
Displaying items 8,541 to 8,560 of 10,857
  1. Flossenbuerg liberated; POW hospital in Florence

    (LIB 6223) Probably April 30, 1945. Camera pans from left to right showing an overview of the Flossenbuerg slave labor camp, barracks on hillside, trees and mountains in BG. German civilians gathered at entrance to camp. Inscriptions on concrete gate post. Sign: "Vorsicht! Hochspannung Lebensgefahr" and "Arbeit Macht Frei". CU, electrified barbed wire around top of fence and guard towers. Makeshift handwritten banner on picket fence, "Prisoners Happy End! Welcome!". INT, CU, four naked male survivors: two Jewish, one French, one Polish, with numbers tattooed on their chests. Multiple takes....

  2. Bloch family collection

    Contains letters and postcards written by Ingrid and Hannelore Billigheimer, their parents Irma and Kurt Billigheimer, and grandmother, Marie Hochherr, from Fürth and Karlsruhe in Germany and later from Gurs and Rivesaltes internment camps in France, and from an OSE children’s home in Le Couret, dated October 29, 1939 to April 5, 1943; the last letter was written by Marie Hochherr on June 11, 1945. All the letters were addressed to Drs. Bloch in Zurich, Switzerland. Includes receipts for food packages sent by Dr. Charlotte Bloch to the Billigheimer family, and a copy photograph of a group p...

  3. Territorial collection on France, Holocaust period (RG-116, France II)

    The collection relates to the situation of the Jews in France during German occupation. The collection pertains number of subjects including: anti-Jewish legislation enacted by the Vichy regime, general situation of the Jews in France, deportations, situation in the internment and concentration camps, religious, cultural and everyday life in the camps, the resistance movement, protests against anti-Jewish persecution, clandestine press, legal press, identification cards including the production of false identification documents as part of the resistance movement.

  4. Minutes of the Commission of Spain Procès-verbaux de la Commission d'Espagne (B CR 212 PV)

    Records related to the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939. After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) formed the so-called Commission d'Espagne (Commission of Spain) on August 26, 1936 which directed and coordinated all of the ICRC's humanitarian activities and operations within both the Republican and Nationalist territories. The collection covers the ICRC's humanitarian activities in Spain and consists of correspondence, reports and minutes of the Commission. Contains documentation on military and civilian prisoners, visits to the internment...

  5. Americans visit family in Vienna, 1930

    Pan of well-dressed men and women seated and eating at dining tables on an outdoor patio. View of a city below them. 00:50 Pan of an ornate fountain and swimming pool. People wade in the water, a man slides down a waterslide. 1:27 Views of a large crowd of people in bathing suits. A well-dressed woman in the foreground. People mill about on the beach and in the water. 1:54 Views of a crowded outdoor café. 2:18 Pan of a gated building, perhaps an apartment. Three well-dressed people pose for the camera in front of the gate. The three walk in a garden towards the camera and pose for the camer...

  6. Supreme National Tribunal Sprawy organizacyjne Najwyższego Trybunału Narodowego (NTN), (Sygn.196)

    This collection contains selected records relating to the general organization of the Supreme National Tribunal (NTN), including are lists of completed cases, official correspondence of the NTN Secretariat, reports, minutes, and the logbook of correspondence.

  7. Eichmann Trial -- Session 88 -- Hausner cross-examines the Accused about his antisemitism

    The footage begins in the middle of the session. Attorney General Gideon Hausner cross-examines Adolf Eichmann about a statement Eichmann made: that he would gladly jump into his grave knowing that the war had taken the lives of five million Jewish enemies of the Reich. This is duplicate footage also found on Tape 2120 (at 00:17:49) and Tape 2121 (at 00:50:23). Tape 2120 is more complete. Hausner then questions the accused about a written statement in which Eichmann asserts that Adolf Hitler had already declared war on the Jews before the start of World War II (00:14:43). Eichmann says that...

  8. Kaluga, USSR

    Sounds of artillery and grainy pan of trees and German soldiers. The narrator says that the infantry is entering Kaluga [USSR]. In the town itself: dead horses in the street, destruction. German soldiers moving along a street. They do house-to-house-searches. Civilians on the street (brief close-ups) as a long column of German soldiers moves through, some pushing bicycles. More destruction caused by Stukas (according to the narrator), including a destroyed and still-smoking transport train. Soviet POWs in "endless columns" march past buildings with thatched roofs. The line of prisoners stre...

  9. JDC at Belsen DP Camp

    Various activities at Belsen DP camp, occasional emphasis on JDC work. JDC cars in parking lot near barracks. Scenes include committee meetings, meeting at memorial, soccer game, printing camp newspaper, nursery, congress meetings, retraining shops, etc.

  10. Theresienstadt and Prague

    Location filming in and around Terezin and Prague, Czechoslovakia for SHOAH. FILM ID 3765 -- (White 48) Theresienstadt Ville et Crematoire The town of Terezin nearly deserted except for a few people in the streets. 02:44 Group of soldiers and a large blue bus in the street. Street signs "Litomerice, 3; Usti, 28; Praha, 59." Public parks, passing trucks, pedestrians. 11:22 A public square from above and clapperboard with "Bob 50" written on it. Terezin from an upstairs window. Children playing in a park. 13:15 "Bobine 49, Lubchansky Terezin." Street views. 16:00 A wooden tower can be seen ov...

  11. Barbie Trial -- Day 9 -- A witness testifies and is questioned

    14:54 The witness, Michel Thomas, recounts his escape from the Milles deportation camp in September 1942, his subsequent arrival in Lyon in order to recruit Resistance members, and his presence at the UGIF on the day of the raid in February 1943, where he had gone to recruit young Jews into the Resistance 15:02 The witness comments on the Swiss authorities' lack of help or protection toward Jews fleeing France 15:03 The witness recounts his memory of the UGIF raid 15:09 The witness recalls his encounter with Barbie 15:20 The witness implores Cerdini to compel Barbie to appear before him in ...

  12. Barbie Trial -- Day 5 -- The Izieu Telex

    17:40 An argument between several lawyers from the prosecution and defense ensues because President Cerdini allows defense lawyer Vergès to handle the Telex D'Izieu and remove it from its protective plastic. Several lawyers become very upset, because they are afraid Vergès will tear or otherwise destroy the evidence 17:43 A prosecutor asks that the Telex be examined by the jurors and civil parties; explains why it was necessary to remove it from the plastic (because it was difficult to read some of the text through the covering) 17:51 President Cerdini reads a written statement from Barbie,...

  13. Koerner and Kesselring testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 40) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LSs, MSs, prisoners' dock. Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson cross examines Paul Koerner, Deputy of the Board of the Four-Year Plan, Staatssekretar in the Prussian Ministry, Chairman of the SS Obergruppenfuehrer, and Hermann Goering's personal Adjutant in the Prussian State Ministry. Koerner is questioned about November 9th, Reichskristallnacht, Goering's role, the fining of Jews after the damage, etc. He points out and verifies that riots against the Jews were incited by members of the government and that Goering was in...

  14. Radio as a propaganda tool during wartime

    Radio as a means of strengthening the community during wartime. Behind the scenes at a radio station. A woman checks on the progress of a record; a man and woman in white lab coats monitor wires in a large room filled with broadcast equipment. A man in a party uniform reads a message from a wife to her soldier husband. A large map of Europe hangs on the wall behind the man. Another man reads the war news into a microphone. A telex machine types out a news story. The camera pans downward, seemingly through the floors of the building to an orchestra playing on a lower floor. The scene changes...

  15. Hauptreuhandstelle Ost. Treuhandstelle Danzig-Westpreussen Selected records of the Main Trustee Office for the East, Trustee Office for Gdańsk-West Prussia Główny Urząd Powierniczy Wschód Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie (Sygn. 264)

    Selected records of the Hauptreuhandstelle Ost. Treuhandstelle Danzig-Westpreussen (Główny Urząd Powierniczy Wschód Gdańsk-Prusy Zachodnie) include provisions regarding the rules of taking over Polish and Jewish property on the territory Gdańsk Pomerania. Included are regulations concerning the Polish State, Polish real estate, agricultural land, organizational, administrative and economic matters, financial economy, tasks of commissarial administrators and national politics, treatment of Poles and Jews in the Free City of Gdańsk; it also contains correspondence regarding matters of Polish ...

  16. Nazi officials dining; January 1940 document

    People descend stairs of stone building, the Berglandschaft in the Tatra mountains, a place for high-ranking German officers during the Nazi occupation. Pan up to Nazi flag. Women and children enter through a door. Nazi officials drink beer and eat in a large dining room with patterned curtains. 01:08:39 CU, handwritten document 2749-PS signed by Heinrich Himmler dated 28 January 1940. 01:08:44 Frank and two other men (possibly Bühler to the left and Dr. Karl Lasch to the right) in civilian clothes eat dinner in same dining room. Quick shot of spire (possibly the Kressendorf castle).

  17. Territorial collection-Holland (RG-116-Holland)

    Records reflect primarily the activities of the Amsterdam Judenrat with its various departments, and the Jewish interaction with the German and Dutch authorities, the daily life and living conditions of the Jews in Holland under the Nazi occupation, some documents relate to Jewish life in Netherlands prior to, and subsequent to the Holocaust. Included are records of the Joodsche Raad (Judenrat), the Nazi-appointed Jewish councils in Amsterdam, the Hague and Rotterdam; reports about anti-Jewish laws; weekly and monthly reports about deportations, 1942-1943; communications with internees in t...

  18. Rehabilitation at Belsen Camp

    Pan over buildings. Pan across barrack square. MS of stable door, door opens, young woman begins to sweep entrance to stable. Interior shot of stable, being decorated by group of women with green branches. Curtains, tables, linens. MCU group of women sitting and standing around a bed inside barrack arranging branches and talking. Shot of barrack interior where multiple tables are set up in foreground and background, women having meal. Camera pans around room with flower arrangement in the middle, woman making bed, others, by window, repairing boots and shoes, sewing. CU of women playing car...

  19. Moorish Dancer 3, The Astute Allach white porcelain figurine of a medieval costumed dancer

    Allach porcelain jester figurine acquired by Adelia W. and Davis O. Morris when they lived in Munich, Germany, as part of the US Army occupation force from 1950-1953. One evening, a man came to their door with the figurine, offering it in trade. He gave it to the Morris's in exchange for a bag of coffee. This is model three of five figures in the Jester series, known as Zaddelrock or Moriskentanzer III, the Astute, produced in 1941. Allach Porcelain and the artist Richard Förster were commissioned by the city of Munich in 1937 to reproduce scaled-down figures of a 1480 Gothic sculpture crea...

  20. Roma/Sinti in Berlin

    Romani group in Berlin filmed by Laszlo Moholy-Nagy in 1932. 00:00:40 Horse grazing near camp. Overhead shots of wagons, horses near by. Child in courtyard. 00:01:11 Woman washes child in wagon doorway. Children comb hair. CUs children. 00:01:42 Children play with banners. 00:02:04 Shots of wagons and horses, men with horse, slap hands. Men into wagons. 00:02:36 CU of woman. Wagon along road. Men drive off in cart. POV cart, leaving camp. 00:03:02 Berlin street, wagon. 00:03:18 Horse market. 00:04:01 Girl in wagon at market, CU. More horse market. 00:04:36 CU man, profile, boy with horse. 0...