
Displaying items 841 to 860 of 10,160
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Edith Bredehoft papers

    The Edith Bredehoft papers consist of a letter and three postcards sent from Dachau concentration camp by Oskar Richter to Klara (Clara) Richter, circa 1938-1939; and an identifcation card issued to Dr. Oskar Richter in Shanghai, China.

  2. Isaac Bitton papers

    The papers consist of one two-page carbon copy of a letter from Dr. Azancot, head of the Jewish community in Lisbon, Portugal, to President Salazar regarding the protection of refugees in Portugal and photocopies of articles appearing in the Portuguese newspaper "Diario de noticias" regarding the Jewish community in Lisbon.

  3. Reconstruction after WWI

    A documentary motion picture about Poland and its post WWI reconstruction. Shows war-ravaged country, caused by Russian-German conflict, to which Polish refugees return and try to make dugouts livable until they can rebuild homes. Friends Relief Mission provides harnesses and horses to haul wood for reconstruction, amd health care. Mission distributes Christmas gifts provided by Junior American Red Cross, and employs refugees thereby providing self-help.

  4. Saba Baicher papers

    The papers document Saba Baicher's and Israel Baicher's [donor's husband] experiences in the displaced persons camp in Landsberg am Lech, Germany. Included are photographs and identification cards related to Saba's work for the newspaper, "Jidisze Cajtung," an identification card and ORT certificate for Israel, and a wedding invitation for Saba and Israel dated November 12, 1946.

  5. Evacuees, Farm Settlers, Other A-K

    2. UJRA Refugee Case Files

    Includes Jewish mothers and children evacuated from Britain to Canada for the duration of the war. Currency regulations prevented transfer of funds from England, necessitating UJRA financial assistance in form of loans. The Council for Overseas Children was specifically charged with responsibility for this group. Also contains cases concerning relief to newly settled refugee farmers from Sudetanland, the latter having been initially sponsored by the Farm and Establishment Committee of what was the newly-formed Canadian Jewish Committee for refugees. Refugees from Japan and refugees in trans...

  6. Documentation of the Kleck District administration, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Kleck District administration, 1941-1944 The Collection includes lists of refugees residing in Kleck, from the years 1943-1944; documentation regarding the confiscation of Jewish property; an appeal regarding the closing of the bakery in Halynka following the murder of Jewish workers; correspondence with the District Commissioner (Gebietskommissariat) in Baranowitschy regarding the purchase of houses in Kletsk that were owned by Jews; list of residents in Kletsk and the surrounding villages; list of workers in a textile plant in Kletsk.

  7. [A letter connected to Evian Conference]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Bentwich sent Taylor documents regarding German Jewish refugees and explained shortly his past work and positions.

  8. Discussion on Friday May 20th about the Preparation of a programme for the governmental conference

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Suggestion how to deal with question of Jewish refugees(Jews from Germany and Austria should bementioned but not Jews from Poland and eastern Europe, figuers and finance) in the Evian confence.

  9. Rokiškio apskrities policijos Južintų punktas

    • Police Department for Južintai County, Rokiškis District

    Various administrative documents; personnel files of the staff; pay registers; applications of residents to join the police precinct; information about Poles in the district as well as war refugees, prisoners of war, Jews; reports about criminal incidents and various protocols concerning crimes; certificates issued to police officers of the sef-defence battalions; lists of police officers; lists of arrested people; other items.

  10. Ukmergės apskrities viršininkas

    • Chief of Ukmergė County

    The fonds consists of information about refugees in 1940, correspondence and statistics about refugees in the district (there are many Jewish names), applications of the residents (many Jewish names) to obtain passports in 1940, information about Jewish organizations from 1922 to 1940, the lists of residents who were punished for administrative offenses (many Jewish names). *Note: In many cases the documents created in 1940 may provide the last information about the people in question before the Holocaust. *Note: In many cases the documents created in 1940 may provide the last information a...

  11. Ministarstvo skrbi za postradale krajeve Nezavisne Države Hrvatske

    • The Ministry of Welfare for the War-Affected Areas of the Independent State of Croatia (ISC)

    The collection holds pleas for help from refugees within the ISC. Note that the refugees in question mostly are non-Jewish, as the dates point it is towards the end of the war, but the collection might be interesting to appraise the general atmosphere of social welfare after the collapse of Italy in 1943. It is not excluded some of the cases handled within the collection refer to the remaining Jews in Croatia.

  12. Nazi kidnapping

    1. Research files: research conducted by the JCIO and the Wiener Library

    The file contains information on kidnappings in foreign countries committed by Nazis. Several kidnappings are mentioned in the documents and usually involve political refugees such as communists. After the abduction most of the persons were incarcerated in Germany. Friedrich Kuhlmann however, was abducted in Copenhagen but managed to escape while still being in Denmark.

  13. 879. Baltes en Allemagne, octobre 1945 - mai 1947 (2 dossiers) 1237. Belgique. Juifs séphardiques, mai - septembre 1945 1298. Réfugiés géorgiens et caucasiens en Europe, octobre 1947 1343. Enregistrement des réfugiés par professions dans les centres de l'U.N.R.R.A., 1946 1364. Polonais dans la péninsule ibérique, octobre 1946 - juin 1947 1369. Albanais en Italie et au Moyen-Orient, novembre 1946 - mai 1947 1416. Négociations entre le Comité intergouvernemental et le gouvernement belge concernant des réfugiés venant de la zone américaine d'Allemagne (pour travailler dans les mines), novembre 1946 - juin 1947 (2 dossiers) 2082. Id. : réfugiés venant de la zone britannique d'Allemagne, janvier - juin 1947 1483. Transit des réfugiés à travers l'Italie, décembre 1946 - février 1947 1485. Commission alliée. Rapports et bulletins divers octobre 1945 - janvier 1947 1529. Recherches de parents dans les pays d'accueil. Canada, novembre 1946 - juin 1947 1533. Polonais du corps Anders en Italie, décembre 1946 - juin 1947 1535. Réfugiés au Japon, octobre 1946 - janvier 1947 1580. Quartier général du Comité intergouvernemental en Allemagne et en Autriche. Enregistrement des réfugiés, février - avril 1947 1587. Réfugiés musulmans en Allemagne et en Autriche, avril - mai 1947 1593. Polonais en Belgique, janvier 1946 - mars 1947