
Displaying items 6,581 to 6,600 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Annual harvest festival at Bueckeberg

    Large groups of civilians travel along a road to the harvest festival in Bueckeberg on October 6, 1935. Germans heil officials and watch a large procession. Tillman describes in his diary how one million people traveled by special trains and by foot to the rally. "The whole mountain... was alive with people, hardly room for more... People of different parts of G[ermany] with their native costumes marched in procession until 12:00 when the Fuehrer arrived - walked through the crowd to platform on top of mountain to watch the battle - very realistic." In his manuscript "Meine Herrschaften" (i...

  2. Foreign troops

    Officers inspecting troops on parade ground, deep red flag with single white star. (Could be Morocco or Tunisia or Turkey) Senior officer (Bradley?) addresses troops. Officers of country with red flag in white tunics with red band on caps. Foreign officer in white uniform speaks briefly. CU of color guard and officer in charge of troops. Bespectacled General (Bradley) presenting medals to two men in front of color guard.

  3. Women internees leave Belsen

    Street sign surrounded by lilacs: "Belsen: Kreis Celle Reg. Rez. Lueneburg." Bathing internees. Big crowd of survivor women queued up by table, signing forms and receiving new identity cards. Helped by Parisian woman who takes their names and other information. British "squaddies" wave and help women board truck. Waving from back of truck as it drives by. Camera pans from one communal grave to the next, all ten marked by posts: Grave No. 1 Approx. 1,000, 22nd April 1945; Grave No. 2 Approx. 5,000, 23rd April 1945; Grave No. 3 Approx. 5,000, 24th April 1945; Grave No. 4 Approx. 2,000, 27th A...

  4. Liberating, providing aid to survivors at Buchenwald

    US Army assisting survivors of Buchenwald and shots of the dead and dying. Ambulance with Red Cross drives through gate into camp compound, past brick building labeled 59, many GIs walking around, can see several other same kind of brick buildings. MCU some kind of entryway past brick wall manned by GIs thru which German civilians are filing into or out of camp. HAS of GI smoking next to wall as civilians pass. MS civilians in line on grounds of camp, a number of GIs pass camera. MCU of corpse covered partially by blanket next to brick wall. CU of head and staring eyes, then back to previou...

  5. Morris Dembowitz papers

    1. Morris Dembowitz collection

    Consists of enlarged original photographic prints with original captions in English and German taken by members of the Ninth Army, United States military, in the aftermath of the Gardelegen atrocity. Includes photographs of victims of the massacre and of the burial of the corpses. Also includes a letter, dated 24 December 1946 and signed by "A. Kamerman," regarding a recording of the "Treblinka Song" by two children; the letter accompanied the original phonograph of this recording.

  6. Provincial police reports to the Hungarian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MOL K 149 PTI)

    Contains monthly police reports for more than sixty cities; Intelligence on rightists (e.g., Arrow Cross) and leftists (e.g., Social-Democrats and Communists); various nationalities (Ruthenians, Germans, Slovaks, and others); religious sects (e.g., Jehovah’s Witnesses); and Jews, including refugees from Slovakia; Secret reports on public opinion generally and among suspect groups in particular about political, military, and economic affairs.

  7. Communist female prisoner testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 528) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Marie-Claude Vaillant Couturier, Communist member of the French National Assembly, testifies. The witness speaks about being a prisoner of the Germans and the maltreatment of Jews in concentration camps. She describes the procedures of selection etc. at the arrival of transports in the camp. Women in good health conditions in their 20s and 30s, as well as twins, were taken aside for experiments. She says she does not know what they did with them, apart from taking blood and measuring them. She says that the people were ver...

  8. Kolekcja "Z", No. 1141 (Sygn. GK 166). Lista Polskich Żydów deportowanych z Trzeciej Rzeszy do Polski przez obóz w Zbąszyniu w 1938 r

    List of 4,560 individuals, persons deported from Germany to Poland through the camp in Zbąszyń, Poland. This “List of Jews Deported from Zbąszyń” in 1938 includes: first and last names (and maiden names), parents’ names, mother’s maiden name; date, place, and country of birth; confession, marital status, current address, military service (including rank), occupation, and degree of mastery of Polish; place and date of passport issue, issuing authority, and passport series and number.

  9. Leo Nast papers

    1. Arthur Cohn and Leo Nast collection

    Collection of documents and photographs relating to Dr. Leo Nast (donor's maternal great uncle), his wife Berta, and Leo Nast. Leo Nast was a chemical engineer who immigrated to the US in 1934 and helped in the production of plastics. Includes correspondence, academic records, military documents from World War I, immigration and naturalization documents. Includes a series of letters from his colleague Wernher von Braun, dated 1959-1960. Also includes three German passports (Deutsches Reich Reisepass) issued January 10, 1940 in Breslau, stamped with red letter "J" to mark the bearers as Jewi...

  10. Jewish family in Chechinov and Belzec, Poland before WWII

    Probably in Chechinov, Poland where the Furman family lived. Men, women and children walk towards the camera. Horses pull a wagon. A group of men and women walk in the street and look at the camera. More townspeople. The footage of townspeople repeats, flipped right to left. Men, women and children are fascinated by the camera and keep trying to be filmed. The women smile. Men with long beards approach the camera. More women walk up. The footage again repeats, up to the shot of the bearded men. Dark shots of people in a townsquare with a market in the BG. A man picks up a basket. A bearded ...

  11. Tito in office; map of Yugoslavia

    EXT, building. INT, Tito walking into his office. He sits, smokes and looks through papers. A man walks in to show him a folder. Men meet in a large room, smoke and review papers. CU, map of Yugoslavia. Tito walks through his garden and around a sculpture, followed by a dog.

  12. Ernst Graf papers

    The collection documents the experiences of Ernst Graf, originally of Berlin, Germany, including his immigration to the United States in 1938, his training at Camp Ritchie, and service with the United States Army during World War II. Included are passports; birth, death, and marriage certificates, military records, and restitution paperwork.

  13. Two postcards relating to deportation to Theresienstadt

    Includes two postcards from the Ticho family, informing Albert Steiner of their deportation to Theresienstadt in 1942 with an accompanying letter from Kurt Thomas (born Kurt Ticho) explaining context of postcards.

  14. Russell Kowalyshyn papers

    The Russell Kowalyshyn papers document Kowalyshyn’s army service in Germany following World War II. The collection primarily consists of German and American printed materials documenting Nazi Germany, the Allied victory, Dachau concentration camp, and the war crimes trials in Nuremberg. The collection also includes Kowalyshyn’s Dachau pass and obituary, blank letterhead from the Mayor of Dachau and an unknown coat of arms, signed letters from Adolf Hitler and Paul von Hindenburg thanking the Mayor of Dachau for making them honorary citizens, a Hitler Youth sports award signed by Hitler, a s...

  15. March of Time -- outtakes -- Soldiers; Munich Pact

    667 KK (09:01:12): Hilly countryside. Underground bunker with barbed wire. Group of soldiers going underground with rifles. Beds. Removing gear. Shaving, barechested. Pouring water from large bucket (preparing food?). Ladder. Switchboard. Nazi Party Rally. German horses, tanks, boats, submarines, planes. 667 MM (09:03:44) Heston Airport with Chamberlain leaving for Munich. Cabinet members at airport. 03:36:44 Plane taking off. 03:37:02 London street scenes, sandbagging. Marines jumping off truck. 03:38:08 Mussolini arriving with Adolf Hitler, entering hall where Munich Pact was signed. 03:3...