
Displaying items 6,701 to 6,720 of 10,858
  1. Soroca Jewish Community

    • Comunitatea evreiască din or. Soroca
    • Еврейская община города Сороки
    • Yevreyskaya obshchina goroda Soroki

    Register of synagogues maintained by tailors in Soroca. The list of Jews who received Romanian citizenship. The file of 32 young people from Zgurița, who initiated summer school - Zionist Organization - in Soroca. Minutes of the community council meetings, where they discussed the situation of schools, providing financial expenses for operation of the board, political issues (checking voter lists to ensure that all Jewish citizens are included). Ballot papers for community council records. Correspondence with Soroca prefecture on administrative matters. Correspondence with military institut...

  2. Leonard Lawrence: copy personal papers and diary

    This collection contains copies of personal papers and a diary of the Jewish teenager Leonard Lawrence (formerly Leopold Weil) who came to England on a Kindertransport in 1939. Includes summary of diary contents in English.Personal papers including his diary, 1939-1943 documenting his efforts to educate himself and make a living, his social life particularly his involvement with the 'Young Austrian' group and his perception of political events; as well as copy personal papers including his last school certificate from 1938, military service papers, certificate of naturalisation, marriage ce...

  3. Колекція. Історичні довідки про найважливіші події Великої Вітчизняної війни 1941–1945 рр. у м. Черкаси та Черкаському районі, м. Черкаси Київської області

    • Collection. Historical information about the most important events in Cherkasy and Cherkasy district during the Great Patriotic War of the USSR in 1941-1945 against the German-Fascist invaders
    • Kolektsiia. Istorychni dovidky pro naivazhlyvishi podii Velykoi Vitchyznianoi viiny 1941–1945 rr. u m. Cherkasy ta Cherkaskomu raioni, m. Cherkasy Kyivskoi oblasti

    The collection contains historical information about the events of the German occupation in Cherkasy and Cherkasy district; some files selected below may be relevant to the Holocaust history. File 3. Historical information about the most important events of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 in the villages of Cherkasy district, April-August 1944, 88 pages. File 4. Profiles, recollections and references about Nazi atrocities and about recruitment and deportations to Germany for forced labour; copies of letters sent from Germany; information about those deported. List of Cherkasy dwellers rep...

  4. Lantern slide

    1. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute lantern slide collection

    The lantern slide is from the holdings of the former Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. This Institute for anthropology and genetics was one of many centers used for the study of eugenics during the Third Reich. Aside from ordering sterilization and other eugenic "procedures," medical experiments originating in euthenasia killing centers and concentration camps were also evaluated at the Institute. Such names as Von Verschuer, Fischer, and Mengele are associated with the Institute. The slide was probably used for teaching purposes. The slide contains information used to back up so-called e...

  5. Lantern slide

    1. Kaiser Wilhelm Institute lantern slide collection

    The lantern slide is from the holdings of the former Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. This Institute for anthropology and genetics was one of many centers used for the study of eugenics during the Third Reich. Aside from ordering sterilization and other eugenic "procedures," medical experiments originating in euthenasia killing centers and concentration camps were also evaluated at the Institute. Such names as Von Verschuer, Fischer, and Mengele are associated with the Institute. The slide was probably used for teaching purposes. The slide contains information used to back up so-called e...

  6. Maximilian Landau collection

    Consists of 323 photographs and 17 documents relating to Maximilian Landau and his work in the Föhrenwald displaced persons camp, Germany. Relates in part to the development of sports activities in the camp and includes photographs by George Kadish.

  7. Star of David patch with Juif worn by Jewish woman

    1. Malka Weinapple collection

    Judenstern marked Juif brought by Malka Weinapple from Europe to the United States, possibly worn by her when she was living in German occupied France. Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940. An armistice was signed in June and Paris became the seat of the German military administration. In June 1942, a decree was issued making it mandatory for all Jewish persons over the age of six Jews to wear these identification badges at all times.

  8. Goperstein family photographs

    The Goperstein family photographs consist of 4 pre-war photographs depicting members of the Goperstein family of Skidel, Russia (later Skidel, Poland, currently Skidel, Belarus). Depictions include David Goperstein in military uniform, Carpel Gopertein and his two sons, Yosef and his wife (unidentified), and two unidentified Goperstein sisters. All members of the Goperstein family depicted in these photographs perished during the Holocaust.

  9. US Army 4th Cavalry Group blue and yellow coat of arms shoulder patch

    1. United States Army patch and booklet collection

    United States Army Fourth Cavalry Group shoulder sleeve badge in the shape of a Coat of Arms. The yellow shield symbolizes Cavalry and the other battle related symbols memorialize unit engagements during the Civil War. The Group was not authorized to wear a shoulder patch during World War II, but many soldiers made their own during and after the war. The Group deployed to England in December 1943 and was redesignated as the 4th Cavalry Group Mechanized. Among the first Allied soldiers to land in France on D-Day, June 6, 1944, the 4th Cavalry assumed traditional cavalry actions of flanking a...

  10. US Army 45th Infantry Division shoulder sleeve patch with a gold Thunderbird on a red field

    1. United States Army division shoulder sleeve insignia badge collection

    Shoulder sleeve insignia of the United States Army 45th Infantry Division, nicknamed the Thunderbird Division. The embroidered gold thunderbird design symbolizes the troops from the southwestern states of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona, who formed the unit when it was established in 1942 as a National Guard Division. The 45th landed in North Africa on June 22, 1943, and was redeployed to Sicily for the Italian campaign on July 10. The unit was then sent to southern France in August. The Thunderbird Division crossed the Rhine River in March 1945 and continued into southern Germa...

  11. US Army 83rd Infantry Division shoulder sleeve patch with a yellow monogram of Ohio

    1. United States Army division shoulder sleeve insignia badge collection

    Shoulder sleeve insignia of the 83rd Infantry Division, United States Army, nicknamed the Thunderbolt Division. The Division was formed in Ohio when it was activated in World War I, and the badge insignia has compressed yellow circles and lines that spell OHIO. The 83rd landed in Normandy on June 18, 1944, and advanced through France and Luxembourg into Germany. Troops of the 83rd and 8th Armored Division encountered a group of adjacent subcamps of Buchenwald concentration camp. The 83rd liberated Langenstein subcamp on April 11, 1945, where they found 1,100 severely malnourished prisoners,...

  12. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Yonne

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn35836
    • English
    • 1921-1947
    • 15,255 digital images, JPEG 5 microfilm reels, 16 mm 1 microfilm reel, 35 mm 2 CD-ROMs, 4 3/4 in. 25 pages of photocopies,

    This collection contains records of the internment and forced labor of Roma in the rural area of the Yonne; the former Saint-Maurice-aux-Riches-Hommes train station, used to intern refugees from the Spanish Civil War and subsequently Roma; the internment in Saint-Denis-lès-Sens of Jews, Roma, and foreigners expelled from coastal "zones interdites"; the internment in Vaudeurs of "subversives" and black-marketeers; the use of the jail in Auxerre as way-station for Jews being sent to Drancy; and the internment in the Caserne Goué military barracks in Auxerre of accused Nazi collaborators after...

  13. Warsaw ghetto scenes (before and after Uprising)

    Excerpts from Nazi film footage. Many people crossing over a footbridge into the ghetto. Homeless people sitting in the street. LSs of tenement buildings. Shots of bodies being taken off the street and loaded onto a death cart. Tanks on road. Brief shot that showing two German soldiers (SS?) standing in the middle of the street with damgaed buildings on either side. Smoke fills the street. The narration states that this is footage of the 1943 uprising and it appears quite similar to "Stroop Report" still photos. Distant shot of fires burning, then panning shot of destroyed ghetto.

  14. Affidavit re: Schacht presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Lt. Bryson, US prosecutor, presents charges against Hjalmar Schacht. Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone defending Schacht. During the speech are shots of Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess in prisoners' box and MSs of Hans Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Frank. He quotes from a document saying that Schacht warned both British and Americans about the Nazis, and disapproved with basically everything the Nazis were doing. Prosecutor quo...

  15. Panel discussion with Taylor, Ferencz, Drinan, and Dershowitz

    Panel discussion: The Significance of Nuremberg, Principles and Precedents. Speakers include Telford Taylor, Benjamin B. Ferencz, Father Drinan, and Alan Dershowitz. Boston College Law School. Taylor discusses the judicial process as a step in the direction of an ordered world and peace (in his view, this was "the most significant accomplishment of Nuremberg"). Ferencz claims the fundamental principles established as a result of the Nuremberg judgments are a) aggressive war is a crime; b) crimes against humanity; c) head of state is responsible under law. Ferencz argues that the elaborate r...

  16. Airplanes

    Aerial shots, shooting from interior of DC3. Men unloading camera boxes and supplies from DC3: slates, film cans, etc. P38 flies overhead. Hot landing of black twin-engine fighter bomber, taxis to stop. Name of the plane is "Little Audrey."

  17. Personal archives of Meer Bomash, member of the State Duma (Fond 9458, opis1)

    Contains letters to Meer Bomash from Russian State Duma members, civil servants, publishers, students, intelligentsia, and ordinary citizens about the establishment of Jewish educational institutions, antisemitism, compulsory military service, and the general conditions of the Jewish community of Łódź. Also included are requests for help in gaining acceptance to educational institutions, for aid obtaining transfers to different government posts or schools, for material and financial assistance on behalf of aid societies, and for the commutation of prison sentences. There are also reports, p...

  18. Day of German Art 1933; Hitler salutes crowds

    “TAG DER DEUTSCHEN KUNST.” In Munich, people ride bicycles. Outdoor area with seats, decorated with large swastikas behind the podium and Reichsadler on the wall at the center. Nazi soldiers form a wall in front of the crowd on the street. Men in uniform walk by. “HERR HITLER” Hitler’s motorcade, he stands in the passenger seat of a car, salutes crowd. “PARADE” Spectators heil as the parade moves. Men transport a model of the Reichsadler. Soldiers on horseback with large Nazi flags. Classical-style sculpture of a male torso is carried. More parade floats and costumes. “SEEING THE PARADE WIT...