
Displaying items 6,181 to 6,200 of 10,858
  1. Wili G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Wili G., who was born in Olomuoc, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Czech Republic) in 1914, the oldest of three brothers. He recounts his family's affluence; attending the local German gymnasium; completing engineering studies in Belgium; draft into the Czech military; German occupation; military discharge at the end of 1938; one brother's emigration to Palestine; moving to Prague with his grandmother; participating in Maccabi; teaching at a Zionist school; joining a hachsharah; marriage to a woman he met there in October 1941; joining his parents in Olomouc; a no...

  2. Dov H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dov H., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1913, one of six children in an orthodox family. He recounts attending cheder, yeshivas in Khust and Galanta, then a Jewish gymnasium in Brno; night work in a factory to support himself; attending an agricultural school in Tábor to prepare for emigration to Palestine; participating in Hechalutz; graduation in 1932; military draft; continuing contact with Hechalutz; discharge in 1936; returning home briefly; working in Prague; training at a kibbutz in Plzeň; military recall in 1938; his posting in Košice; his ...

  3. Avraham T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Avraham T., who was born in Lazdijai, Russia (presently Lithuania) in 1909, one of six children. He recalls attending cheder; his family's expulsion during World War I; their return; attending Hebrew high school in Marijampolė; participating in Maccabi; leading the Lithuanian team in the 1932 Tel Aviv Makabiyah; attending the University of Pittsburgh; his father's death; returning home; completing law school in Kaunas; antisemitic harassment by university officials; marriage in 1935; attending the 1939 Zionist Congress in Geneva; Soviet occupation in June 1940; worki...

  4. Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0005

    1. World War II

    De geïnterviewde werd geboren op 16 april 1919 in Nederlands-Indië. Hij was vanaf het begin tot het eind werkzaam en woonachtig in kamp Westerbork, waar hij werkte voor het distributiekantoor. Vanuit die positie wist hij vele Joden van de transportlijsten te krijgen. Tevens hielp hij Joden uit het kamp te ontsnappen en was hij lid van het verzet. Hij spreekt uitvoerig over zowel Dischner als Gemmeker. Ook de bewaking van de Grüne Polizei, de Ordnungdienst en de marechaussee komen uitvoerig ter sprake. Hij was tevens getuige van veel transporten richting het oosten en schetst een goed beeld ...

  5. US poster promoting victory over racism at home and fascism abroad

    1. United We Win poster collection

    US poster promoting the need for an integrated workforce to support the war effort. It depicts a black American and a white male working together to rivet an airplane. Roosevelt's June 1941 executive order prohibited discrimination in defense work. After the US declared war in December 1941, there was a labor shortage as war production increased and working men enlisted in the military. The War Manpower Commission, formed in 1942 to mobilize the work force, spotlighted the need to overcome prejudice and hire workers from all segments of the population. Black Americans also faced discriminat...

  6. US poster promoting victory over racism at home and fascism abroad

    1. United We Win poster collection

    US poster promoting the need for an integrated workforce to support the war effort. It depicts a black American and a white male working together to rivet an airplane. Roosevelt's June 1941 executive order prohibited discrimination in defense work. After the US declared war in December 1941, there was a labor shortage as war production increased and working men enlisted in the military. The War Manpower Commission, formed in 1942 to mobilize the work force, spotlighted the need to overcome prejudice and hire workers from all segments of the population. Black Americans also faced discriminat...

  7. Nazi atrocities; surrender

    06:12:46 Reel 2: "Activities in European Theater of Operations" In Germany, Schweinfurt citizens gather in courtyard. Confiscated art, belongings, etc. German male civilians march in columns in streets to be screened by US counter-intelligence. Cached gold and art treasures emoved from Merkers salt mine. Nordhausen citizens loot shops, walk through streets, stopped by armed US soldiers, forced to surrender stolen goods. French POW camp in Seurst, Germany. The liberated wave out of three story building windows, give hugs, pats, and kisses to liberating soldiers, large crowd, US and French ra...

  8. Justice Daniel T. O'Connell photograph

    1. Daniel T. O'Connell collection

    Photograph of Justice O'Connell in the courtroom, date and location unknown.

  9. Amateur film of the liberation of Prague; Germans forced to breakdown barricades

    Montage of scenes from the liberation of Prague in May 1945, made up of footage shot by Bohumil Veselý in the area of ​​his residence. Most of the footage filmed near the intersection of streets and Vodickova School. Title of film. Another: “Ve 13. roce Hitlerovy vlády a v 7. roce našeho, protektorátu přišel konečně.” “KVETEN” and the number 5. “Dopoledne.” Morning. People in a Prague street. A man holds a white flag out of a window. A woman smiles. People outside of “ANTONIN KMENT.” Trolley car. Two people wave Czech flags out of a window. German soldiers on the street. People outside “Tsc...

  10. Eva, Hitler, wedding of Eva's sister, Christmas, children

    Reel 5 of the private motion pictures of Eva Braun (Seized Enemy Records). COLOR. Title: "Ausflug zum Kehlstein." [Excursion to Kehlstein] Nazi flag reflected in headlight of Mercedes automobile (short). B/W. Car traveling on mountain road, group admiring scenery, taking pictures. Market, carnival. Group of actors filming "Der laufende Berg" in the Bavarian mountains. CU, actress Hansi Knoteck. Group shots include actors Paul Richter, Maria Andergast, and Hans Deppe. The actors, in the company of actor/director Fritz Kampers, in front of the door to the Kehlsteinhaus. COLOR. Country scenes,...

  11. World War I Iron Cross medal with striped ribbon awarded to a German Jewish refugee

    1. Max Wachtel and Herbert Wolf family collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn40039
    • English
    • 1914-1918
    • a: Height: 2.375 inches (6.033 cm) | Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) b: Height: 11.375 inches (28.893 cm) | Width: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm)

    Iron Cross awarded to Max Wachtel for service in the German Army during World War I, 1914-1918. After four years of increasingly antisemitic Nazi rule, Max’s shoe factory in Erfurt, Germany, was confiscated in 1937 because he was Jewish. Max was able to get immigration visas for the United States, with the sponsorship of relatives in Ohio. On May 14, 1938, Max, his wife Erna, and children, Ursula and Hans, sailed from Hamburg to the US on the President Roosevelt. They arrived on May 21 and settled in Cincinnati.

  12. Trial in the case of the atrocities committed by Germans and a Ukrainian accomplice in and around Kharkov in 1943

    7 reels, titles and voice-over in Spanish. Coverage of the actual trial of Captain Wilhelm Langheld; Reinhard Retzlaff, an official of the German field police; Lieutenant Hans Ritz, an SS company commander, and Bulanov, a Russian traitor. Spectators include people whose families had been murdered. Every statement in the trial was translated into German, and each defendant was represented by counsel. Many witnesses were called, and the defendants themselves testified. Captain Langheld stated that he had personally beaten women to death but pointed out that he was not the only one. "The entir...

  13. Personal papers of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft relating to displaced persons activities and Bergen-Belsen

    Includes information about the emigration of Jewish orphans to Israel, the administration of the Bergen-Belsen displaced persons camp by the British Army, the 1946 Vaad Leumi Session in Israel concerning Jewish refugees of the Holocaust, food rationing in the Hohne displaced persons camp, military activities of the Haganah in Israel circa 1946, the April 1948 protest by Bergen-Belsen displaced persons against world indifference toward their situation, and the activities of Hadassah and Josef Rosensaft in relation to the Central Jewish Committee of the British Zone and the emigration of Jewi...

  14. Nuremberg Trial proceedings

    Reel 7: Courtroom scenes, questioning various defendants, showing various views of the courtroom and trial proceedings. Questioning Jodl and von Ribbentrop. Prosecutor asks Goering: "Do you still say that neither Hitler nor you knew of the policy to exterminate the Jews?" Goering: "I already had said that not even approximately did I know to what degree this thing took place." Prosecutor: "You did not know to what degree, but you knew there was a policy which aimed at the liquidation of the Jews?" Goering: "No, not liquidation of Jews, only knew that certain perpetrations had taken place." ...

  15. Frank family relaxes at Schoberhof

    In summer, the Frank children and mother Brigitte relax at their vacation home at Schoberhof. Brigitte consoles her son, Michael. Nanny reads book to the child Brigitte. Young Niklas in checkered-trim smokes a cigarette. Short scene where young women don furs on the porch with a uniformed German. These are two friends of Brigitte, including a Hungarian countess (Noell?) on the right. 02:04:47 The Frank children and others from the neighborhood wear traditional German attire and pose for the camera. Boys dress as "Cowboys and Indians" possibly for Fasching [could relate to a later scene at 0...

  16. Council of Ministers Prezydium Rady Ministrów (PRM)

    Contains selected records from the Council of Ministers of the Polish government-in-exile, under Prime Ministers Władysław Sikorski (1939-1943), Stanisław Mikołajczyk (1943-1944), Tomasz Arciszewski (1944-1947), and Tadeusz Bór-Komorowski (1947-1949). Documents included pertain to agreements and relations with foreign governments, military and territorial problems, the situation in Poland under German and Soviet occupations, organization and activities of the Polish Resistance Movement in Poland and other states, plight of the Jews, and aspects of Polish Government activities between the ye...

  17. Polish National Council Rada Narodowa (A.5)

    Contains selected records of the National Council: the advisory body of the Polish government-in-exile, as established by the President of the Republic in the absence of the Polish Parliament. Included are minutes of sessions of the First and the Second National Councils, and of sessions of the Presidium of the National Council. The Chairman of National Council was Ignacy Paderewski, who was followed by Stanisław Grabski. Szmul Zygielbojm and Ignacy Schwarcbart were two representatives of the Polish Jews. The collection also includes the committees of the National Council of the sections: O...

  18. Manuscripts and tapescripts collection Rękopisy i maszynopisy (B.)

    Contains selected manuscripts and typescripts related to the fate of the Jews and Poles during WWII in Russia, Palestine and Middle East. Includes records related to Jews in Palestine from Gdansk, desertion of Jews from the Polish Army, correspondence of Robert Pawlowski from Auschwitz, testimonies about Jews in the Polish Armed Forces, USSR and Palestine, and the memoirs of the anti-Semite of Dr. Herman Schuering.

  19. Licco Haim and friends on a late winter ski trip

    AGFA 8 1939. Title in Bulgarian with 1941 date, "Spring Snow on Maliovitsa" (a peak in the Rila mountains). A photo of the group of friends posing in ski clothing with names and the dates 22-25 March, Anny, Vasko, Shatsi, Licco, Ruska, Maria. Cross-country and downhill skiing on a mountain. Beautiful scenery. 01:11:20 Title with the group of named friends with the dates 5-7 April, Ruska, Vasko, Shatsi, and others. Additional skiing shots and mountain vistas, including the Rila monastery at 01:12:41. AGFA 8 1939 [8 distinguishes the film gauge of 8mm].

  20. Sterling silver communion host pyx engraved with a cross, wheat, and a grape cluster used by a US Army chaplain

    1. Edward Henry collection

    Sterling silver, engraved altar bread host used by Father Edward Henry, a chaplain in the United States Army in Europe during World War II. A pyx is a vessel used to transport consecrated communion host. As a Catholic priest, he carried a portable Mass kit to administer last rites, to offer communion, and to perform mass for the troops. Father Henry and his unit took part in the liberation of Paris from Nazi Germany on August 25, 1944. He was one of the first American priests to hold mass in the Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris after liberation.