
Displaying items 8,641 to 8,660 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Print with 6 vignettes of a monk, a soldier, and a Jew

    1. Katz Ehrenthal collection

    The etching is one of the more than 900 items in the Katz Ehrenthal Collection of antisemitic artifacts and visual materials.

  2. von Halle family papers

    The von Halle family papers consists of correspondence, certificates, identification cards, and various other documents relating to the Holocaust experiences of the von Halle family in the Netherlands, including Gerd Siegmund von Halle (later Gerald von Halle), Oscar Louis von Halle, Henriette von Halle (née Cohn/Cohen), and Hans Jürgen von Halle. The papers include correspondence written by von Halle family members from the Schoorl concentration camp, Mauthausen concentration camp, and Herzogenbosch concentration camp. A manuscript entitled "Loss, Perseverance, and Triumph: The Story of Ge...

  3. Linden family papers

    Contains biographical sketches, photonegatives, photographs, school report cards, newsletters, identification documents, certificates, clippings, affidavits, a Jewish flag, and various other documents relating to the experiences of Fred Linden (Fritz Isaac Lindenstrauss), his wife Ruth Betty Salomon Linden, and their son, Kurt Joseph Linden, during their time living as German Jewish refugees in Shanghai, China, from April 1939 to August 1947. Several documents relate to the Linden family's business, "Ladies Secondhand Store," where they provided clothing goods and tailoring services to the ...

  4. Prewar family life in Saxony

    THE LIFE OF THE HESSENS AND THE ROSENSTERNS - NATUREFILM. THE HESSENS AND ROSENSTERNS BELONG TO THE CULTURED MAMMALIAN SPECIES LIVE IN INNER SAXONY. Map of Inner Saxony. EXT, apartment building, someone waving on the balcony. INT of home, table with flowers. EARLY IN THE MORNING, WOMEN SEARCH FOR FOOD. Albert Günther Hess's (AGH) sister-in-law Ilse Rosenstern and her son George walking. Street scenes. Woman entering a shop. 12:20 Clock. 1:35 Clock. Same woman exiting shop. MEN HAVE UNUSUAL APPENDAGES FOR AMBULATION. AGH working on his first boat. Automobile. Child on bicycle, scooter. THESE...

  5. The Poison Mushroom Book

    Antisemitic children's book, Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom), found by Arthur Lampner, a Corporal with the United States Army Signal Corps., 129th Sig. R.I. Co., while stationed in a manor house, Falkanhof, in Bensheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany, in May 1945. The book was published by Der Stuermer Verlag, a division of the viciously anti-Jewish newspaper, Der Stuermer, published by Julius Streicher from 1923-1945. The illustrations are by Fips (Phillip Rupprecht), the paper's well known antisemitic cartoonist. Both men were arrested by the US Army in May 1945. Rupprecht was tried by ...

  6. FDR's first inaugural

    Universal Newsreel Vol. 5, No. 125, Part 1. Release date, 03/04/1933. Presidential inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt (32nd president of the US) [first sound pictures ever shown of a presidential inauguration]. Shots include Roosevelt and Hoover riding, with congressional escort, down Pennsylvania Avenue; Mr. Roosevelt reciting the Oath of Office at the Capitol; the stirring inaugural address; the inaugural parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. Inaugural parade: Several scenes along Pennsylvania Ave. made from the street. Crowds; women and children sitting on curb; people on the roofs of hous...

  7. Vladimir M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vladimir M., who was born in Minsk, Belarus in 1933, the younger of two brothers. He recounts his father's participation in the Bolshevik movement; his family's move to Moscow in 1935; his brother spending the summer with grandparents in Minsk in 1937; his father's arrest, then his mother's arrest; placement in orphanages; his uncle bringing him to Minsk in December 1939; being coddled within his large, extended family, especially by his grandmother; attending summer camp in 1941; German invasion; a teacher returning him to Minsk; learning of mass shootings, including...

  8. Abram C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abram C., who was born in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland in 1922, the oldest of four children. He recounts moving to Będzin when he was eleven; his father's privileges and high status due to heroic service in the Polish military; attending Jewish and public schools; antisemitic harassment; participation in Betar; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; slave labor assignments; deportation to Klein Mangersdorf in fall 1940; slave labor building roads; transfer nine months later to Gross Sarne; privileged work in the kitchen; transfer to Blechhammer; privileged work ...

  9. Georges P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges P., who was born in Belgium in 1909, the third of three children in a religious Catholic family. He recalls attending school in Brussels; his family's exile to Le Havre in 1914; returning to Brussels after the war; studying humanities; entering Abbaye de Maredsous in 1926 to study for the priesthood; ordination in 1933; providing safe havens for Jewish refugees beginning in 1934; hiding Jews in the abbey in 1939; enlisting in the army during German invasion in 1940; traveling with his brother to Boulogne-sur-Mer; imprisonment by the Germans; escaping to Brusse...

  10. Emil L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Emil L., who was born in Berehove, Czechoslovakia (presently Ukraine) in 1920, one of four children. He recounts attending cheder; emigration with his family to Antwerp in 1930; moving to Brussels; attending a Flemish school; cordial relations with non-Jews; his bar mitzvah; participating in the Young Socialists (JS); participating in a meeting in Louvain to unite socialists and communists; arrest at an anti-Rexist demonstration; release; briefly fleeing to France; apprenticeship as a tailor; German invasion; fleeing with his family to France; his aunt's death and his...

  11. Chaim H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaim H., who was born in Vatra Dornei, Romania, in 1924, one of three brothers. He recounts attending public and Hebrew school; participating in Zionist youth groups; antisemitic harassment; his mother's death; being sent to live with an uncle in Chernivt︠s︡i; moving to a Zionist agricultural training community; their expulsion and move to Bucharest; Iron Guard violence against Jews; arrest, beatings, then release; moving to Goleț; returning home; deportation with his family in October 1941 to Mohyliv-Podilʹsʹkyĭ via Ataki; transfer to Sledy; slave labor on farms; ...

  12. Frieda K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frieda K., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1921, one of five children. She recounts her family's affluence; cordial relations with non-Jews; attending an Alliance Israélite Universelle school; her family's friendship with Zvi Koretz, the chief rabbi; one sister's emigration to Israel in 1935; Italian occupation; her brother's military draft; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; assistance from a German soldier assigned to live with them; her brother's escape (she never saw him again); ghettoization; round-up to the Baron de Hirsch area; separation from...

  13. Arthur P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arthur P., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1912, one of three children. He recounts his father's military service in World War I; attending a Jewish school; participating in leftist youth groups; apprenticing as a merchant in 1928; non-Jewish friends shunning him starting in 1933; his sister's emigration to Australia and his brother's to Holland, and later Palestine; working for a Jewish social welfare organization where he met Recha Freier, a founder of Youth Aliyah; escorting kindertransports to Denmark and Sweden; Kristallnacht; leading a hachsharah in Havelberg...

  14. Hans D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hans D., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1935, an only child in an assimilated household. He recalls warm relations with his extended family; his parents' businesses; attending a Jewish school; German invasion; visiting Rotterdam after it was destroyed by German bombing; anti-Jewish restrictions; his father transferring businesses to non-Jews; his father obtaining a permit exempting them from deportation; his father and uncle disappearing when out on business (they never saw them again); deportation with his mother to Westerbork in fall 1942; vainly hoping h...

  15. Georges C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges C., a non-Jew, who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1909, an only child. He recounts attending school and becoming an accountant in Schaerbeek; marriage in 1934; working as an accountant; military draft eight months prior to German invasion; capture and immediate escape; forming a resistance unit with several others; observing round-ups of Jews; arrest in March 1942; imprisonment in St. Gilles; deportation eight months later to Bochum; forced factory labor; prisoners organizing cultural activities; transfer to Hameln; helping a priest organize clandestine mass...

  16. Genya B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Genya B., a twin, who was born in Kiev, Ukraine in 1923. She recounts her brother's birth when she was three; a happy childhood in a loving family; her parents' illnesses during the 1930 famine period; her father's military draft; German invasion in June 1941; a mass round-up on September 29; a non-Jewish neighbor warning them to hide; brutal Ukrainian and German guards; her terror when she realized they would all be killed (she could hear the shots); separation from her family; she and a younger friend telling the guards they were not Jewish; their release; the neigh...

  17. Ada L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ada L., who was born in Jarosław, Poland in 1915, the youngest of seven children. She recounts participating in Akiba; marriage; German invasion; her father's round-up and murder; one brother's escape to the Soviet zone; her husband's deportation (he was killed); deportation to Sobibór; meeting her future husband, Yitzchak Lichtman; assignment to the laundry; the stench of burning corpses; sharing food from incoming transports; learning of her mother's arrival; fellow prisoners preventing her from joining her mother; setting the table and standing close to Adolf Eich...

  18. Itzchak H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Itzchak H., who was born in Łódź, Poland in 1929, the sixth of seven children. He recounts his family's Hasidism; attending cheder and public school; his family's Zionism; his mother' death in 1938; German invasion; ghettoization; living with his younger sister in a children's home starting in June 1940; a Zionist leader, Shalom K., giving them hope; returning with his sister to his family in October 1942; obtaining food for his family; many deaths from hunger and disease; being slapped by Mordecai Rumkowski, head of the ghetto, when asking for food for his brother;...

  19. Dan A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dan A., who was born in 1922 in Kraków, Poland, one of two children. He recounts his family's affluence; attending a Zionist school; his father's military draft as a physician; he and his sister being sent to relatives in Zolochiv; his father joining them; Soviet occupation; attending university in L'viv; German invasion in 1941; moving to Przemyśl; ghettoization; his mother joining them; his father working in the ghetto hospital; his death from typhus in 1942; encounters with Josef Schwammberger, German head of the ghetto; round-up in 1943; separation from his moth...

  20. Moshe B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe B., who was born in Semeliškės, Lithuania in 1931, the only son of seven children. He recounts his family moving to Slobodka when he was two; visiting relatives in Merkinė; antisemitic harassment in the streets; Soviet occupation; German invasion; fleeing briefly; ghettoization; having a private tutor; his bar mitzvah; two sisters' marriages; deportation of his mother and one sister (they did not survive); hiding in bunkers during round-ups; another sister being killed while hiding in a bunker; deportation to Stutthof; transfer with his father to Landsberg; s...