
Displaying items 6,841 to 6,860 of 7,748
  1. Stephanie Brady and Walter and Paula Bolton: personal papers

    Readers should reserve a reading room terminal to access this digital contentThis collection contains the personal papers of Viennese Jewish refugees Walter and Paula Bolton, and Steffi Brady (née Kohn).Personal papers including copy correspondence by Josef and Jenny Hausmann from Camp de Recebedou, photograph of a class taught by Josef Hausmann, copy articles relating to the school in Karlsruhe where Hausmann worked; and paper entitled 'Die zerschlagene Tafel - Jüdisches Leben in Durlach'. 

  2. Waging peace: Darfur children's drawings and other material

    Readers need to book a reading room terminal to consult a digital copy of this material

  3. Peter Gray collection

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access this digital content

  4. Frank Steiner: Family papers

    This collection comprises the following folders: (1869/1) Correspondence from parents to Willi and Franz, 1938-1939; (1869/2) Correspondence between parents, Willi and Franz and Max Steiner (1874-1942), father's eldest brother, 1938-1942; (1869/3) Correspondence from parents to Franz and Willi, 1938-1943; (1869/4) Correspondence from Julian Halberstam to Willi and Franz, 1939-1951, also biographical material on the family; (1869/5) Correspondence from Julian Halberstam in Saanen, Switzerland, to Willi and Franz, 1951-1956; (1869/6) Correspondence from parents in Budapest to Willi and Franz,...

  5. Kurt Weinberg: Family and business papers

    This collection comprises the papers of the Weinberg family, cigar manufacturers of Werther, North Rhine-Westphalia : business papers- including contracts, consigment notes, accounts, tax details, loan contracts, land register entries for the property of the Weinberg family; family papers including marriage agreements, wills, powers of attorney, correspondence 

  6. American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. European Executive Bureau in Paris, France (Fond 722)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Consist of records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. European Executive Bureau in Paris: an organization statute, registration forms, files of the New York office; correspondence with branches in Riga, Budapest, Warsaw, and other European cities; and the Red Cross. Includes correspondence on visas and aid for emigrants, on the arrest of JDC official Isaac Gitterman, funding the evacuation of the Executive Committee from Paris to Bordeaux, and plans for refugee settlement in Haiti and South America. Other documents include cables on the hardships of Jews in Warsaw, a repor...

  7. I'm An American -- Béla Schick

    1. "I'm An American" NBC radio broadcasts

    On January 19, 1941 Dr. Béla Schick discussed democracy and healthcare with Dr. Henry B. Hazard of the US. Department of Justice. Schick claims, “Only once you have seen the effects of war on children can one understand what it really causes.” He refers to stories of starving Austrian refugee children being brought to Hungary during WWI. He compares the environments of minors living in war-torn Europe and tranquil America. He explains the reason for growing medical advancement in America as opposed to Europe. Dr. Schick warns that although the United States is safe, has resources, high livi...

  8. Maurice Horoit. Collection

    In this interview Maurice Horoit alias Horowitz talks about: his youth in Antwerp, Belgium ; antisemitism in Antwerp ; his friends at the Tachkemoni school ; fleeing to and hiding in France ; making his way to Switzerland with his brother and surviving there ; the reunion with his parents and their repatriation to Belgium.

  9. Bequest Brunner family

    The Brunner family was a German-speaking Jewish-Czech family from Saaz or Žatec, northwest of Prague. Hilde Brunner, born in Saaz on November 20, 1904, as Hildegard Lang, was a successful violinist. She was musically trained since her childhood. Later, she studied at the Deutsche Musikakademie in Prague and was instructed among others by Henri Marteau and Otakar Ševcik. She completed the academy's masterclass in 1924. During and after her education, she gave many concerts, sometimes together with her sister Margit Lang who played the piano. In 1929, Hilde married Hanno or Hans Brunner. Thei...

  10. Medicinalstyrelsen

    • National Board of Health
    • Riksarkivet
    • Medicinalstyrelsen
    • English
    • 1868-1967

    The Medical Board's archives include documents relating to the care of concentration camp survivors who came to Sweden in 1945 through the Red Cross and the UNRRA operation. There are documents relating to patients, hospitals, camps and staff. The National Board's archive, 1945 refugee health care includes the series _ Medical index cards regarding refugees_ (Läkarkort rörande flyktingar) D 2. The series contains 16 boxes of medical cards of survivors, and documents from certain immigration centers and emergency hospitals, patient registers and patient rolls from various emergency hospita...

  11. Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940

    Collection of the Protestantsch Hulp Comité voor Uitgewekenen om Ras en Geloof (Protestant Help Committee to Refugees of Race or Religion) in the Netherlands, 1939-1940 The aim of the Protestant Committee was to give help to Jewish or "partially" Jewish refugees who had been baptized to Christianity, or "Aryans" who were married to Jews; Included in the collection: Circulars, notes and correspondence related to the Protestant Help Committee in Amsterdam, 1940; Correspondence between the committee's chairman Professor V. H. Rutgers and various organizations and persons, including the Central...

  12. Collection of Westerbork camp, 1940-1945

    Collection of Westerbork camp, 1940-1945 Westerbork camp was established by the Dutch authorities as a refugee camp, following the influx of Jewish refugees who arrived from Germany in 1933; the refugees were permitted to leave the camp until 1940, when the Germans surrounded Westerbork camp with a fence and established that the camp would be transferred to the auspices of the Ministry of Justice; the Germans changed the designation of the camp to a transit camp for deported Jews, under the supervision of the Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in 1941; 101,525 persons were regis...

  13. Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954

    Collection of David Cohen, head of the Joodsche Raad voor Amsterdam (Jewish Council) and leader of the Jewish community in the Netherlands, 1922-1954 Included in the collection: Testimonies in favor of Professor David Cohen, from a trial held against him after the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands, 1947-1948; Various documents submitted by Professor David Cohen to his lawyers during the trial held against him and against A. Asscher in the Netherlands after the war, 1947-1949; Documents regarding the possibilities for emigration for Jews from the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation perio...

  14. Songs recorded in Henonville DP camp

    Spool 06. 22 min. Psychologist David Boder recorded interviews in displaced persons camps in France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy in 1946. His wire spool recordings were deposited at the Library of Congress and later transferred to tape in 1995. USHMM located this lost recording with songs of Henonville in 2017. "Songs of Henonville" was recorded in Henonville, France on September 13, 1946. Songs include: 1. "Dos yidishe lid" (The Jewish Song) by Anshel Schorr and Sholom Secunda (USA, 1926). Performed in Yiddish as "Golus-lid" (Exile Song) by Dzhuel [Joel] Prizant. 2. "Aheym" (Homeward). ...

  15. French resistance leaflets

    Leaflets, newspapers, and documents from resistance organizations in the south of France.

  16. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Moshe D., 55 year old, from Warsaw. He and all his family were in Brok for the High Holidays at the beginning of the war. Returning to Warsaw, they found much of the city destroyed by German bombardment. The author provides a detailed list of streets and areas destroyed, showing the massive scale of the damage and notes that human casualties numbered in the hundreds. He notes the prominence of Warsaw Jews in civilian relief efforts and defense effort, and their all-round contribution. After the Germans entered Warsaw, the author describes them providing food t the population by...

  17. Sender Mines fonds

    Fonds consists of photographs, International Refugee Organization (IRO) documents, court document, correspondence, and German driver’s license relating to the life of Sender Mines. Fonds has been arranged in the following series: SM photographs series (1922–[195-]), SM IRO documents series (1949–1951), Court document series (1951), and Bund der Verfolgten des Naziregimes e.V. (BVN) correspondence series (1951).

  18. Selma Kahn Papers

    The collection consists mainly of unpublished manuscripts of autobiographical novels, short stories and poetry by Selma Kahn in various versions. Unfortunately, many of her manuscripts are undated, so that it is not always possible to clarify when a text was written. Her novels are largely autobiographical and focus on subjects including the First World War, the rise of national socialism in rural Germany, the Holocaust, refugee experience and the experience of return to Germany. The collection also contains a small number of documents and photos relating to Selma Kahn's personal and family...

  19. Papers of Rabbi Solomon Schonfeld

    Standard Siddur Prayer Book Personal and family papers: correspondence, 1900-84; birth certificates, passports, documentation from the University of Knigsberg; insurance and financial papers; diaries, 1926-82 (with gaps); papers of Judith Schonfeld (ne Hertz), including correspondence and notes, 1930s to 1987; correspondence and papers of Dr Avigdor Schonfeld, 1909-30, with a minute book of the Chevra Ben Zakkai, 1918-23 (MS 183/829/2); Hertz family papers, 1888-1984 Semi-official papers: papers as presiding rabbi of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations, 1946-80, including minutes of ...

  20. [Testimonies given in Vilnius by Jewish refugees from German occupied Poland]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    Testimony of Motl Greier, 19 year old yeshiva student, son of a leather merchant, from Markuszów, by Lublin. He reports that at the beginning fo the war he was at his parents' home, in Markuszów, and left it for Lublin. The heavy bombardment of German planes destroyed the town almost entirely with incendiaries. From Lublin he set out on his way to Lukow which was under Russian control. He describes antisemitism and anger toward Jews among the Polish population specifically because they welcomed the Soviet army. He recounts an account of a man he met on the road concerning the fate of Lukow'...