
Displaying items 9,541 to 9,560 of 10,857
  1. Portrait photograph by Judy Glickman of man who rowed several groups of Jews to safety

    1. Judith Ellis Glickman collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn41825
    • English
    • 1992
    • overall: Height: 17.000 inches (43.18 cm) | Width: 13.500 inches (34.29 cm) pictorial area: Height: 9.500 inches (24.13 cm) | Width: 6.250 inches (15.875 cm)

    Black and white photographic print taken by Judy Glickman in Gilleje, Denmark, in 1992 of Karl Egon Petersen, a Danish rescuer. Karl hid 36 Jews in his apartment for a day. Later that night he participated in an escape, rowing people 6 at a time to safety, including some of those he had hidden in his home. On the last transport, 2 policemen boarded the boat, found the Jews, but permitted the rescue operation to continue. Germany occupied Denmark on April 9, 1940, but allowed the Danish government to retain control of domestic affairs. Jews were not molested and the German presence was limit...

  2. Portrait photograph by Judy Glickman of Jewish woman rescued by Danes

    1. Judith Ellis Glickman collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn41831
    • English
    • 1992
    • overall: Height: 13.500 inches (34.29 cm) | Width: 17.000 inches (43.18 cm) pictorial area: Height: 6.380 inches (16.205 cm) | Width: 9.380 inches (23.825 cm)

    Black and white photographic print taken by Judy Glickman in 1992 of Susse Pundik, a Danish Jew who escaped Denmark with her family. Resistance members organized the escape of 14 year old Susse, her parents, and maternal grandparents to a fishing village where they waited for a boat. As daylight approached, they were informed that there was not enough room for everyone. Susse and her parents boarded the boat and her grandparents followed in another soon after. Germany occupied Denmark on April 9, 1940, but allowed the Danish government to retain control of domestic affairs. Jews were not mo...

  3. Portrait photograph by Judy Glickman of a Danish man who organized rescue efforts

    1. Judith Ellis Glickman collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn41822
    • English
    • 1993
    • overall: Height: 24.000 inches (60.96 cm) | Width: 18.000 inches (45.72 cm) pictorial area: Height: 13.380 inches (33.985 cm) | Width: 9.120 inches (23.165 cm)

    Black and white photographic print taken by Judy Glickman in 1993 of Dr. Ole Secher, a Danish rescuer. As a medical student, Ole organized rescue efforts for Jews hiding at Bispebjerg hospital. Germany occupied Denmark on April 9, 1940, but allowed the Danish government to retain control of domestic affairs. Jews were not molested and the German presence was limited. After the Germans invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 and began to face military setbacks, a Danish resistance movement developed. On August 29, 1943, the Germans declared martial law and began to address the Jewish problem. A mas...

  4. Markov-Grinberg photograph of a smiling female peasants and a baby in a wheat field

    Photographic print created in 1935 by Mark Markov-Grinberg, depicting an official, idealized version of Soviet women farm workers. Markov-Grinberg was a Soviet Jewish photographer, World War II correspondent, and major Social Realist photographer during the Stalinist era of the 1930s-1940s. He worked for major newspapers and journals, including TASS. Markov-Grinberg was a war correspondent during the Soviet-Finnish War from 1939-1940 and, in 1941, was drafted to fight in World War II. While a soldier, he continued his work as a photographer and army correspondent. After the war, he returned...

  5. Eichmann Trial -- Sessions 39 and 40 -- Whether Musmanno can testify; other leaders implicate Eichmann

    Sessions 39 and 40. Attorney General Hausner, citing that a certain witness could not make it for that day, breaks the current narrative to call Justice Michael Musmanno, a judge at the Nuremberg trials who was responsible for interrogating Nazi leaders, as a witness. Dr. Servatius objects and argues that he has already made judgments and would only present hearsay evidence to the case. 00:08:51 Tape jumps. Hausner is arguing that the cases of Musmanno do not affect this case. He says that since none of Eichmann's superiors are around, nor anybody directly related to this case, he must obta...

  6. We follow the leader you enjoy! Everyone says Yes! Poster for Hitler's election as Führer acquired by an American tourist

    1. William A. Nelson collection

    Large poster produced for the August 19, 1934, referendum to approve Hitler as Führer, the consolidation of President and Chancellor. The poster has a photograph of Hitler in uniform superimposed over a large crowd of people giving the Heil Hitler salute. It was acquired by 17 year old William A. Nelson, an American tourist traveling in Germany that month. Hitler assumed the role of Fuhrer on August 4, two days after the death of President Paul von Hindenburg. The vote was held to legitimize the position and solidify his dictatorial authority. Ninety percent of the population voted in favor...

  7. Selected records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Poland in London. Office for War Crimes Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych Rządu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Londynie. Biuro ds. Zbrodni Wojennych (Sygn. GK 159)

    This collection contains materials related to the research and investigation of perpetrators of war crimes such as: witness testimonies after the invasion of Germany in September 1939, reports of crimes committed against Poles on Polish territory and in Germany, lists of local German officials, Gestapo chief officers, guards of concentration camps, data related to concentration camps, German police authorities, accounts of Polish refugees about the conditions of life in Poland and crimes committed against civilians by the occupation authorities and Wehrmacht in the initial period of occupat...

  8. UNRRA selected records AG-018-028 : Switzerland Mission

    Selected files of the Switzerland Mission (S-1405), 1944-1949: Records include statistics, correspondence, files of displaced persons, lists of children, offers of temporary asylum for children, movement of children to Switzerland, Red Cross actions and personal inquires requesting tracing of individuals, as well as reports on activities of the UN relating to refugees and displaced persons.

  9. Joseph Tenenbaum papers

    The collection documents the career of urologist, author, and activist Joseph Tenenbaum, originally of Sasów, Poland. Included are biographical materials, correspondence, writings, subject files, photographs, and scrapbooks that document his medical career; his writings on medical topics, Judaism, and the Holocaust; his involvement in Jewish organizations such as the World Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, and the Zionist Organization of America; and his work as the founder and chairman of the Joint Boycott Council of the American Jewish Congress (1933-1941...

  10. Proceedings of People's Court Session No. 13 in Sofia, 21 March 1945

    1. TR.6 - Documentation of the People's Court in Bulgaria, 1944-1945

    Proceedings of People's Court Session No. 13 in Sofia, 21 March 1945 Testimonies of 50 witnesses: 1. Nisim Aron Papo - the work battalion in Zvanichevo, 1943; 2. Yakob (Zhak) Mordohay Shaul - closure of his store by Ivan Neofitov; 3. Dimitar Kozhuharov; 4. Zhak Pinkas Sarfati; 5. David Isak Samuilov - testimony against the bank teller Yordan Markov; 6. Moni Zaharia Levi - testimony against Stamboldzhiev; 7. Elia Menahem - testimony against the lawyer Boyan Mihov; 8. Samuil Panizhel who was deported to Shumen - testimony against Stariradev and Markov, the National Bank tellers, policemen, an...

  11. Proceedings of People's Court Session No.15 in Sofia, 23 March 1945

    1. TR.6 - Documentation of the People's Court in Bulgaria, 1944-1945

    Proceedings of People's Court Session No.15 in Sofia, 23 March 1945 Testimonies of 48 witnesses: 1. Menahem Isak Koen - continuation of his testimony from Court Session No. 14, regarding the stages of the deportation of the Jews from Solun and its surroundings, the Lavozno camp, the Blehaner camp and Auschwitz; 2. Shentov Danon - behavior of Lonchev, Zahari Velkov and Kalitzin from the Commissariat for Jewish Questions (KEV); drafted to Lovech and Staro Oryahovo near Varna; 3. Petko Lalovski - prosecutor in Gyumyurdzhina during the war - deportation of the Jews from the city, the KEV repres...

  12. Proceedings of People's Court Session No.17 in Sofia, 26 March 1945

    1. TR.6 - Documentation of the People's Court in Bulgaria, 1944-1945

    Proceedings of People's Court Session No.17 in Sofia, 26 March 1945 Testimonies of 57 witnesses: 1. Stefan Velichkov - testimony on behalf of Padarev, the accused; 2. Vasil Hadzhivasilev - regarding the circumstances surrounding the fire in the Padarev camp; 3. Velizar Panayotov - regarding the activities of M. Pavlova in the Commissariat for Jewish Questions (KEV); 4. Bernard Rozenfeld - regarding the behavior of Markov, Stariradev and others in Shumen, release of the brother of the witness from the Thracian deportation transport with the assistance of the lawyer Ichkov; 5.Benzion Yakov Ka...

  13. Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe H (Oberbefehlshaber Nordwest)

    Es sind nur vier Akten überliefert, eine des Heeresgruppenintendanten, eine des Generals der Pioniere und zwei des Oberbefehlshabers, wovon eine nach der Kapitulation entstanden ist. Kriegstagebücher und Tätigkeitsberichte sind nicht überliefert.

  14. Correspondence, reports and instructions from branches of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Mandatory Palestine [Eretz Israel] regarding education, commerce, the Haavara (Transfer) Agreement, employment, culture, organization and Templers

    1. R.3 - Documentation of the Nazi Party (National Socialist Party - NSDAP) in Eretz Israel, 1928-1939

    Correspondence, reports and instructions from branches of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Mandatory Palestine [Eretz Israel] regarding education, commerce, the Haavara (Transfer) Agreement, employment, culture, organization and Templers Also in the file: - Copies of speeches given by Hitler and Goebbels, October 1933; - List of the Templers [living in] in the German Colony in Bethlehem. Pages 2-13; -Regulations for the Organization of German Officials; the rules deal with the exclusion of Jews, obligations and privileges of the members, payments, the various organizations and their classification...

  15. Vor 40 Jahren, Teil XVI.

    1. Sammlungen
    2. Hesslein, Bernd C. (Bundeswehr, NDR)
    3. Film- und Fernsehproduktionen

    Materialsammlung - Zeitungsartikel; Kopien aus Büchern und weiteres Informationsmaterial zu folgenden Schwerpunkten: - Adenauer-Regierung; - Ahlener Programm; - Annan, Lord Noel Gilroy; - Ardennen-Offensive; - Besatzungszonen/Besatzungspolitik; - Bombenkrieg; - Deutschland-Politik, amerikanische; - Edelweißpiraten; - Ermächtigungsgesetz; - Erzberger, Matthias; - Europäische Verlagsanstalt; - Exodus (Haganah-Flüchtlingsschiff); - Ferdinand, Horst; - Flucht und Vertreibung/Flüchtlinge - Frauen der ersten Stunde; - Kaiser Friedrich II. von Hohenstaufen; - Generalstreik 1920; - Grasshoff, Eberh...

  16. C G2 PA Service “Immigration en Palestine”.

    Firstly, this fonds contains general correspondence, notes, administrative documents, reports, … of which some are of importance for the history of the Jewish population during the war, and in the immediate after war period. See files C G2 PA 065.03 (lists of messages to recipients in Belgium, sent to the Association des Juifs en Belgique, 1944), C G2 PA 067.29 (report of M. Jaquet concerning his mission to i.a. Belgium, 1946), C G2 PA 067.48 (notes on the visit of Mrs. Daïnow to Belgium, correspondence with the AIVG, 1947), C G2 PA 057.22 and C G2 PA 057.21. The following files contain var...

  17. Tiraspol district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls

    • Judeţul Tiraspol – prefercturile judeţene, subprefecturile plaselor (preturilor) şi comunelor subordinate lor din stînga Nistrului
    • Тираспольская уездная префектура и подчиненные ей претуры и примарии
    • Tiraspol'skaya uyezdnaya prefektura i podchinennyye yey pretury i primarii

    Files of the Administration Department (orders of the Transnistrian governorate, acts of examination and reports on the condition of the districts, registration of persons who fled from Northern Transylvania and settled in the county, travel certificates for employees of the prefecture, correspondence on administrative issues); files of the Economic Department (statistics on the condition of the county districts); files of the Agricultural Department; files of the Agricultural Machinery Department; files of the Veterinary Department; files of the Department of Education (correspondence on t...

  18. Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter [Cross of Honor of the German Mother] bronze medal acquired by a US soldier

    1. Norman K. Holloway collection

    Cross of Honor of the German Mother bronze medal [Ehrenkreuz der deutschen Mutter] acquired by 19 year old Norman Holloway, while a soldier in the United States Army, 6th Armored Division, in Germany in 1945. A December 16, 1938, decree by Adolph Hitler instituted the award to encourage German women to bear more children. A recipient could be nominated by the Party or a government official and had to be of pure German origin and good character. The medal was issued in three levels: first class, gold, for eight or more children; second class, silver, for six to seven children; third class, b...

  19. Concentration camp uniform jacket with badge worn by a Lithuanian Jewish inmate

    1. George J. Fine collection

    Striped concentration camp uniform jacket issued to Getzel Fingerhut, 22, as a replacement for his oil slicked jacket, while interned in Kaufering X slave labor camp, known as Dachau 10, from August 1944 to April 1945. Getzel was an oiler for a diesel shovel and when his jacket got covered in grease and oil ca. November, his German boss requested this one for him. He wore this jacket for 5 or 6 months, over his oily jacket, to keep warm. He made the number patch 92041, a copy of the one on his old jacket, because he would be punished if he had no identifying badge. There was only one German...

  20. Stainless steel fork with SS runes acquired by a Lithuanian Jewish concentration camp inmate

    1. George J. Fine collection

    Table fork with an SS officer school stamp owned by Getzel Fingerhut. It is unclear when he acquired it, but most likely it was after his liberation from Kaufering X slave labor camp, also called Dachau 10, where he was imprisoned from August 1944 to April 1945. In August 1941, Getzel, 19, and his family were interned in the ghetto in German occupied Siauliai, Lithuania. Getzel worked in a series of forced labor camps until July 1944, when the ghetto residents were deported to Stutthof concentration camp. Getzel, his father, Josef, and his brother, Eliahu were then transferred to Kaufering ...