
Displaying items 9,321 to 9,340 of 10,320
  1. Wiener family photographs

    1. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    Consists of 23 pre-war and wartime photographs of members of the family of Rabbi Jacob Wiener [Gerd Zwienicki] in Germany. Included are class photographs of the yeshiva of Rabbi Breuer in Frankfurt in the 1930s.

  2. Jacob Wiener papers

    1. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    Consists of a blank business form and envelope from the business of Josef Swinizki.

  3. Rabbi Jacob G. Wiener papers

    1. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    Collection of documents including war ration books and identification papers issued to Gerd Zwienicki (previous name of Rabbi Jacob G. Wiener) by the United States Government after his arrival in the United States after his escape from Nazi occupied Europe.

  4. Rabbi Jacob G. Wiener papers

    1. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    Collection consists of documents, photographs, a wallet, and photocopies of documents pertaining to donor and family during and after the war.

  5. Zwienicki family papers

    1. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    The papers consist of letters received by the Zwienicki family [donor's family] in Nazi Germany and following the Holocaust.

  6. Gerd Zwienicki papers

    1. Jacob G. Wiener collection

    The papers relate to Gerd Zwienicki [donor], his father, Josef Zwienicki, and his life in Germany before the Holocaust. Included in the collection are documents, correspondence, term papers, notebooks and a speech relating to a Jewish school in Bremen, Germany, where Gerd Zwienicki was the principal and director.

  7. Lilli Krieger Collection

    This collection comprises the following folders: Personal papers of Lilli Krieger (née Jacobsohn) including Jewish id card and travel document, confirmation that she was not a member of the Bund Deutscher Maedel, school and work references and material re compensation claim, 1922-2006; Lilli Krieger (née Jacobsohn)- school reports, 1929-1937; Lilli Krieger (née Jacobsohn)- correspondence from parents and others, 1922-1957; Jacobsohn family papers including death certificates for Paul and Hildegard and birth certificate for Hildegard, affidavit from Kaethe Jacobsohn re death of brother in la...

  8. Zahraniční tiskový archiv, New York

    • Foreign Press Archive, New York / NAD 1066
    • Národní archiv
    • 1066
    • English
    • 1939-1946
    • Textual material 588,62 linear meters

    The Clippings Archive of the Second Resistance, known since 1942 as the Czechoslovak Archives in New York, was part of the Czechoslovak Information Center in New York and is associated with the name of its founder, Arne Laurin. Thanks to him, a unique archive of clippings was created, gathering clippings mainly on foreign political and military events during the Second World War, on the situation in the Protectorate and also on the Second Czechoslovak Foreign Resistance. The fonds also contains newspaper clippings on the Jewish community in Czechoslovakia and anti-Jewish measures in the lat...

  9. Okresní úřad Humpolec

    • District Office in Humpolec / NAD 1

    Only a fragment of the file material has been preserved from the registry of the mixed district office, where a minimum of information about the Jewish population has been preserved. Since 1910, official books, registry finding aids, files, and accounting material have been preserved. Relevant material can be found in sub-call numbers A/3 Security, licensing, passports, citizenship and domicile right; A/4 Association matters; A/6 Church matters and register of births, deaths and marriages; I/3 Constitutional and state matters; III/2 Security matters; VI/2 Trade matters; VII/25 and 35 School...

  10. Okresní úřad Plzeň

    • Pilsen District Office / NAD 13

    The fonds contains documents of the political administration of the district of Pilsen, which included the judicial districts of Pilsen, Rokycany and Blovice. The fonds includes the census sheets from 1869, 1880, 1890, 1900 and 1910, the agenda of citizenship, the association cadaster, the register of trades and Judaica: Jewish communities, mainly in Spálené Poříčí, Štěnovice, Radnice, Rokycany, Pilsen, Blovice - correspondence, delimitation of districts, registry matters, election constituencies, list of families, statuses of Jews municipalities, reports on the number of members, maintenan...

  11. Archiv města Poděbrady

    • Archives of the Town of Poděbrady / NAD 196

    The fonds contains documents arising from the administration of the town of Poděbrady: deeds, official books, file material and accounting material. It also includes census sheets, important for the research of Jewish history. The following documents are relevant for the first half of the 19th century: files of the political department of the Poděbrady municipality office, group VIII. Judaism, tolerance patent (1826 -1850). Specific mentions of Jews can be found in the documents of individual groups (Group I. Regulations, circulars by the regional office and reports on them by the municipal...

  12. Brigitte Jacobsberg. Collection

    This collection consists of: Brigitte Jacobsberg's ID used during the Kindertransport from Germany to Belgium in 1938, her false and her real Belgian ID, a public transport ID under her false name Brigitte Leclerq, certificates regarding Brigitte's employment at the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home under supervision of the Association of Jews in Belgium in 1942-1944, post-war certificates regarding Brigitte's conduct during the war, and a biography.

  13. Meisel-Goldstein family. Collection

    This collection consists of: photos of Leon Meisel, his wife Rachel Goldstein and their children Catherine alias Katja and Philippe Meisel who were all deported and murdered ; a photo of family friend Florence Ciparisse who tried to rescue Philippe Meisel ; a photo of Sacha Goldstein, cousin of Rachel Goldstein, who visited Namur in the 1960s to look for traces of his deported relatives ; a business card of one of the Meisel-Goldstein family friends who assisted Sacha Goldstein in his search ; three letters from Sacha Goldstein to the Ciparisse sisters commemorating the deportation of his r...

  14. Rosine De Dijn research archive. Collection

    This collection contains the research files and 172 books accumulated by Rosine De Dijn in preparation of six books on various topics related to the Second World War. The research files for ‘De vlucht van Yudka Kalman, 1941-1950’ (KD_00633_01) include five sets of photographic materials, copies concerning the German Landsmannschafte in Donau-Schwaben and across Europe, and files on Carpathian Ukraine, on researched persons and on Belgium's refugee policy. The research files for ‘Zeg Nooit Dat Je Rachmil Heet. Een Joodse Jongen Overleeft De Oorlog In Een Vlaams Gezin’ (KD_00633_02) include p...

  15. Jacques Schop. Collection

    This collection consists of a photo of and an interview with Jacques Schop. In his testimony Jacques talks about his childhood in the ghetto of Krakow, his father's clothing business in the ghetto, his life in hiding with the catholic Polish family outside of Krakow where Jacques stayed for several months, how his ‘rescuers’ tried to get rid of Jacques once the payments seized, Jacques’ reunion with his parents in the Krakow ghetto, their flight to Budapest in Hungary with the help of smugglers, their life in Budapest and Jacques’ post-war life in Israel, Canada and Belgium.

  16. O.75: Letters and postcards from the Holocaust period or regarding the Holocaust

    O.75: Letters and postcards from the Holocaust period or regarding the Holocaust In the Record Group are personal letters collected by Yad Vashem since its establishment. The letters were written before, during and after the Holocaust period in the Nazi occupied countries - in ghettos, camps and hiding places, and in the countries to which the Jewish refugees from Europe succeeded in escaping before and during the Holocaust. The letters were sent to family members, relatives, acquaintances, friends and close friends in European countries and countries overseas. In the collection are letters...

  17. M.82 - Documentation from the State Archives of Saint Petersburg

    M.82 - Documentation from the State Archives of Saint Petersburg In the Record Group there is documentation selected from the TSGA SPb (Central State Archive of St. Petersburg) from the years 1918-1955, and from the Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documentation (the former archive of the Communist Party), 1941-1973. The Records Group in Yad Vashem contains 3,136 files. In the Records Group there is documentation from the following collections: The Collection of the Department for Nationalist Minority Matters of the Regional Executive Committee of St. Petersburg, 1918-1923:...

  18. Gizela Flachs. Collection

    This collection contains a photo of and an interview with Gizela Genia alias Gisèle Flachs. In the interview she describes : her youth in Poland, the departure of her father Naftali Flachs to France in 1938, the brutal separation from her mother Regina Knebel in 1941/1942, the different rescuers and the places where she was in hidden in Poland (including three underground locations in the woods), the work camp Koszary-Boryslav and the gruesome scenes she witnessed there, the reunion with her uncle Leon Knebel and the abuse inflicted by his wife Esther Erbsman, her reunion with her father Na...

  19. Josef and Ruth Rosenberg papers

    The collection primarily documents the post-war experiences of Josef and Ruth Rosenberg, both of whom were from Poland, interned in the Łódź ghetto, and liberated from the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp where they met and later married. The collection includes identification papers, immigration documents, restitution claims paperwork, and photographs taken at Bergen-Belsen from 1945-1947 along with some pre-war family photographs. The biographical materials include identification papers and immigration documents that both reflect their status as stateless refugees. The restitution claims ...

  20. Lieber and Löw families papers

    The Lieber and Löw families papers document the prewar experiences of George Lieber, originally of Vienna, Austra, and his family in Vienna, and Brussels, Belgium; the family’s wartime emigration from Europe to Lourenço Marques (Maputo, Mozambique) in 1941; and immigrations to the United States in 1945-1947. The bulk of the collection consists of biographical material, including identification papers, immigration records, and a small amount of correspondence; and photographs, including prints and annotated photograph albums. Series 1. Biographical material primarily consists of identificati...