
Displaying items 7,141 to 7,160 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Ruins of Warsaw, Poland 1946

    Opens in 1946- Warsaw, Poland, snow covered ground and destroyed buildings; military vehicle and electric bus pass by one of the destroyed buildings, cut to horse drawn carriages going down these same streets. 01:01:00:00 The destroyed DEUTSCHE BANK, a horse and carriage move through the frame. More destroyed building facades. 01:01:20:24 1946, Warsaw, Poland, MCU of a young boy making the sign of the cross at a cemetery. VS of wooden crosses and grave markers (name placards) for the dead, several names and dates listed: 1941, 1942, etc. Men, women and children pay their respects; children ...

  2. Nazi Party Rally (Nuremberg): Armed Forces Day

    LSs of tanks, artillery, troops with shovels marching in Nuremberg stadium. Closer shots of same. VAR views of lines of troops (some with shirts off) in stadium. Labor corps (RAD) units with shovels march past camera. More tanks. VAR views of huge masses of troops lined up in stadium, march by with flags. Labor Corps units goosestep in review, other RAD units parade shirtless. POV same from stands filled with SS, party officials, at ground level, from over shoulder of BDM and troops on field. Hitler in car, MCU, takes the salute of passing units. Viewing stands in BG. Note: The party rally ...

  3. Nazi atrocities and other newsreels

    "Nazi Atrocities" segment of US Army "Special Film Report" (part of reels 3 and 4). Evidence of atrocities in several captured German concentration camps, including Holzen, Paderborn, Hadamar, and Ohrdruf. LS, camp entrance in Holzen, Germany. MS, CUs, Russian, Polish, Czech and Jewish prisoners behind barbed-wire fence, smiling. Undernourished prisoners. MS, EXT men standing along barracks. VCUs, individual faces. MS, picking lice from body of another. Pan of survivors, facing camera. Former Russian prisoners raid food stores at Paderborn camp. Crowd pushing, eating from tins. US Army jeep...

  4. Nazi mythology

    As expressed by this film's subtitle, "Allegory of our History and Life," the German forest is a symbol for the German people. The film describes the intimate relationship between peaceful Germans and wood from the Germanic times of Arminius to the present. It draws an analogy between the vertical German tree and the upright German peasant-soldier. In contrast, the aggressive alien is shown as destroying beloved trees, thus destroying the German people. This mystical relationship between man and nature is grounded in the organic idea of a pure-blooded Volksgemeinschaft [ethnic-racial commun...

  5. Ruth B. Mandel papers

    The Ruth B. Mandel papers consist of biographical materials and photographs documenting the Blumenstock family from Vienna, their effort to immigrate to the United States via Cuba aboard the MS St. Louis, and their refuge in England during the war, and their immigration to the United States in 1947. Biographical materials include certificates, correspondence, certificates, identification papers, travel documents, and military papers documenting the Blumenstock family’s efforts to immigrate to the United States via Cuba, their refuge in England, Mechel Blumenstock’s service with the British ...

  6. Polish prewar Catholic film: gathering, ceremony, celebration, speech

    Polish titles, mainly music track. Opens with quote from Ignacy Moscicki. Church seen from various angles. Madonna and child superimposed in the sky above the town. Religious procession along a road and in boats down a river, to 00:24:23. Singing. Bells tolling 00:26:15. Townspeople stream along the streets towards the ceremony. Train coming down the tracks. Children in ethnic costume present flowers to honored guest. A plaque bearing the name of Jozef Pilsudski (who died in 1935) is unveiled, former head of the Polish government and Poland's representative at Versailles. Man gives a speech...

  7. Ackner and Geller families collection

    1. Ackner and Geller families collection

    The Ackner and Geller families papers include birth, marriage, and death certificates; school and military records; immigration papers; photographs; and printed materials documenting the Ackner and Geller families from Vienna, Austria, their lives before the Holocaust, their immigration to the United States, and Sheldon Geller’s World War II service.

  8. Selected records of the Province of Łódź Urząd Wojewódzki Łódzki (Sygn.166)

    Correspondence, reports and other documents relating to granting of Polish citizenship, passport matters, religious matters, establishing cemeteries, Jewish religious community of Łódź, some hundreds of associations or federations or other Jewish organizations from Łódź and its entire province (mainly of mutual help, education and sport), as well as physicians’ personal files and from the Department of Social and Political Issues, Voivod’s reports of 1926-1939, which constitute documentation of the social and political life of the entire region of Łódź, including Polish-Jewish relations dur...

  9. Visiting Berlin and Potsdam

    Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church and the Gloria Palast theatre. Cars drive under the overpass as a train moves across it. “HEILIGE FLAMME” Woman stands in a park by a lake. She walks on a small bridge. Four people on horses. Boat on the lake. Hans Lindemann. Men row in a small harbor. Two classical sculptures. Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam. Terraced gardens on the palace grounds. Intertitle [mistranslation]: “‘Sans souci’ means ‘I should worry.’” People walk through the Sanssouci gardens. The Orangery Palace, Grand Colonnade of the Palace, Neues Palais with two great curved staircases leading u...

  10. Ruhr; shipbuilding; Doenitz; Dutch war volunteers; Rommel; troops

    Reel 1: Part 1, 10th anniversary of the death of Professor Paul Ludwig Troost; still photos of Troost and shots of the House of German Art and the Koenigliche Platz in Munich. 01:02:06 Part 2, The Ruhr: Captain Ruempler (Oak Leaves) and his comrades visit a mine, and go underground; shots of the miners and the soldiers. 01:02:50 Part 3, Germany: report on the hard and dangerous work of stevedoring; loading and unloading ships; ships with the coat of arms of Bremen. 01:03:40 Part 4, Stettin: Day of maritime transport, January 19, 1944; Admiral Doenitz speaks (no original sound); among the au...

  11. Burial at Belsen

    LS (very jumpy at first) of scattered bodies, Nazis push two truckloads through field while British troops urge them on. Nazis look very haggard. MS to female SS in trailer, followed by a trailer with British troops. Crowd of women ex-prisoners gathered, clapping, rush after Nazis, angry. MLS of bulldozer digging communal grave. Lorry passes with female SS and accompanying British guard. SS women unload corpses from truck and carry bodies to edge of communal grave where they are dropped in. Male SS doing the same at the other end of the grave. MS of women carrying and swinging corpses into ...

  12. Neusustrum camp in the region of Emsland

    Neusustrum was a detention camp for homosexuals and other political prisoners. Filmed by Willhelm Niemann, teacher and member of the SA. Country fields and barn-like structures in Germany. Three children sit in front of a house with a sloped roof. A young boy swings around a horizontal bar set up in the trees. 10:01:43 “Am Grenzgraben.” People work in a hay field while German officers stand nearby. Two officers in a field look through binoculars. Officers walk out of a property entrance. 10:02:52 CU face of a German officer. A stream. Train tracks through fields and trees. Hayfields. Sheep ...

  13. Global Structures Convocation panel discussion on UN reforms

    Panel Discussion: "Case for Comprehensive Reforms of the UN" Global Structures Convocation, Crystal City, VA. February 3-6,1994. (tape 50 in conference series) Panelists include: Benjamin Ferencz, John Logue (director of the Common Heritage Institute; president of World Federalist Association), Tad Daley (executive director of Campaign for a New UN Charter), and Benton Musselwhite (president of One World Now). The moderator is Melinda Burrell. Ferencz discusses his twenty years of dedicated work on trying to create a rational world order. He expresses great concern about the lack of enforce...

  14. Friends and family in prewar Germany

    Friends walk past the camera outdoors. Children pose for the camera and play. Baby cries. The girl smiles and waves. Ethel Lindemann (?) holds the toddler and waves. More shots of the group walking in a park, well-dressed, laughing, man with hat and cane carries a camera. 01:01:21 Pan, family home with parked car, the family exits their home, smiling and waving and smoking. CUs, girl plays, some snow on the ground. Adults and toddler take a walk.

  15. Michael Goldin papers

    1. Michal Goldin collection

    Collection of publications: “Goniec Obozowy” published by and for the interned Polish Military in Switzerland. Cpl. Michael Goldin (donor’s maternal uncle) joined the Polish Army in France in 1940 was later interned with the Second Polish Division in Switzerland. In 1943 Cpl. Goldin reached UK where he rejoined Polish Forces; he participated in the invasion of Normandy and was killed in France while trying to rescue an ambulance with wounded soldiers. Includes a citation from Commander in Chief; Soldier’s pay book with last will; school notebook c. 1936, Warsaw, Poland; Postcards from UK; P...

  16. Postwar destruction of German city; US soldiers celebrate

    Pan of desolate grounds and destruction of buildings at an airfield in Stuttgart(?). A small aircraft flies in the sky. Remnants of demolished German airplanes and their skeletons on the ground. Street scenes, a civilian with a briefcase walks towards the camera. Pan of bomb destruction. Camera focuses on "The Churchill Machine Tool CO LTD Manchester England" engraving. Piles of debris on the ground. Extensive damage, ruins. 01:18:52 CU of U.S. Army jeep. An officer with a mustache talks to someone off camera while standing next to the vehicle holding the steering wheel. He and another offi...

  17. Funeral for Henri Barbusse in Moscow

    Titles in French: "Le grand ecrivain et apotre de la pais e Asnieres en 1873 est mort a Moscou le 30 Aout 1935 au Kremlin" Amateur-looking footage - family poses in lobby for photography, child in center, camera on tripod at left. Family leaves building, walks down stairs, departs in automobile. Sign in Cyrillic letters. Title: "Le 9 Septembre Moscou fait au champion de la lutte cont a guerre et le facis des obseques grandioses" Top of flag posts with bronze hammer and sickle. Title: "L'hommage du Comite Central Executif des Soviets e l'URSS" CU, wreath sash with name in Cyrillic, next to g...

  18. Siege of Warsaw, reel 2

    Fires at night. Blazing apartments. CU flames, through windows. Burning area. Dead horse dragged. Several dead horses. Severely damaged apartment block. Dead woman on grass near bricks - CUs. Hospital and wounded. Nurses attending to the injured in beds, cleaning wounds. Maternity ward, doctor, newborns. Julien Bryan talking to female doctor. Caring for a wounded man (Jewish), patients' heads being shaved. Priest speaking with a Jewish man. VS, men in hospital beds. Potato fields on outskirts of Warsaw: after German strafing. Women pass bodies in the potato field - wooden huts visible in BG...

  19. Hitler's birthday; charity; Roehm; Goering in Rome

    Celebration of Hitler's 44th birthday in Berlin, including flags flying and the SA planting a "Hitler Linden" tree. The narrator notes that nobody will go hungry on the Chancellor's birthday. A scene shows the collection of money for charity through sales of Edelweiss flowers. Close-up of hands holding "Hitler-Geburtstagspende." Shot of people using or exchanging the vouchers (for money?). Location switches to Munich, where a group of SA men, including Ernst Roehm, places a large wreath at the memorial for the fallen heroes of the NSDAP movement. A band plays while the men carry the wreath ...