
Displaying items 961 to 980 of 2,734
  1. War Crimes Trials: Malmedy

    (Munich 174) Malmedy War Crimes Trials, Dachau, Germany, May 20, 1946. Former Lt. Virgil P. Lary, Jr. takes the stand and tells how his unit was captured and how many of the US soldiers were massacred. CU, Lt. Col. Barton J. Ellis, Chief Prosecutor, questioning Lary. MCU, Col. Ellis. MS, Lary demonstrates how the first two shots were fired by one of the defendants and walks to prisoner's dock and points out George Fleps (No. 14) as the man who killed the American prisoner.

  2. Indictment of Milch at his trial; high presusure experiments

    (Munich 486) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 2 (Milch Case), Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1946. LS members of the tribunal enter. President states that the prosecutor may begin reading the indictment. MCU, defendant Gen. Erhard Milch. Unidentified prosecutor reading part of indictment which refers to Milch. Pan of Tribunal. Voice of prosecutor is heard speaking of the deaths of concentration camp victims in the high pressure experiments. Gen. Milch pleads not guilty. CU of Taylor and unidentified civilians.

  3. Josef Mengele: Copy papers

    This collection consists of copy papers which document Josef Mengele's early life and career in the SS and also his life in exile in South America.

  4. M.61 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Hungary

    M.61 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from State Archives in Hungary In the Record Group there are lists of deportees, lists of Jewish property, official correspondence, trials conducted against war criminals in Peoples' Courts in Budapest and Pécs, including the major trials held immediately after the war, such as the Szalasi Trial. There is also documentation from the [Jewish] communities regarding ghettos, anti-Jewish directives and orders, announcements and receipts issued for payments taken from Jewish funds to cover the expenses of building the ghetto.

  5. TR.11 - Israeli Police Investigations of Nazi Crimes: Documentation of the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes

    TR.11 - Israeli Police Investigations of Nazi Crimes: Documentation of the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes In the Record Group there are files prepared by the Israel Police unit assigned to investigate Nazi war crimes for use in Nazi war criminal trials. In the files there is documentation regarding criminals or locations where crimes were committed (such as camps) including protocols of testimonies, information collected by the police, and much administrative documentation regarding the investigations and the unit itself.

  6. TR.23:- Legal documentation from KGB Archives in Moldavia, 1944-1945

    TR.23 - Legal documentation from KGB Archives in Moldavia, 1944-1945 In the collection there is legal documentation from the Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti (KGB- Committee for State Security) Archive of Moldavia including investigative files of war criminals in the areas of Moldavia and Ukraine. The documentation includes detention orders, interrogation reports of local residents accused of the persecution of the Jews and murder of Jews in Moldavia and Ukraine, indictments and court rulings regarding the search for a specific criminal throughout the Soviet Union.

  7. Collection of Belorussian sources regarding various matters, from the 1920s until the 1990s

    Collection of Belorussian sources regarding various matters, from the 1920s until the 1990s In the collection is a list of owners of apartments in Minsk [used] for hiding, who were active during 1941-1944; newspaper clippings from the Red Army newspaper, "Boyevoy listok", regarding Nazi war criminals in Belorussia during 1941-1944; (the number of people who perished in the Belorussia and Grodno regions); documentation of the partisans detachments under the command of Zorin during 1943-1944; memoirs regarding the activities of the underground in the Minsk Ghetto during 1941-1943; and, statis...

  8. Documentation from the local archives in Cluj and St. Gheorghe, Romania

    Documentation from the local archives in Cluj and St. Gheorghe, Romania Ten files, of which Files Nos. 1-8 and 10, include information in Hungarian. A few of the files are from the communities in the cities and towns in Transylvania in the area of Haromszek. The people in the communities wrote the history of the Jews of Haromszek and preserved the paperwork dealing with the life of the community. The main paperwork deals with matters pertaining to Kezdivasarhely and Sepsiszentgyorgy. In File No. 9 there are documents from Cluj in Romanian.

  9. Documentation of the Polish Prosecutor's Office in the Gdansk region, 1949-1990

    Documentation of the Polish Prosecutor's Office in the Gdansk region, 1949-1990 Included in the collection are prosecution files against Polish collaborators with the Nazi authorities during the occupation period, which were submitted to the Courts of Law in the Gdansk region.

  10. Horst Schumann

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    "Horst Schumann (1 May 1906 – 5 May 1983), SS-Sturmbannführer (major) and medical doctor, conducted sterilization and castration experiments at Auschwitz and was particularly interested in the mass sterilization of Jews by means of X-rays. [...]" -- Wikipedia

  11. Συλλογή Ιωάννης Σταθάκης

    • Collection Ioannis Stathakis
    • Syllogi Ioannis Stathakis

    The collection covers the period from 1916 until 1982 and concerns mainly judicial cases of Christians and Jews of Thessaloniki the lawyer Ioannis Stathakis handled. In the collection one can find documents from a) collaborators'trials, b) cases of Jews that claim their confiscated property and b) the Max Merten Trial.

  12. Ukmergės apskrities policijos Želvos punktas

    • Želva Police Precinct of Ukmergė District

    Documentation concerning events in the district, correspondence between the chief of the district and the chief of police of the district, information about suspected and arrested persons, information regarding communists and suspected communists and Soviet activists,as well as Jews, criminals, and persons accused of being disloyal to the Nazis; documention concerning confiscation of Jewish property, rules for how to handle Jewish property, lists of residents, lists of Jewsarrested and transported to the district prisons.

  13. Correspondence with Allen, Charles R.

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Letters regarding an information request whether or not German general Adolf Ernst Heusinger had been listed as war criminal by the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC).

  14. Correspondence with American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    Correspondence regarding information material on Nazi administrator Max Merten, with which The Wiener Library provides the JDC on occasion of Mertens arrest and war crimes trial in Greece.

  15. Correspondence with Deutscher Bundestag

    1. Wiener Library Archive: Pre-1963 Correspondence

    The correspondence addresses several recipients on several issues including the scheduling of meetings, the sending of information material, support for The Wiener Library, an enquiry for a list of German war criminals detained in Eastern Europe, and a brief discussion of the 20 July plot and its public remembrance. The most prominent correspondent is Social Democrat Carlo Schmid, of whom a handwritten letter is contained in this correspondence.