
Displaying items 6,361 to 6,380 of 7,748
  1. Daniel I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daniel I., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1932, an only child. He tells of his father's career as a writer and newspaper editor; his mother's as a teacher; an uncle, four aunts, and his grandmother emigrating to Palestine prior to his birth; German invasion in September 1939; destruction of their home by German bombs; fleeing to Soviet-occupied Białystok; moving to Moscow in summer 1940; attending school; visiting his aunt in Leningrad (presently Saint Petersburg); moving when his father found employment in Kaunas; attending a Yiddish school; German invasion; ghett...

  2. Avraham M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Avraham M., who was born in Będzin, Poland in 1922. He recounts his father's emigration to Palestine in 1925 to prepare for the family to join him; his return when his own father was ill; participation in Gordonyah; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; working for a printer; printing circulars for the resistance; his father's appointment to the Judenrat; resistance meetings with Mordechai Anielewicz and Eleizer Geller; discussions of the purpose of resistance and dying; ghettoization in 1943; helping a Jew from Warsaw escape; obtaining Paraguayan citizenship pa...

  3. Vera G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vera G., who was born in Kecel, Hungary in 1938, the younger of two children. She recounts her grandmother living with them; confiscation of the family business due to anti-Jewish laws; her father's one-year imprisonment due to a supposed violation; cousins living with them; former non-Jewish business suppliers bringing them food; German occupation in spring 1944; deportation with her family (aunts, cousins, and her grandmother) to Szeged, a week later to Strasshof, then to Sankt Pölten; the older children organizing a "school" for the younger ones while the adults d...

  4. Hersh A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hersh A., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1924, the oldest of four children. He recalls his impoverished family, hunger, and hardships; Hungarian occupation; forced labor during the day; German occupation; ghettoization; escaping often; obtaining food from non-Jewish farmers; one family attesting he was their child when Germans came; soldiers prohibiting him from entering the ghetto when deportations were occurring; lifelong sadness that he never said goodbye to his family; transfer to Budapest; liberation; walking to Debrecen; assistance from Soviet soldiers; return...

  5. Miriam W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Miriam W., who was born in approximately 1929 and lived in L?viv, Poland. She recalls antisemitic harassment; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion; anti-Jewish violence and restrictions; hiding during round-ups; being found; her mother urging her to run; escaping; finding her older sister, who did not look Jewish; her sister arranging their trip to Warsaw, posing as non-Jews; a friend finding her a servant's job; leaving, fearing denouncement; her friend finding her another job; frequently traveling to her employer's mother in Otwock; her employer briefly hiding...

  6. David J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David J., who was born in Poland in 1927. Mr. J. recalls his childhood in Sieradz; his mother's death in 1938; German invasion; forced labor; his father's and brothers' arrest; his father's release; being beaten by a Jewish policeman (they subsequently met in Israel); substituting for his father for forced labor; transfer to Otoczna; escaping with a friend; recapture in Sieradz; return to Otoczna; a severe beating; escape and recapture; transfers to Poznan?, Go?ttenburg, then Kreising; receiving food from Polish prisoners; escape and recapture again; a reprieve from e...

  7. Sally K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sally K., who was born in Poland in 1927 and grew up in ?o?dz?. She recalls her happy youth as the eldest of six children; German invasion; a public hanging; transport with her father and siblings to Krako?w; smuggling themselves back to ?o?dz? to rejoin Mrs. K.'s mother; ghettoization; hiding during deportations; deportation with her family to Auschwitz in August 1944; separation from her mother and youngest siblings; hearing her father was alive; transfer twelve days later with two sister to Stutthof; frequent deaths including one sister's; a death march in February...

  8. Samuel Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel Z., who was born in Chmielnik, Poland in 1923. He recounts his mother's death when he was five; their abusive stepmother; anti-Semitic incidents; German invasion; forced labor; fleeing a round-up in 1942 with his older brother; hiding in several places, including Nowy Korczyn, with assistance from some Poles; slave labor at the HASAG factory in Kielce and Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; working outdoors in Przedbo?rz, which gave him the opportunity to purchase and share food with his brother; mass killings; their transfer to Buchenwald in 1944, then to Niederorschel; and ...

  9. Lola P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lola P., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924, one of seven children. She describes her family's orthodoxy and scholarship; taking in German-Jewish refugees; her parents' disbelief that anything would happen to them; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; her older sister escaping to Russia; ghettoization; forced labor, crowding, and starvation; her father's death in 1942; her brother's and sister's disappearance when the Jewish hospital was liquidated; hiding with her mother and younger sister during round-ups; Germans finding them; deportation to Auschwitz in Augu...

  10. Piera B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Piera B., who was born in Ferrara, Italy in 1923, the youngest of three sisters. She recounts attending a Jewish school, then secular high school; her father, a veteran of the First World War, ardently supporting Mussolini; participating in the fascist youth movement; anti-Jewish restrictions beginning in 1938; expulsion from high school; working for her father; visiting friends in Padua and Venice; studying to be a teacher on her own; passing the certification exam in Rome; visiting a refugee orphanage in Nonantola; German invasion; her family entrusting their belong...

  11. Zygmund L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zygmund L., who was born in Rokitno Szlachekie, Poland in 1903, one of eight children. He recounts his family's World War I experiences; moving to ?azy; marriage; the births of two children; German invasion; fleeing east; sending his wife and children home; traveling toward the Soviet Union; encountering Germans in Wodzis?aw; turning toward home; brief incarceration in Zawiercie; returning home; hiding during round-ups; deportation with his brother to Ottmuth; receiving packages from his wife; transfers to Fu?nfteichen and Marksta?dt; a death march to Gross-Rosen; tra...

  12. Sam K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sam K., who was born in Chrzano?w, Poland in 1915. He describes his Hasidic family; his father's death in 1924; his hardware store; German invasion in 1941; anti-Jewish measures; his brother's murder in a mass shooting; avoiding deportations in 1941 and 1942; factory work; illegal prayer groups in their house; separation from his mother during the final deportation in February 1943; traveling to Sosnowiec as a non-Jew; hiding with his sister's family; ghettoization in the Srodula section; escaping during the ghetto's liquidation in August 1943; hiding, with assistance...

  13. He?le?ne A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of He?le?ne A., who was born in approximately 1921. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; a brother and sister emigrating to France; living in Radom; German invasion of Radom; her father and brother being beaten for organizing Yom Kippur services in their home; ghettoization; sewing for a German woman to provide food for her parents; surgery in the ghetto hospital; round-ups; separation from her parents in a selection (she never saw them again); working in a factory; her fiance?'s arrest in May 1943 (she never saw him again); deportation to Pionki; slave labor in a munitio...

  14. Josef C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph C., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1926. He recalls poverty; his family's Hasidism; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; arrest by Jewish police for taking bread from the garbage; fleeing with a friend to Praga, De?blin, and Kuro?w; slave labor; kindness from one German soldier; returning to Warsaw; learning his father and one sister had died; deportation to Treblinka; escaping to a work group; gassings and mass shootings; a visit by Heinrich Himmler; vicious personnel, including John Demjanjuk, Franz Stangl, and Kurt Franz ("Lalka"); a ...

  15. Alice F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alice F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1920. She recounts anti-Jewish legislation; attending a Jewish nursing school; a cousin in England obtaining documents for her emigration; leaving on November 8 (she did not learn of Kristallnacht until her arrival in London); working at a hospital; categorization as an "enemy alien", resulting in her evacuation in 1940; communication from her parents through a friend in Sweden (they did not survive); joining the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad (JCRA) in 1943; not being allowed to leave due to her "enemy alien" status un...

  16. Tema H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tema H., who was born in Jano?w Lubelski, Poland in 1928. She recounts moving to Jarocin in 1932; German invasion; her father's round-up; her mother obtaining his release; her sister's beating by Germans; her brother's arrest, then release; orders to report to another village; hiding with a Polish peasant, then with a friend; leaving due to fear of exposure; being taken to the police; release by a policeman; hiding in the forest; returning to Jarocin; reunion with her father; hiding with her family; her brother's escape from a beating by Poles; hiding in a bunker; her...

  17. Ya'akov L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ya'akov L., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1929. He recounts his sister's birth in 1936; his parents' and uncle's fabric businesses; their leftist views; visiting relatives in Šakiai; attending a Yiddish school and a yeshiva; his father's 1936 visit to Palestine, where he purchased land, and his mother's visit to her brother in the United States; Soviet occupation in 1939; studying in Germany; expropriation of his family's factory; German invasion in summer 1941; a Lithuanian protecting his family during Lithuanian killings immediately prior to German troops en...

  18. Rachelle S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachelle S., who was born in Tlumach, Ukraine in 1921. She describes her family of seven children; German occupation in 1941; a two day forced march initiated by local boys; returning to their ransacked home; ghettoization; difficult conditions including hunger (her sister smuggled food); hiding during round-ups; her father's murder in an "aktion"; their escape with help from Polish people who knew her father; traveling to Buchach; and a mass killing after which her brother had to bury the bodies. Mrs. S. tells of escaping to the woods during which her mother and a si...

  19. Frieda G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frieda G., who was born in 1923 in Odrzywo??, Poland, the fifth of nine children. She recounts antisemitic violence leading to their moving to ?o?dz?; German invasion; ghettoization; her parents returning to Odrzywo?? with her four younger siblings (she never saw them again); one brother escaping; another dying from physical exhaustion; working as a tailor; marriage in 1943; pregnancy; giving birth prematurely (the baby was not alive) which resulted in illness; her sister's deportation; deportation with her husband to Auschwitz/Birkenau two weeks later; separation of ...

  20. George S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of George S., who was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1923. He recalls his intellectual home life; attending a Jewish school; his father's death in 1931; his mother's emotional breakdown; living with a family in Berlin while she recovered; returning to her; beatings by Hitler Youth; their emigration to Italy, then Palestine; living with foster parents so his mother could earn a living; his emigration to New York in 1938 to join his mother's sister; attending Columbia; his mother's suicide in Palestine; being drafted into the United States Army; training as an intelligence in...