
Displaying items 6,161 to 6,180 of 7,748
  1. Edith G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edith G., who was born in Ungva?r, Czechoslovakia (presently Uz?h?horod, Ukraine) in 1929, the oldest of three children in an affluent family. She recounts Hungarian occupation; attending a Hungarian school; German occupation; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz six weeks later; separation from her parents and brothers; cousins hiding her during selections; transfer to Stutthof, then another camp; slave labor in a munitions factory; POWs sharing food with them from Red Cross packages; a death march; her cousins supporting her; escaping together; liberation by Sovi...

  2. Zvi A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zvi A., who was born in Beodra, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Novo Miloševo, Serbia), in 1913, one of four children. He recounts his family's poverty and Hasidism; attending school in Kikinda, and Veliki Beckerek (Zrenjanin); antisemitic harassment; moving to Belgrade; studying under Rabbi Mortiz Levi and others at a Jewish seminary in Sarajevo; moving to Vienna; the Anschluss; relocating to Budapest; ordination after completing his studies in 1940; his rabbinical position in Veliki Beckerek; military draft; serving in Skopje and Štip; German invasion in Apri...

  3. Marcel L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marcel L., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1920, one of five children. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; his father selling their stores in 1936 to emigrate to Palestine; one brother emigrating there; increasing influence of Hungarian fascists; his father's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1939; his return after two months; he and his brothers being drafted in 1941; his brothers being sent to the Russian front (they did not return); a Hungarian Nazi, who was his father's friend, helping them avoid deportation; visiting his family in 1944 in the Bu...

  4. Susan B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan B., who was born in Michalovce, Czechoslovakia in 1927. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; increasing antisemitism in 1938; a priest who converted her family to ensure their safety; incarceration with her sister in the local jail for two nights for not wearing the star; hiding with a Christian family; her family's incarceration in Nova?ky; hiding with non-Jews; obtaining false papers; moving to Pres?ov, then Bratislava; joining her parents in Novaky; traveling with her sister to Trenc?in; her sister's return to Novaky; living in Bratislava under an ass...

  5. Ruth A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ruth A., who was born in Wyszko?w, Poland in 1926. She recalls her family moving to Warsaw; German occupation in 1939; ghettoization; her father's death from starvation; escaping to Mie?dzyrzec Podlaski with her mother and sister; working for a farmer who hid her Jewish identity; learning her sister and aunt were deported to Treblinka and her mother shot on the way; working on another farm for two months; being identified as a Jew; returning to the Mie?dzyrzec ghetto; following her German friend's advice to volunteer as a Polish slave laborer in order to get to German...

  6. Sarah M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah M., who was born in Je?drzejo?w, Poland in 1928. She recalls her family's focus on education; antisemitic harassment in public school; friendship with a non-Jew; her father's military draft in 1939; German invasion; her father's return in 1940 (he had been a POW); leaving family possessions with her non-Jewish friend when they were ghettoized (she returned them after the war); deportations, including her father; receiving letters from him (she never saw him again); her mother arranging her treatment for appendicitis in the non-Jewish hospital; deportation of the...

  7. Israel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Israel K., who was born in Piotrko?w Trybunalski, Poland in 1923, one of seven children. He recalls attending Jewish schools; his family's orthodoxy; German invasion in September 1939; his father fleeing when the Germans wanted him to head the Jewish Council; ghettoization in October; forced labor; trading outside the ghetto using false papers; his father's return; a brother and brother's wife being shot in May 1942; hiding in a bunker with his parents and sister during the ghetto's liquidation; leaving the bunker with his sister (he never saw his parents again); slav...

  8. Bernard S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bernard S., who was born in Sofiïvka, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1928, one of six children. He recalls Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion in June 1941; a mass killing including his father; stealing food for his family; fleeing with others when they saw trucks entering the village; learning there had been a mass killing including his family; hiding in the forest; receiving food from his former Polish employer; returning to his town after a month; escaping to the forest with a woman and her children; building a bunker; moving often; obtaining food from Polis...

  9. Rose M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose M., who was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1933. She recalls moving to Brussels in 1938; German invasion in 1940; fleeing on foot to Paris with her mother; returning to Brussels; learning her sister had been killed with relatives in France; anti-Jewish restrictions, including expulsion from school; attending a Jewish day camp; her mother's friend meeting her when she returned home to take her away (their apartment had been sealed by the Nazis and she never saw her parents again); placement in a convent in Louvain; nuns tutoring them to participate in mass (there wer...

  10. Edyta S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edyta S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1929 to an affluent, assimilated family. She recounts her parents' divorce; living with her maternal grandparents and uncle; their Polish patriotism; her mother's remarriage; her grandmother's death in 1937; German invasion; briefly fleeing east; her grandfather's death in 1940 from abusive Germans; ghettoization; attending privately organized classes; stepping over the dead in the street becoming "normal"; lice infestation despite their cleanliness; Jewish police saving her from round-ups; her uncle's deportation; her paren...

  11. Marc S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marc S., who was born in ?an?cut, a small town in Poland in 1914 and grew up in ?o?dz?. He notes his Jewish education, beginning with cheder at the age of three. He tells of his flight after the German occupation to Russian-occupied Bia?ystok and of his return, with the help of non-Jews, to ?o?dz? to rejoin his mother, sister, and brother. He describes the ?o?dz? ghetto, particularly its Jewish administration, for which he worked until his deportation to Auschwitz in August 1944. Mr. S. was the representative of the revisionist Zionist organization on the Jewish Counc...

  12. Louis C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Louis C., who was born in Berlin in 1925. He recounts his father's service in World War I; living in Nice while his father was a German government attorney; returning to Berlin in 1931; loss of family servants due to the Nuremberg laws; sham improvements during the 1936 Olympics; his bar mitzvah in 1938; Kristallnacht; non-Jewish neighbors hiding his father; expulsion from school; attending an ad hoc Jewish school; his parents putting him, his sister, and cousin on a train; arrival in Oldenzaal; living in a refugee camp, an orphanage, then another camp; joining his pa...

  13. Ben-Zion B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ben-Zion B., who was born in Domache?vo, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1924, the younger of two children. He recounts his father's death when he less than three; a close extended family; relatives emigrating to the United States; his mother's remarriage; the births of a brother and sister; attending cheder and Polish public school; antisemitic teachers; visits from his American uncle; his sister's marriage; brief German invasion; Soviet occupation; visiting his sister in Kosiv; German invasion in June 1941; witnessing a mass killing; forced labor; smuggling food to hi...

  14. Rena S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rena S., who was born in Zdun?ska Wola, Poland in 1929. She recalls a comfortable life; visiting grandparents in Kalisz and ?o?dz?; German invasion in September 1939; walking to ?o?dz?; returning home shortly thereafter; confiscation of their home; living with grandparents in Kalisz; confiscation of their home; returning to her parents; ghettoization; her younger sister's selection in 1942 (she never saw her again); rail transport to the ?o?dz? ghetto; living with relatives; forced factory labor; hospitalization for typhus; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in 1944; s...

  15. Shalom K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shalom K., who was born in Opoczno, Poland in 1918, an only child. He recounts two older siblings who died prior to his birth; moving to Łódź; his father's strong Zionism; attending a Yavneh school, then one conducted in Polish; participating in Bene ʻAḳiva; antisemitic harassment; singing in the synagogue and in performances by Itzhak Katzenelson's theater company; German invasion preventing his emigration to Palestine; fleeting east with his father; round-up with other Jews in Mszczonów; Germans killing Jews by randomly shooting into the crowd; their return to Ł...

  16. Leon F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon F., who was born in Berez?h?any, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (now Ukraine) in 1908. Mr. F. recalls hiding with his family when the town was burned in World War I; antisemitic harassment; attending yeshiva in Stanis?awo?w; membership in Hashomer Hatzair; attending medical school in Prague and theological school in Frankfurt; working as a gynecologist in Warsaw; his father's death in 1938; German invasion; draft into the Polish military; finding his unit had been destroyed in Min?sk Mazowiecki; escaping to the Soviet occupied zone; imprisonment as a spy; draft into t...

  17. David M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David M., who was born in Simleul-Silvaniei, Romania in 1928, the ninth of twelve children. He recounts his family's relative affluence; attending cheder and public school; Hungarian occupation in 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions; working for a non-Jewish furniture maker to learn the trade; his older brothers' draft into Hungarian slave labor battalions; German invasion in 1944; a round-up; giving his father's watch to a family friend; incarceration in a brick factory; deportation to Auschwitz; privileged work in a kitchen; contact with his sisters; throwing them food a...

  18. Jack M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack M., who was born in Gdan?sk, Poland in 1927 and grew up in Gdynia. He recalls a pleasant childhood in an affluent family; his father sending the family to Dzia?oszyce (his father's hometown) in August 1939; German invasion; his sister joining relatives in another town; moving with his mother and brother to S?awko?w; substituting for other people's forced labor to earn money; and separation from his family during a round-up in 1942. Mr. M. describes his experiences in Blechhammer, Gross Masselwitz, Dyhernfurth, Brande, Bad Warmbrunn, and Doernhau; forced labor in ...

  19. Abraham G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abraham G., who was born in Volodymyr-Volyns?kyi?, Poland in 1915. He recalls attending a private Jewish school; his father's lumber business; Soviet occupation; moving to L?viv; German invasion; transport toward the Soviet Union; leaving the group in Brody; traveling to his uncle's home in Zolochiv; being caught in a round-up for a mass shooting; falling into the pit with the dead; crawling out at night; returning to his uncle's home; meeting his future wife; volunteering for a forced labor camp; convincing an Austrian guard to take him to his future wife's home wher...

  20. Henrika M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henrika M., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1920, one of three children. She recalls pervasive antisemitic harassment; attending a Jewish high school; German invasion in September 1939; her father's death from a beating by a German soldier; ghettoization; factory work; her brother's position in the Jewish police which allowed him to help others; deportation of her mother and sister (she never saw them again); being rounded-up and twice escaping from the Umschlagplatz; deportation to Majdanek; assisting a wounded friend en route; slave labor in the tailor workshop; p...