case files pertaining the activities and crimes of the Hlinka´s Slovak Poeple´s Party (HSĽS) regime during the period 1938-1945. It contains the case files of the local party dignitaries and members as well as files of several members of the Special Units of the Hlinka Guard (POHG) and a member the file of the member of Deutsche Partei. Several files pertain to the denunciation of Jews as well as non-Jews. There is also a file pertaining to the collaboration with German security bodies after the occupation of Slovakia in 1944-1945

  19. Ľudový súd v Levoči

    • People´s Court in Levoča

    The fonds contains files of People´s Court in Levoča, which existed in 1948 as the retributive court. It contains several Holocaust-related files. Among others, it contains files with the information and testimonies on the hiding of Jews in Spišské Podhradie in 1942, the deportation of Jews from Spišské Podhradie, Stará Ľubovňa, Kežmarok in 1942. There is a file about the denunciation of a Jewish man by the aryaniser of his business in Spišské Podhradie and several files on various forms of persecution of Jews in Spišská Stará Ves, Spišská Belá etc. Besides that, the fonds contains the case...

  20. Okresný ľudový súd v Prievidzi

    • District People´s Court in Prievidza

    The fonds contains files pertaining the persecution of Jews in Prievidza and its vicinity as well as the case-files pertaining to the persecution of Jews in more distant places. Several files concern the persecution of Jews by members of the Hlinka Guard and denunciation of Jews. There are several files of former members of the Hlinka Guard who served as guards in the labor camp for Jews in Nováky and Sereď. One case file pertains to the guard of the Concentration Center for Jews in Poprad during the deportation of Jews in 1942. Several files pertain to the collaboration with the German sec...