
Displaying items 6,021 to 6,040 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Records of the Mayor of Salgótarján

    • Salgótarján város polgármesterének iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Salgótarján between 1922 and 1950. Records related to the Holocaust include, but not limited to the following topics: cases of trade licences and permits, citizenship and naturalization cases, disenfranchisement of Jewish citizens, petitions for granting the right to vote, records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws as well as instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, building permits, internal matters of Jewish communities, ban on Zionist organizations, Jewish mi...

  2. Records of the Mayor of Gyöngyös

    • Gyöngyös város polgármesterének iratai

    The collection holds the records of the Mayor, the head of the administration of the town of Eger between 1884 and 1957. Records related to the Holocaust include, but not limited to the following topics: cases of trade licences and permits, citizenship and naturalization cases, disenfranchisement of Jewish citizens, petitions for granting the right to vote, records concerning the implementation of the anti-Jewish laws as well as instances of bureaucratic and illegal antisemitic measures, building permits, cases of military care for the family members of Jewish labour servicemen, registratio...

  3. Horthy enters Košice

    On November 11, 1938, Hungarian Regent Miklós Horthy enters Košice (Kassa), Slovakia, which Hungary regained, along with other Slovak territories, as a result of the Munich Agreement. Hungarian titles throughout. “Egy kis világtörténelem.” “1938 November 11” “A Kassai Bevonulás.” “Fotografálta: Pető György.” “A kassai kórhaz bejárata előtt…” Building “Nemocnica” with people milling about. “...két órai alvás után álmosan gyülekezik a társaság.” MS, Pető and friends from Szeged (four men and one officer) stand beside a car. “Ezer és ezer autó érkezik a történelmi napra.” Street scenes with ca...

  4. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panel

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel. Hilberg describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 01:02:09 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. 01:07:20 to 01:08:59 Gap. War Crimes Tribunal panel begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 01:10:24 Dr. Pilichowski (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality of prosecuting Nazi criminals; the desire for revenge. Speaks in Polish, with English translation over. (...

  5. Historians and War Crimes Tribunals panels

    1. 1981 International Liberators Conference collection

    End of Historians panel with Yehuda Bauer's speech. 16:19:38 Hilberg tells of his position in the 45th division during the war. He was not at the liberation of Dachau. Describes capturing Germans and interviewing an officer, who wanted to have a philosophical conversation: "don't you agree that Hitler is a great man?" 16:23:00 Announcements about getting the liberated to meet their liberators. War Crimes tribunal begins with chairman Bernard Fischman. 16:31:17 Dr. Pilichowski, (Poland), director of the Main Commission of the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland. Talks about the legality o...

  6. Chief building inspector for the Reich capital, Berlin Generalbauinspektor für die Reichshauptstadt Berlin (Fond 1409)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Original collection at source archive consists of various records relating to construction projects in the entire territory of German Reich: Opis 1: Instructions for the treatment of prisoners of war; protocols of the Reich Ministry of Labor (RAM) for the provision of prisoners of war; a list of the request of prisoners of war, correspondence and protocols on planning construction of subway, airports, ports; minutes of the first session of the "Wissenschaftseinsatzschaft Armausausbau"; proposals by the four-year plan authority (Göring) for rationalization and austerity measures in armaments...

  7. Reich Chancellery Reichskanzlei (Fond 1235)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Reports of the German occupation authorities, clippings from newspapers, etc. about the political situation in Latvia and Estonia; notes, orders and correspondence of political and military figures, personal files of the employees (Curriculum Vitae, salary), a letter from Dr. Femi [?], a staff member of the German Embassy in Bangkok to the Chancellor Georg von Hertling about the case of Willi Fritz, accused of treason; international agreements and correspondence; plans to rebuild the building of the Reich Chancellery; daily plans; list of officials sending Birthday wishes to Hitler, and fin...

  8. Reichs Protector for Bohemia and Moravia Büro des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren, Prag (Fond 1488)

    1. Russian State Military Archives (Osobyi) records

    Contains a March 1941 monthly situation report of the head of the SD in Prague that mentions the emigration and "resettlement" of Jews. Also included are letters to other German authorities that include a listing of all leadership offices, statistics on German nationals, and the reestablishment of Deutschtum ("Germanness") in the Protectorate. Note: USHMM Archives holds only selected records.

  9. Ruth Loewenstein papers

    1. Ruth Loewenstein collection

    The Ruth Loewenstein papers consist of biographical materials, correspondence, and photographs documenting the Loewenstein family from Munich, the family haberdashery business called JKA, Willy Loewenstein’s military service during World War I, his imprisonment in Dachau following Kristallnacht, the family’s flight to England, their immigration to the United States, and their embroidered handkerchief business Wil-Low Handkerchiefs in America. Biographical materials include identification papers, military papers, and immigration records documenting the Loewenstein family, Willy Loewenstein’s...

  10. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 1 Lire note with a Star of David stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 1 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, includ...

  11. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 0.50 Lire note with a Star of David Stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 0.50 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, inc...

  12. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 20 Lire note with a Star of David stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 20 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, inclu...

  13. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 10 Lire note with a Star of David stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 10 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, inclu...

  14. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 5 Lire note with a Star of David stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 5 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, includ...

  15. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 2 Lire note with a Star of David stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 2 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, includ...

  16. Cremona concentration camp scrip, 50 Lire note with a Star of David stamp

    1. Joel Forman collection

    Scrip, valued at 50 Lire, distributed in Cremona concentration camp in Cremona, Italy. Under German pressure, Italian fascists passed antisemitic legislation in 1938, and later established domestic concentration camps for military and civilian internees. However, the Italian authorities resisted participating in the mass murder and did not permit deportations of Jews from Italy. Although the camps were called Campi Di Concetramento (Concentration Camps) the conditions and treatment of their internees were equivalent to prisoner of war (POW) camps for military and civilians. Prisoners, inclu...

  17. M.52.DAMO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Mykolaiv Region

    M.52.DAMO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Mykolaiv Region History of the Archives: An authority was established in 1921 for the research of the history of the Communist Party (Istpart) in the Mykolaiv sub-section. In September 1925 the Executive Committee of the Mykolaiv area ordered the establishment of an archival authority for the area that would be subordinate to it. Collections from local Soviet institutions and private individuals were transferred to it. During 1925-1931 the archival authority of the area assembled collections from government authorities that existed be...

  18. Sylvain Paul Zucker. Collection

    This collection contains : a red Nazi armband with swastika as worn by members of the NSDAP ; a Nazi insignia depicting a sword on a swastika surrounded by a laurel wreath, worn by athletes of the Reich ; a Nazi insignia depicting an eagle above a swastika ; an allied military identifification card issued to Sylvain Paul Zucker, a Jewish soldier from Belgium who joined the Brigade Piron in England ; a military driver’s licence issued to Jewish allied soldier Sylvain Paul Zucker.

  19. Bequest Eduard Wirths

    The Fritz Bauer Institute acquired the bequest of Eduard Wirths from his wife and children in July 2005. Eduard Wirths was born in Geroldshausen near Würzburg on September 4, 1909. He studied medicine at the University of Würzburg from 1930 to 1935 and earned his doctoral degree in 1936. Subsequently, he worked for the Thuringian Landesamt für Rassewesen, the public health office in Sonneberg, the University gynecological clinic in Jena, and the Reichsärztekammer. He joined the NSDAP and the SA as early as 1933. In 1934, he switched from the SA to the SS and became a member of the Waffen-SS...

  20. Francisco Franco

    1. Biographical press cuttings collection (1945-1970s)

    "Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco Bahamonde (4 December 1892 – 20 November 1975) was a Spanish general and the Caudillo of Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975. Coming from a military family background, he became the youngest general in Spain and one of the youngest generals in Europe in the 1920s."--wikipedia(English)(viewe3.7.2016). "Walther Funk (18 August 1890 – 31 May 1960) was an economist and prominent Nazi official who served as Reich Minister for Economic Affairs from 1938 to 1945 and was tried and convicted as a major war criminal by the International Military Trib...