
Displaying items 7,961 to 7,980 of 10,857
  1. Simon B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Simon B., who was born in the Soviet Union (now Estonia) in 1920. He recounts his family's emigration to France in 1922; growing up in Courbevoie; his bar mitzvah; his mother's death in 1934; military draft in 1940; German invasion; demobilization; staying in a youth camp near Cluny for eight months; moving to Paris; arrest in August 1942; internment in Drancy; transfer to Pithiviers, Beaune-la-Rolande, then back to Drancy; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in September 1942; hospitalization in December; assistance from a non-Jewish nurse; a privileged assignment in t...

  2. Rosie L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rosie L., who was born in Poland in 1933. She recalls growing up in Brussels; their secularism; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; their flight to Lille, then a town in the Pyrenees; her father's military draft; France's surrender; her father's demobilization; returning to Brussels in August 1940 via Toulouse and Paris; antisemitic regulations; her sister's conscription for labor; being hidden with her brother on a farm; her mother retrieving them; seeing Germans near her house and assuming her parents had been taken; being sent to a Resistance member; his inabi...

  3. Gregory B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gregory B., who was born in Rovno, Poland (presently Rivne, Ukraine) in 1930, an identical twin. He recounts his family's move to Radziwiłłów (presently Radyvyliv) in 1933; having a governess; attending Hebrew school; Soviet occupation; his father's arrest in April 1940 (they never saw him again); deportation three days later with his mother, twin brother, older sister, and paternal grandparents to a small village in Siberia; his grandparents and sister returning to Poland prior to the German invasion of the Soviet Union (they did not survive); his mother's vain atte...

  4. Marcel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel K., who was born in Stara? Lubovn?a, Czechoslovakia in 1924, one of six children. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; attending public school; increasing antisemitism beginning in 1938; anti-Jewish restrictions after Slovak independence in March 1939; confiscations of family property by Hlinka guardsmen; deportation to Z?ilina, then Auschwitz/Birkenau in March 1942; slave labor with his brother; assistance from a Polish kapo; witnessing his brother's murder by guards in May; public executions; assistance from fellow-prisoners when he was sick; assistanc...

  5. Josef K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Josef K., who was born in Lask, Poland in 1927. He recalls his father's military service; antisemitic harassment; visiting relatives in ?o?dz?; attending school for three years; spending summers in Kolumna; his father's refusal to emigrate to join relatives in Palestine; German invasion; his father's deportation to a labor camp (they never saw him again); forced labor; public hangings; ghettoization; deportation of the Jews in August 1942, including his mother and sister; being selected with his other sister for transfer to the ?o?dz? ghetto; slave labor; helping each...

  6. Elias R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elias R., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece in 1932. He recalls details of Jewish life; traveling with his mother to Athens for his uncle's wedding; remaining there in order to be under Italian occupation (Thessalonike? was under German control); having his brother smuggled to Athens; returning to Thessalonike?; ghettoization; obtaining exit documents from Spain (his mother was Spanish); hiding during round-ups; his father's deportation (he did not return); escaping with his mother and brother to Athens with help from the underground; departing in a German militar...

  7. Elisabeth L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elisabeth L., a non-Jew, who was born in Etterbeek, Belgium in 1913. She recounts her father's World War I military service; her mother leaving her to find him in France; joining her mother near Paris in 1916; returning to Belgium in 1918; her parents' divorce; living with her mother; working as a secretary/accountant; distributing anti-German materials in Brussels in 1940; assisting downed Allied pilots through the Resistance; betrayal of their unit; arrest on February 20, 1943; nine months incarceration in St. Gilles; a death sentence in May; deportation to Germany ...

  8. Siegfried H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Siegfried H., who was born in Zdzieci, Poland in 1909. He recalls the family move to Tarnowskie Gory in 1914; attending German school; learning Polish after the area became Poland in 1922; forming a Zionist group; apprenticeship with a pharmaceutical company; attending Polish military officer's school; antisemitic incidents; participating in the Zionist group Akiba; German invasion; rejoining the Polish army; returing to Tarnowskie Gory during the retreat; traveling to Berlin for the Zionist movement; returning home; arrest with a friend while fleeing to Yugoslavia in...

  9. Ildi I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ildi I., who was born in approximately 1933 and raised in Zrenjanin (presently Serbia), Yugoslavia. She recalls her father's military service; being sent with her brother to live with an uncle in Hungarian-occupied territory in 1941 (she never saw her parents again); separation from her brother when she was sent to her maternal aunt (a physician) and grandmother in Subotica; German occupation in 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Ba?csalma?s, another camp in Austria, then Bergen-Belsen; wandering to other areas of the camp; her aunt working in the clinic; betting wit...

  10. Ella and Leon S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ella S., who was born in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland in 1918, and her husband Leon S., who was born in Lv?ov, Ukraine in 1918. Mr. S. describes details of his childhood in Kolomyya as the youngest of six children; attending high school where he edited a literary journal; training as a violinist; attending medical school; and anti-Semitic incidents throughout. Mrs. S. describes her family of four sisters; her parents' emphasis upon higher education; attending medical school in Lv?ov, where she met her husband; the Soviet occupation of Lv?ov and the hardships that resulted; t...

  11. Yosef P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yosef P., who was born in Kletsk, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1923. He recalls attending a Tarbut school, then a Jewish gymnasium in Baranavichy; his family's Zionist leanings; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Soviet occupation in 1939; transfer to a Soviet school; German invasion; forced labor; a round-up in October 1941; his aunt including his family with her working group; thousands of others being shot in a mass killing; ghettoization; policeman surrounding the ghetto in July 1942; setting fire to houses, then escaping with others to a forest; learning his mot...

  12. Yakov S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yakov S., who was born in Slonim, Poland in 1920. He recalls attending Jewish schools; pervasive antisemitism; Soviet occupation in 1939; studying in Lʹviv; returning home to help support his family; working in Białystok; German invasion in 1941; returning home; anti-Jewish restrictions; Polish friends turning on them; ghettoization; forced labor; being caught in a round-up for a mass shooting; being left for dead in the grave; tunneling out at night; returning to the ghetto; his brother advising him not to tell anyone what happened; joining the underground with his b...

  13. Girsh K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Girsh K., who was born in Minsk, Russia in 1914, the fourth of seven children. He recounts his family moving to Moscow in 1916 to avoid the German invasion; returning to Minsk in 1918; hardships under German and Polish invasions; attending a Jewish school; Soviet elimination of Jewish cultural and religious institutions in the 1930s; training as an engineer in Moscow; working in a shoe factory in Minsk; his brothers serving in the military; German occupation; ghettoization with his parents and sisters; round-up of all Jewish men; a mass shooting of all professionals i...

  14. Moshe V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe V., who was born in Pinsk, Russia (presently Belarus), one of three children. He recalls his family's relative affluence; his father's career as a teacher and his mother's as a physician; attending cheder and a Russian primary school; his mother's death in 1924; attending gymnasium starting in 1926; private lessons from a rabbi; attending engineering school in Warsaw; antisemitic harassment; living and working at the orphanage of Janusz Korczak; a summer at Korczak's camp in Gocławek; Korczak's influence leading him to change from engineering to become Korczak's...

  15. Lipa T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lipa T. who was born in Dukla, Poland in 1926. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; antisemitic violence; attending Polish school and cheder; enjoying Shabbat and holiday observances; his parents both working; their relative affluence; his father's military draft; German invasion; forced relocation with his mother and sister to Rymano?w; returning home; finding all their possessions looted by neighbors; forced quarry labor; his father's return after Germany invaded the Soviet Union; being sent to Krako?w with the quarry workers (he never saw his family again); slave lab...

  16. Samuel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel G., who was born in Vinkovci, Croatia in 1920. He recounts cordial relations between ethnic groups; drastic change with the independence of Croatia in 1941; fifteen days imprisonment; anti-Jewish regulations; forced labor; destruction of the synagogue by Ustas?a members and local Germans; re-arrest; helping prisoners targeted for crueler treatment (e.g., the rabbi); release; helping the Jewish community supply food for women and children in Djakovo; organizing the release of fifty-seven children from Djakovo (his family took two); deportation to Jasenovac in Ap...

  17. Celia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celia K., who was born in L?viv, Ukraine (then Poland) in 1935. She recalls their relative affluence; a warm, extended family; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion in 1941; former neighbors turning on them; her father's draft into the Soviet military; ghettoization; harsh conditions including starvation, disease, and frequent deaths; her mother going to a labor camp; hiding on her own during round-ups (adults would not take in a young child fearing exposure); witnessing soldiers violently killing children; escaping with her mother, who had arranged to hide...

  18. Joseph K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph K., who was born in a Polish village near Iwye (presently Iŭe, Belarus), one of five children. He recalls attending the Tarbut school in Iwye (only five out of sixty classmates survived); Soviet occupation; his bar mitzvah in 1939; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization in Iwye; a mass shooting of 2,500 Jews; his father bribing a guard to let them go to Lida; brief imprisonment; release to the Lida ghetto; slave labor on the railroad; his mother arranging his and his brothers' escape to the partisans; joining Tuvia Bielski's brigade; fleeing German attacks; li...

  19. Mark W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mark W., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1917, one of three children. He recounts his family's emigration to Palestine in 1924; their return to ?o?dz? in 1927; his father's successful textile business; studying textile engineering in Verviers beginning in 1935; assisting German anti-Nazis; becoming engaged during a visit home; Germany invasion of Poland; moving to Brussels; his father fleeing to Trieste with assistance from a German associate who was a Nazi; German invasion in 1940; fleeing to Dunkerque, then Paris; being sent to a Polish army camp in central France...

  20. Yoel S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yoel S., who was born in Rus, Romania in 1928, one of four children. He recounts attending a public school, cheder, then a Jewish school in Cluj in 1938; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions, including his school closing; his mother's death; attending carpentry school; returning home; his father's remarriage; deportation with his family to the Dej ghetto, then Auschwitz; separation from his father and younger brother; assignment with his twin brother to the twins barracks; a prisoner smuggling him to the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy Lager); transfer two weeks later ...