
Displaying items 7,401 to 7,420 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Erich and Magdalena Schulhof: family papers

    This collection consists of the family papers of Erich and Magdalena Schulhof, a Jewish family who fled Berlin after they were forced to sell their business due to the increasing Aryanisation of Nazi-Germany in the late 1930s.Personal papers including the couple's school reports and qualifications; birth, death and baptism certificates; naturalisation certificate; passports; papers relating to Erich Schulhof's work and the family's restitution claim; correspondence with family and friends; family portraits and copy of the family history. Also included are the papers of their children and th...

  2. Arno Jacobius: personal correspondence

    This collection contains the personal correspondence of Arno Jacobius, a Jewish boy from Berlin who arrived in England on a Kindertransport in May 1939, aged 14. His stepbrother Roman Gärtner and his uncle Leo Levy emigrated separately to England. Arno's mother, Johanna Jacobius, however perished at Auschwitz concentration camp.Personal correspondence of Arno Jacobius including letters from his mother, his stepbrother Roman Gärtner, his uncle Leo Levy from Kitchener camp in Kent, and other relatives and friends. The correspondence concerns Arno's new life in Scotland, the anticipated e...

  3. Schulim Schatzberg: Personal papers

    This collection contains the personal papers of Schulim Schatzberg, a Jewish dentist from Vienna who was forced to emigrate with his family to England in 1939 as he was persecuted for being Jewish.

    Personal papers of Schulim Schatzberg including papers relating to his military service in the First World War, qualifications and work references, marriage certificate, certificate of residence ('Heimatschein'), letter from the Office of the Reichsminister of the Interior imposing restrictions on him practising dentistry, copy of a letter sent from Dachau concentration camp, and photographs of Sc...

  4. Family life in Pirna, Germany

    DIE PIRNSCHEN - AUGUST 1936. This film shows Manfred "Fred" Hess at home with his wife Trude and two daughters Ursula and Luise. WITH FORK AND KNIFE. CUs, Luise eating. AFTER DINNER, LITTLE TEARS AND LITTLE TUNES. The children play with their father in the living room. Albert Günther Hess (AGH) is teaching the girls piano and playing the guitar for them. DIE ZUHOERERIN (VON EINEN TONKRANK EILINOPERATEUR). CUs, Trude. ANOTHER OPINION. CUs, Luise singing. END OF ACT.

  5. Canadian "Nail" Hitler board and card game with packaging

    1. David Heck collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn37273
    • English
    • 1939
    • a: Height: 8.500 inches (21.59 cm) | Width: 11.500 inches (29.21 cm) b: Height: 24.875 inches (63.183 cm) | Width: 25.000 inches (63.5 cm) c: Height: 11.000 inches (27.94 cm) | Width: 8.000 inches (20.32 cm)

    "Nail" Hitler is an anti-Nazi wartime card game, with an illustrated game board, instruction sheet, and envelope that was made in Canada in 1939. The game board features a center caricature of Hitler; players roll dice to advance around the game route which includes a section called the Chamberlain Umbrella and a No Man's Land. Players are to supply their own deck of cards and chips.

  6. Memorial to Kiev School No. 77 collection

    Contains personal letters, official documents, biographical and autobiographical statements, poems, application forms, school transcripts, and newspaper clippings from both students and teachers of Kiev School Number 77. Some of the documents pertain to students who graduated from the school in either 1939 or 1940, and concern their civil and military service to the Soviet Union during the Second World War. Items regarding the teachers mainly concern arrests made during the 1937-1938 Stalinist Purges. Series I contains the documents from four main students of School No. 77 in Kiev: Pavel Yu...

  7. And behind: THE JEW Poster of a gloating Jewish businessman plotting to promote the war

    1. Gary and Nina Wexler collection

    Anti-Jewish poster that was displayed in the Grand Anti-Masonic Exhibition in Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia), from October 22, 1941, to January 19, 1942. It depicts a Jewish businessman engaged in a conspiracy with Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States to provoke war against Germany. The poster was printed in several languages and distributed in the occupied countries to promote the idea that Jews were manipulating the Allied Powers. The exhibit focused on the alleged Jewish-Communist-Masonic conspiracy to achieve world domination with the intent to increase hatred against o...

  8. Eichmann Trial -- Session 114 -- Closing statement of the Defense

    Session 114. The courtroom is empty, and people mill about. 00:05:26 Judges enter, telling Dr. Servatius to continue. He speaks in German, the tape is interrupted before it is translated. 00:08:06 Tape jumps, Servatius says that Geshke and Winkelmann had precedence over Eichmann where relevant. Servatius says that the SS orders were meant to be followed, regardless of Eichmann's orders. 00:10:29 Tape is interrupted by a slate. The implementation of the extermination is questioned. Servatius says that orders did not arrive through Eichmann's office, and any complaints, if there were any, wen...

  9. Defendants plead not guilty; Jackson opens the Nuremberg IMT

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 20, 1945. MSs, Tribunal enters courtroom. MLS, German attorney makes statement to court and Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard advising the defendants that they may consult with their lawyers. Justice Lawrence stresses that provisions according to Art. 24 will be followed by the court. Apparently, this refers to the fact that defendants, in their final statement, could only plead "guilty" or "not guilty," but otherwise would not be allowed to make any statements. The defense had complained that the defendants had only been informed about ...

  10. Sentencing Frank, Frick, Streicher, Funk, Schacht, Doenitz at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MLS, and MS, prisoners as verdict against Hans Frank is read. Frank is guilty under counts three and four [screen goes black for a few seconds]. There is a dispute with Himmler mentioned about the type of legal system in Germany. Shots of defendants as French Justice speaks about Wilhelm Frick (in French). Frick is guilty under counts two, three, and four, providing the political history, then saying that he knew about the systematic murder of old, weak, sick people, but did not take action to stop it. Justice Geoffr...

  11. Theresia Bauer papers

    The Theresia Bauer papers consist of genealogical books, identification papers, and apprenticeship, military, and accounting records documenting the Bauer family of Horitschon (Austria) and the Koller family of Neckenmarkt (Austria), Theresia Bauer’s participation in the Bund Deutscher Mädel, and Stefan Bauer’s captivity as a Soviet POW after World War II. Theresia Bauer documents include a genealogical book and a picture of Theresia with other Bund Deutscher Mädel girls at a political event in the village. Stefan Bauer documents include a genealogical book, two apprenticeship diplomas, an ...

  12. Gina Rappaport memoir

    Consists of a copy of a memoir, 4 pages, written by Gina Rappaport of Kraków, Poland, immediately after her liberation in April 1945. In the memoir, Gina describes her memories of the German occupation of Kraków, her family's decision to flee to Tarnów, Poland, the actions of the summer of 1941, the family's deportation to Bergen-Belsen, and their liberation in April 1945.

  13. Records of the Mayor of Budapest (BFL IV. 1402-1429)

    Collection contains correspondence, meeting minutes, applications, decisions, letters of denunciation, and other documents. Topics include the military, commerce, public health, and transport; the Jewish community and Zionist organizations; citizenship and residence questions; appointments, dismissals, and retirements; disciplinary actions; charitable work; and the confiscation and redistribution of Jewish property.

  14. Nazi, Mauthausen, Belsen, and Auschwitz war criminals tried

    World in Film. Issue no. 43 (1948) 03:30:14 "NUREMBERG AND MAUTHAUSEN." Mauthausen trial: March -- May 1947. Title: "Zwei Prozesse: Nuernberg und Mauthausen." LS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H Jackson speaking. Pan, prisoners box showing Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess, at first trial. German voice over Jackson's, as he details how "a thousand Kaltenbrunners," "a thousand Saukels," etc - were at work within the Nazi organizations. MCUs, Gruber, Grand, Green, SS men standing trial. Pan of Mauthausen criminals. Seated in court, they are compelled to remove shoe laces, etc. to prevent suicide atte...

  15. Pogroms, gold fillings, murders in Latvia and Lithuania described in Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 443) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 21, December 13 & 14, 1945. RVs, Major Walsh, US prosecutor, reading original Nazi letters which describe pogroms and other actions taken against the Jews in Latvia and Lithuania. He further reads documentation on the removal of gold teeth and fillings from the mouths of Jews before their annihilation. "Actions," burning of synagogues, etc., in Riga and other areas. LS, courtroom, waiting. Reading of memo by SS Brigadefuehrer Stahlecker to Himmler (10/15/41) reporting a pogrom, "Aktion Gruppe" : "To our surprise, not easy at fi...

  16. Battle for Kharkov

    Map showing the "southern sector of the front." Troops marching in the area of "Donez" (Donets'k) and "Ckarkow" (Kharkov). Odessa and the Dnieper River also appear on the map. German troops marching and riding bicycles along a road. Shots of horse-drawn carts and soldiers on horseback from a ground-level perspective. A German soldier rides a camel down the road, because "the Asian border is not far away." A plane flies overhead; we see the line of horse-drawn carts and a gasoline storage facility from its perspective. From the perspective of the ground again, we see German soldiers rolling ...

  17. German soldiers in Germany

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. "Mit dem Stab der 257. Inf. Div. im Krieg (schwarzweiss film)” “Tankabwehr an der Strasse Einod-Gersheim nordl. Von Webenheim” Trucks driving. A tank is buried into the side of a hill. “Offene Feuerstellung einer 10 cm Kanonenbatterie Nordausgang Herbitzheim.” A cannon at the base of a tree in a field. “Auf der landstrasse im Bliestal.” A soldier gets into a car on the road. “Gesprengte Eisenbahnbrucke bei Breitfurt.” A soldier walks ac...

  18. War Crimes Trials: film used as evidence in Ministries' Case (#11)

    Case XI, Ministries-Keppler, "German Entry into Austria", Vienna, Austria, 1938. German Narration. German army motorcade up country hill road, people salute from roadside (wearing swastika). POV car, into Vienna. A procession of cars and trucks enters Vienna. The Nazis are cheered and saluted as they pass public buildings. Crowds, HJ. Civilians parade also, chanting Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuehrer. HAS crowds at city center, German soldiers control crowd, CUs, children wave small Nazi flags. Hitler rides in open car through the streets with Seyss-Inquart in some shots, in other shots Seyss...

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Ship launching at Swedish harbor; Red Cross ships with POWs

    1021 V (09:06:25): Managing Director Heden in office. Gothenburg ship-building and launchings: Tug attending launching. Bows of ship. LS, stern of ship and harbor. Deck of a newly-built ship, waiting to be put to sea since the outbreak of war. View along the deck. Ship entering floating dock. Ship-building yard showing lower deck plates of ship. Director Heden and his wife ascending stairs prior to launching. Ship's side with flag decorations. Launching platform with ship's bows. View of shipyard. MS, launching platform. Mrs. Heden coming down steps with bouquet. Launching of the ship. Gene...

  20. General Władysław Anders collection Kolekcja Generala Wladyslawa Andersa (KGA.11)

    Contains papers of Władysław Anders, General of the Polish Armed Forces in Exile. Also includes a journal of the activities of General Anders, 7 August 1941-27 March 1945, and speeches, orders, statements, studies, notes and correspondence.