
Displaying items 6,841 to 6,860 of 10,858
  1. Selected records related to the evacuation of civilians to Armenia during World War II

    Records related to the evacuation of civilians to Armenia during World War II that includes information about resettlement, employment, financial aid, food supplies and medical assistance provided by the local authorities to evacuees and refugees. Includes lists of evacuees arriving to Armenia from various regions of the former USSR, lists of Polish refugees repatriated to Poland and Jews evacuated from various locations, correspondence of the local authorities pertaining to settlement and employment of evacuees and refugees, statistics, reports, lists of communists, etc.

  2. Nuremberg. Guilty! Nuremberg war crimes trial poster proclaiming guilty with Hitler as a grinning skull

    1. World War II antisemitic and anti-Nazi poster collection

    Poster created by Jurgen Freese for the Nuremberg Trials in 1946. The poster depicts the head of Hitler as a skull. After the end of the war and the defeat of Nazi Germany, Allied occupation authorities in Germany used posters such as this one to emphasize the criminal nature of the Nazi regime. An International Military Tribunal (IMT) was convened at Nuremberg, Germany, soon after the end of World War II on May 7, 1945. It purpose was to seek justice for crimes against humanity, evidenced by the Holocaust, perpetrated by Nazi Germany. In October 1945, the IMT formally indicted the Nurember...

  3. Testimonies and transcripts of World War II Jewish veterans

    Contains transcripts of interviews and articles regarding Jewish World War II veterans provided by the staff of the Judaica Institute in Kiev. Although the documents are primarily transcribed interviews of the veterans, there are some first and third person biographical accounts. In addition to extensive detail about their military service during the war, there is some information about daily life, religious activities, family life and educational attainment before and after the war.

  4. Robert Ley in Italy

    Black screen with the words: " Frontaufnahmen der Kriegsberichter: Elsaesser, Ertl, Hardacker, Huth, Hans Jacobi, Kester, Kramer, Meisenkothen, Oberhoff, Olesko, Paulsen, Rolf Richter, Schiffko, Waldmann." Presumably these are the names of the journalists/cameramen reporting from the front. Heroic music. Celebration of 20th anniversary of the March on Rome, which occurred in October 1922. Troops marching, playing drums, at the Palazzo Venezia in Rome, which is where Mussolini's offices were and the location of the balcony from which he gave his famous speeches (not shown). Robert Ley ...

  5. Program on peace and nuclear arms

    Narrated by Bill Kurtis. Rolling text at start of program: "I've recently returned from the Soviet Union after spending six months there. If all goes well, we'll be out of the woods in a few years as far as the danger of nuclear war is concerned. But it could go dreadfully wrong. And we now live in the most unstable period we have ever seen since 1945....The possibility of a right wing coup d'etat, even of civil war in the Soviet Union cannot be excluded. The ultra conservative regime that would emrege would need foreign enemies. And this is still a nation with thousands of nuclear weapons ...

  6. Liberation: Ludwigslust; US press at Dachau; Buchenwald

    04:48:10 Concentration Camp, Ludgwigslust, Germany, May 5, 1945. MSs, CUs, survivors in courtyard cooking around open fire. Getting water from well. LSs, camp buildings. VAR shots of survivors. 04:50:30 (LIB 6324) American Newspapermen Inspect Concentration Camp, Dachau, Germany, May 7, 1945. CU, US newspapermen and party are sprayed with delousing powder. Survivors behind barbed wire in large field. CUs, US press. 04:51:19 (LIB 6339 and 6340) 11th Panzer Division Surrenders, Neumark, Czechoslovakia, May 4, 1945. EXTs, MSs, MCUs, US 90th Div Brig Gen Herbert Earnest in discussion with Germa...

  7. Prison camp in Yugoslavia; Communist commemoration

    Titles in Cyrillic - Serbo-Croatian. Series of head shots, close, of corpses with names superimposed. HAS from airplane. Destruction, ruins in town. Croatian man. Homes. Group of villagers (men) marching, soldiers guarding them. Pan up, gate with "Radna Sluzba Ustaske Obrane Sabirni Logor Br. III" German sign: "Arbeitslager..." Prisoners, soldier with rifles, walking barefoot to perform labor, horse/carts, farmhouse. VAR shots, carts, construction, labor (digging, etc). Guardtower. Pushing wheelbarrow. Soldier with gun guards from tower. Lunch rations. Newspapers/headlines. Corpses. Local f...

  8. German TV documentary film on antisemitism (reel 7)

    Part 2 (repeats some of Reel 7, part 1). Invasion of Czechoslovakia. A faked-looking photo of Stuckart and Globke at a conference relating to the future of the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Film of a Jewish family of three as they leave their home, presumably to be deported. The narration says that this scene was filmed by an SS troop and discovered in Prague. The suitcases carried by the family are echoed in the next shot, which shows the piles of suitcases at Auschwitz. Spotlight on a document that purports to prove, by virtue of the fact that he was exempted from military service,...

  9. Nachlass Hans Weyermann (1912-1985)

    Pertains to the activities of Hans Weyermann as the delegate of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in 1944 in Budapest. Includes material relating to the disappearance of Raoul Wallenberg. Weyermann remained in Budapest after the Soviet forces had driven out the Germans and he was one of few eyewitnesses who saw Wallenberg in 1945, shortly before his disappearance.

  10. Anti-Jewish Acts in Baltic States

    Shots of the INT of a synagogue, possibly Jonava. SS guard ordering Jewish men and young men coming out of a building (the synagogue?) -- a roundup. The Jews run down the street. The following scenes are disjointed. Shots of the Riga synagogue burning at night. The famous shots of forced labor of Jewish men climbing out of a ditch with shovels and digging on the roadside; one religious man is approached by soldiers and made to take off his shirt. Jews beaten in streets by locals and then forced labor of Jews cleaning the streets after bombing and destruction, lots of rubble. In Mogilev, Jew...

  11. Simon Silver collection

    Consists of one typescript biography, 44 pages, entitled: "Simon: from Darkness at the Break of Noon 'til Dawn's Early Light, an Abridged Oral History" by Dave Hunterman (pen name), written in 2011. Huntermann describes the experiences of his father, Simon Silver, who was born in Chelm, Poland. After the German invasion and after briefly spending time in the Warsaw ghetto, he returned to Chelm and managed to briefly escape deportation. He was sent on a death march and bribed a Nazi soldier with a gold coin to avoid being shot. Simon, his brother, brother-in-law, and friend escaped during a ...

  12. Waffen SS red fez acquired by a US soldier following the liberation of Dachau concentration camp

    Red fez with a swastika and Death's head given to Lt. Colonel Lee Israel by a German camp guard immediately after the liberation of the camp by US troops on April 29, 1945. Lt. Col. Israel gave it to Richard Price n the circa 1950s. The red fez was part of the dress uniform of a Waffen-SS military detachment composed of Muslims from Bosnia, Croatia, and Herzegovina in occupied Yugoslavia, with one division from Albania. There was a green/field gray fez for the combat uniform. The creation of this unit was authorized by Hitler in 1943. The original purpose was to combat Tito’s partisans. Thr...

  13. Affidavit re: Schacht presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Lt. Bryson, US prosecutor, presents charges against Hjalmar Schacht. Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone defending Schacht. During the speech are shots of Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess in prisoners' box and MSs of Hans Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Frank. He quotes from a document saying that Schacht warned both British and Americans about the Nazis, and disapproved with basically everything the Nazis were doing. Prosecutor quo...

  14. Annual harvest festival at Bueckeberg

    Large groups of civilians travel along a road to the harvest festival in Bueckeberg on October 6, 1935. Germans heil officials and watch a large procession. Tillman describes in his diary how one million people traveled by special trains and by foot to the rally. "The whole mountain... was alive with people, hardly room for more... People of different parts of G[ermany] with their native costumes marched in procession until 12:00 when the Fuehrer arrived - walked through the crowd to platform on top of mountain to watch the battle - very realistic." In his manuscript "Meine Herrschaften" (i...

  15. Foreign troops

    Officers inspecting troops on parade ground, deep red flag with single white star. (Could be Morocco or Tunisia or Turkey) Senior officer (Bradley?) addresses troops. Officers of country with red flag in white tunics with red band on caps. Foreign officer in white uniform speaks briefly. CU of color guard and officer in charge of troops. Bespectacled General (Bradley) presenting medals to two men in front of color guard.

  16. Women internees leave Belsen

    Street sign surrounded by lilacs: "Belsen: Kreis Celle Reg. Rez. Lueneburg." Bathing internees. Big crowd of survivor women queued up by table, signing forms and receiving new identity cards. Helped by Parisian woman who takes their names and other information. British "squaddies" wave and help women board truck. Waving from back of truck as it drives by. Camera pans from one communal grave to the next, all ten marked by posts: Grave No. 1 Approx. 1,000, 22nd April 1945; Grave No. 2 Approx. 5,000, 23rd April 1945; Grave No. 3 Approx. 5,000, 24th April 1945; Grave No. 4 Approx. 2,000, 27th A...