
Displaying items 7,221 to 7,240 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. George F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George F., who was born in Abau?jsza?nto?, Hungary in 1925 and raised in Budapest. He recalls exclusion from higher education due to Jewish quotas; a printer's apprenticeship starting in 1940; forced labor in 1942; stealing letterhead to make false papers for others; German invasion in 1944; organizing an underground; draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; organizing an escape; recapture; contacts by underground colleagues leading to planned sabotage; escaping to Budapest; posing as a non-Jew; forced labor for Todt in Austria; a death march to Mauthausen in Dec...

  2. Jaak S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jaak S., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1917, one of two brothers. He recounts his father's death when he was seven; a totally assimilated lifestyle; visits to his maternal grandparents in Leipzig; his older brother mentoring him; attending school to be a diamond cutter; working with his mother (she had a boarding house/restaurant/public bath), and in his uncle's diamond business; military service in the mid-1930s; recall when Germany invaded in May 1940; ruining as much ordnance as they could when defeat was imminent; surrendering at Bruges; arrest en route home...

  3. Robert M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert M., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1927. He recalls moving to Berlin in 1930; Hermann Go?ring living in their apartment house; returning to Amsterdam in 1935 due to Nazism; his parents' divorce; living with his father and sister; German invasion in May 1940; his bar mitzvah; his father's arrest as a prominent Dutch official, not as a Jew, by Ferdinand aus der Fu?nten; his father's return after six months; a German woman warning them of round-ups; being caught and released once; hiding with his father and sister after a warning; their Jewish housekeep...

  4. Lillian E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lillian E., who was born in L?vov, Poland in 1929, and raised in Przemys?l. She recalls her father's important position as an attorney for the government and military; their affluence; inheriting her grandmothers' jewelry, which later saved their lives; her sister's birth in 1939; German invasion; her father's escape; billeting a German doctor; Soviet occupation; visiting her cousin in Zaleshchiki in June 1941; German invasion; smuggling herself home; trading possessions for food; former non-Jewish servants assisting them; her father's arrest and execution; ghettoizat...

  5. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Poland in 1925. Mr. K. recounts German invasion; deportation with his brother to Gross-Masselwitz; slave labor; a German anti-Nazi guard suggesting he damage goods on the loading dock; sharing food with his brother; burying dead prisoners in the Wroc?aw Jewish cemetery; transfer with his brother to Klettendorf; an SS man from his hometown protecting him and his brother; transfer to Gross-Rosen; a public hanging; transfer to another camp; a death march; liberation by United States troops in Feldafing; his brother's return to Poland; traveling t...

  6. Jacques S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques S., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1913, one of four children. In addition to information in a previously cataloged testimony, Mr. S. recounts playing violin as a youth in a Maccabi orchestra; his Greek commander issuing him, his brother, and others false papers as non-Jews so they could safely return home from front-line military services when Greece was defeated; refusing offers from non-Jews to hide in order to remain with his pregnant wife; encounters with Nazi officials Dieter Wisliceny and Alois Brunner; playing the violin in the camp hospital ...

  7. Israel Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel Z., who was born in S?omniki, Poland in 1922, the youngest of four children and only son. He recalls his family's affluence; their Hasidic orthodoxy; attending public school and cheder; antisemitic harassment; attending high school in Krako?w; German invasion; arrest with his father; transfer to Miecho?w; execution of his father and another man; burying them; returning home; his mother and sisters hiding with non-Jews, obtaining false papers, and living as non-Jews; deportation to Bierzano?w; death losing meaning for him; mass killings as reprisals for escape a...

  8. Aron S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aron S., who was born in Kolomyi?a?, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1918. He recalls conflict with his Hasidic father over his Zionism; his father's death in 1930; the emigration of three sisters to the United States; antisemitic harassment; joining the Polish army; demobilization in Przemys?l; returning home; Soviet occupation; conscription into the Soviet army in May 1941; German invasion; marching through Chortkiv to Poltava; being wounded; eight months' recovery in a military hospital; working in the Ural mountains; re-mobilization; advancing to Berlin; not believi...

  9. Shalom M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shalom M., who was born in Z?epc?e, Yugoslavia (presently Bosnia and Hercegovina). He recalls military draft in 1941; being wounded and taken prisoner; transport to Stalag III A; sabotaging the work they were forced to do; escaping on a cargo train to Yugoslavia in April 1942; returning home; learning the Jewish community had been deported, with the exception of his parents (they were protected by a non-Jew); arrest and torture by Ustas?a, including former schoolmates; imprisonment in Travnik; transport to Jasenovac; slave labor; sadistic killings by Ustas?a guards; a...

  10. Peretz H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peretz H., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1927, the fifth of six children. He recounts harassment as the only Jew in his public school class; his oldest brother's military draft in 1938; German invasion; learning his brother was taken as a Soviet prisoner of war; another brother leaving to find him; anti-Jewish abuse and restrictions; ghettoization; his father's death from starvation; his older two brothers escaping; smuggling food into the ghetto with his younger brother Zalman; escaping to live as non-Jews; singing Polish songs for food and money; several escapes...

  11. William M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William M., who was born in Cherniyev, Poland in 1925. He recalls a strict, Orthodox family life; extreme poverty; pervasive antisemitism; Soviet, Hungarian, and German occupations; forced transfer to the Stanislav ghetto; hanging of Jewish police, including his brother, for not delivering a required number of Jews; forced labor on a farm; smuggling stolen food to his family; digging graves for a mass killing, which he witnessed; obtaining a Polish birth certificate; escaping from the ghetto; traveling to Ozeri?a?ny, posing as a Pole; working for farmers; attending ch...

  12. Moshe S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moshe S., a twin, who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1929. He recounts his mother's dental practice; his family's affluence; attending a Hebrew school; summering in Kulautuva; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Soviet occupation; compulsory membership in Komsomol; German invasion in June 1941; ghettoization; round-up of his father, uncle, and grandmother (they never saw them again); working as a carpenter and handyman; his mother hiding him and his twin brother during round-ups; his and his mother's assignments to factory slave labor; his mother treating patients; t...

  13. Anna S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna S., who was born in Podkamen?, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1923, one of eight children. She recalls attending school; Soviet occupation; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; joining her boyfriend to work on a village mayor's farm; hiding in the woods with her father, brothers, boyfriend, and other relatives; digging a bunker for the winter; their discovery; building another bunker in a different location; working for farmers in the spring; building another bunker; becoming ill; her brother leaving to obtain medication; announcing when he returned that the...

  14. David D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David D., who was born in Sierpc, Poland in 1923, one of five children. He recalls German invasion in 1939; one brother's death in the Polish military; forced transfer with his family to Warsaw; living with an uncle; working outside of Warsaw; providing food for his family; his parents' deaths from starvation; trying to persuade his sister and brother to leave with him (they refused); traveling to Racia?z?; briefly returning to Warsaw for his siblings (they would not join him); ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; finding a cousin; assignment to masonry s...

  15. Elsa R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elsa R., who was born in Lu?beck, Germany, in 1908. Ms. R. tells of leaving her family in 1929 to work in Munich; antisemitism; disillusionment with her Christian fiance, who alone knew she was Jewish; and obtaining a post in Turin, Italy in 1935 with the help of an anti-Nazi company official. She relates visiting her sister in Rome; friendship with her firm's Turin representative; the 1938 laws expelling all foreign Jews; unsuccessful attempts to obtain an American visa; her friends' bribery of police, so her file might be "lost"; arrest; transport in 1940 to a women...

  16. Charlotte S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charlotte S., who was born in Paris, France in 1926. She recalls attending a Jewish school; refugees from Poland and Germany arriving in the 1930s; her father enlisting in the military after the outbreak of war; anti-Jewish measures in 1940; arrest with her parents and younger brother on July 16, 1942; her release; unsuccessful attempts to find her parents and brother in the Ve?lodrome d'hiver; her oldest sister's deportation to Drancy; receiving a letter from her younger brother (she later learned of their fate from a book by Eric Conan); her older brother fleeing to...

  17. David O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David O., who was born in a Polish village in 1916, one of five children. He describes his orthodox childhood, attending a local public school and cheder; his bar mitzvah in 1929; attending yeshivahs in Kielce and Be?dzin; living on an orthodox hachsharah for a year, preparing to emigrate to Palestine; working in Olkusz; conscription into the Polish military in March 1939; German invasion six months later; capture by Germans; a Polish farmer informing him Jews were being sent away; escaping with assistance from the farmer; returning home; his mother's death in 1941; h...

  18. Sonia H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonia H., who was born in Oleye?vo-Korole?vka, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1933. She remembers cordial relations with non-Jews; Soviet occupation; her father hiding to avoid deportation to Siberia; Hungarian, then German invasion in 1941; hiding in bunkers in her grandmother's house; her paternal grandparents being caught in a round-up; moving to Bi?lche to hide in a grotto; her mother and sister being caught; their release after her father bribed officials; hiding in her father's friend's barn, a forest, then another grotto beginning in May 1943; local peasants pro...

  19. Martin H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin H., who was born in 1929 in a small village, one of four children. He recalls his family's affluence; moving to Prague; recuperating from an illness in Banin; living with his grandparents in his birth village due to his health; attending cheder and public school; his younger brother joining him in 1938; Hungarian occupation; illegally traveling to Budapest; living with a Jewish family in IV. Keru?let; becoming ill; admission to a Joint hospital; returning to his birth village; ghettoization in Khust; hiding with his brother; round-up to the train station; depor...

  20. Pawel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pawel K., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1919, the youngest of four children. Mr. K. recalls attending a private school; his father's death in 1937; antisemitic harassment; participating in Betar; enlisting in the Polish military in 1939; German invasion; traveling to Warsaw; Polish surrender; brief incarceration as a POW; returning to ?o?dz?; one brother fleeing east; posing as a non-Jew to assist his mother and sister; joining his brother in Soviet-occupied Bia?ystok (he never saw his mother again); moving to Slonim; German invasion in June 1941; brief incarcerat...