
Displaying items 5,941 to 5,960 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Evreiskaia obshchina (g. Zagreb)

    • lsraeliticka bogoštovna op ina (Zagreb); Jewish Community of Zagreb

    The collection's contents are catalogued in one inventory. The collection's documents consist primarily of correspondence: internal community correspondence (on public events, the execution of intracommunity administrative duties, educational issues, religious issues, the distribution of Zagreb synagogue positions, and so on); correspondence with Jewish and Zionist organizations, including the Union of Jewish Religious Communities of Yugoslavia, the Ashkenazi community of Belgrade, the Sephardic community of Sarajevo, the Hochschule for Jewish Studies in Berlin, the Dr. Bernard Singer Jewis...

  2. Американская объединенная восстановительная организация. Управление делами

    • American Joint Reconstruction Foundation
    • Amerikanskaia ob"edinennaia vosstanovitelnaia organizatsiia. Upravlenie delami

    The collection's contents are catalogued in three inventories. Each of these contains three sections: secretariat documents, documents of the finance department, and printed materials. The collection contains the JDC charter of 1924; the JDC's assignment of legal rights to the newly created American Joint Reconstruction Foundation; listings of transferred bonds, promissory notes, bills of exchange, and other securities (1924); and accounts of the Reconstruction Foundation's activities for 1924-26 and 1937-39. The collection also contains correspondence of JDC administrative council members ...

  3. Еврейская религиозная община (г. Грац)

    • Israelitische Kultusgemeinde (Graz); Jewish Religious Community of Graz
    • Evreiskaia religioznaia obshchina (g. Grats)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in two inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. The collection features documents of the Jewish Religious Community of Graz, the community's committee for the social security of Jewish émigrés, the Graz chapter of Hashomer Hatzair, and other Jewish organizations of Graz; community circulars for 1933; minutes of community meetings for 1922-38; correspondence with the Vienna taxation and revenue board, Jewish charitable organizations, community members, and lawyers regarding the election of board members and officers of the community...

  4. Имперское министерство по делам временно оккупированных восточных областей (г. Берлин)

    • Reichsministerium für die besetzen Ostgebiete (Berlin); Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Berlin)
    • Imperskoe ministerstvo po delam okkupirovannykh vostochnykh oblastei (g.Berlin)

    The collection's contents are catalogued in four inventories. The inventories are arranged by document type. Among the collection's documents are orders, edicts, directives, dispatches, reports, briefings, job descriptions, accounts, overviews, memoranda, summaries, bulletins, employee directories, certificates of commendation, questionnaires, official documentation of employees' business trips, and ministry correspondence with the Reich Security Main Office and with Reichskommissariats in the occupied eastern territories. Documents in the collection reflect the policy of the Nazi occupatio...

  5. Kollektsiia materialov po istorii i kuiture evreev v Evrope

    • Collection of Documents on the History and Culture of European Jewry

    The collection's contents are described in one inventory arranged geographically and thematically. It consists of documents from Austria (67 files), Belgium (1), Britain (1), Czechoslovakia (1), France (3), Germany (87), Latvia (1), Poland (3) Yugoslavia (1), various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa (40), Zionist organizations (8), Jewish emigration (4), Jewish political organizations (8), societies against antisemitism (4), studies of Jewish religion, philosophy and culture (23), and miscellaneous materials. Among the materials of Austrian Jewish organizations, it holds the charters of...

  6. Оперативный штаб Рейхсляйтера Розенберга по делам оккупированных областей (Берлин-Шарлоттенбург)

    • Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg fur die besetzten Gebiete (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg); The Reichsleiter Rosenberg Task Force for the Occupied Territories (ERR) (Berlin-Charlottenburg)
    • Operativnyi shtab Reikhsleitera Rosenberga po delam okkupirovannykh oblastei (Berlin-Sharlottenburg)

    The collection includes a photocopy of G6ring's directive establishing headquarters in German-occupied territories for the confiscation of valuables from Jewish and Masonic organizations, Rosenberg's orders establishing the Task Force and laying out its objectives, as well as memoranda and correspondence of the ERR special headquarters in the Ukraine and Croatia. The collection further includes logs of searches carried out in Zagreb and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) among Jews and members of Masonic lodges; lists of Masonic lodges in Yugoslavia and lists of Jewish writers; inventories of Jewish belles...

  7. Немецко-фашистские административные и судебные органы на временно оккупированных территориях

    • Nazi German Administrative and Judicial Agencies in the Temporarily Occupied Territories
    • Nemetsko-fashistskie administrativnye i sudebnye organy na vremenno okkupirovannykh territoriiakh

    The collection's contents entered the RGVA among materials brought by the Soviet Army from the territory of Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Poland in 1945-46, and from the First Special Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1953. The collection is described in one inventory, arranged structurally. The collection includes a broad range of documentary materials of German administrative and judicial agencies in the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, as well as edicts and orders of the occupation authorities on the structure of administrative services and degrees of jurisdi...

  8. Колекція кінофотодокументів КГБ УРСР

    • Collection of film- and photodocuments of KGB UkrSSR

    Microfilmed documents of the Reich Ministry for the Eastern Occupied Territories and its head A. Rosenberg: • documents on the activities of the German occupation administration in Ukraine; • reports on the actions of partisan detachments and groups and underground in Ukraine; • documents on the activities of the German occupation administration in Belorussia and the Baltic States; • Reports on socio-political and economic situation in the occupied territories of the USSR; • Reports on the reaction of the population of the occupied territories to events of the German administration, at the ...

  9. Soviet War Memorial; atomic bomb explosion

    Welt im Film Nr. 33, 12/28/1945 "Berliner Bilder" At the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, a large military ceremony takes place, possibly the dedication in November 1945. CUs of individuals and the memorial. Destruction from the street. People shovel large piles of rubble. 01:01:26 Brief cut of three male runners stand on a track and shake hands with a man in a suit. 01:01:32 Welt im Film Nr. 66, 8/28/1946 "Bikini Atom-Explosion Unter Wasser" A film recording of the second nuclear test in Bikini Atoll on July 24, 1946. The bomb was attached under a boat in 27 meters of water. The underwater e...

  10. 257th German Infantry in Galicia region: roundup of Jews; Jewish quarter; German soldiers

    With German intertitles. Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. “Mit dem stab der 256 inf. Div. im Krieg” In the region of Galicja (near the border of Poland and the Ukraine), German officers from the 257th Infantry round Jewish civilians wearing white armbands into forced labor divisions in the town center. Galicja had a large Jewish population (about 800,000) living relatively peacefully amongst the larger Ukrainian and Polish populations in the 1930s. The women of Galicja buy and sell vegetables ...

  11. Licco Haim and friends hike in Bulgaria

    AGFA 8 1939. Title, "Herbst 1940." Title in Bulgarian (Cyrillic characters) with 4 August date, "By car near Simeonovo" (a village near Sofia in the Vitosha Mountains). Licco Max Haim drives a car up a steep incline. Title with 11 August date, "And in the defile of Iskar". Car along the road built by Licco and others in the labor camp. Title with 8-9 September date, "Mussala" (highest mountain peak in the Rila mountains) with Anny, Kete, Pual, Hans, (Licco). [COLOR] Pan of Rila mountain range with a waterfall. Two women at the falls. [B/W] Mountains. A group of five hike the mountain, it is...

  12. Invasion of Poland; Poland surrenders

    Title on screen: Ozaphan 11/39 Monatsschau; Krieg in Polen (Loosely, November monthly report on the war in Poland). View from a low-flying aircraft of smoke and destruction on the ground, including a bridge collapsed into a river. Title on screen: Brennende Haeuser kennzeichnen den (?) Rueckzugsweg der Polen [Burning houses indicate the retreat of the Poles]. Aerial shot along a line of burning structures on the ground. An explosion; soldiers walking through burning and smoking rubble. Title on screen: Hier sassen Heckenschuetzen [Here sat the snipers]. German soldiers climb over rubble tow...

  13. Only a soap bubble Caricature of a Jew whispering to Stalin while he blows bubbles

    Anti-Jewish, anti-Communist caricature depicting a Jewish man whispering to Joseph Stalin. This cartoon was likely distributed by anti-Soviet partisans in Soviet-controlled Lithuania in approximately 1947. The image depicts a Jewish man with stereotypical features behind Stalin who is in a military uniform and blows soap bubbles full of anti-Communist slogans. The inclusion of the Jew reinforces war-time propaganda that emphasized the Soviet Union’s role as an aggressor advancing the Jewish-Bolshevik agenda. In June 1940, the Soviet Union occupied Lithuania, and one year later was occupied ...

  14. Singer style Soviet treadle sewing machine and table of the type used in Kovno ghetto

    Treadle sewing machine produced in the Singer factory in Podolsk, Soviet Union (Podol’sk, Russia), which was nationalized following the Bolshevik October Revolution in 1917. The machine is mounted to a wooden table, which served as both work surface and storage container for the machine and sewing accessories. This mass produced machine was very durable and affordable. This specific machine was in use in Lithuania until the late 1990s. This type of machine would have been used by Jewish forced laborers in the Kovno (Kaunas) Ghetto in German occupied Lithuania. There were about forty worksho...

  15. Francis O. and Ilia O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Francis O., who was born in Novi Sad, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Serbia) in 1913, and his wife Ilia O., who was born in Kisač, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Serbia) in 1915. Mr. O. recounts his mother's death in 1915; his father's draft into the Austrian military in World War I; living in a Serbian village with his grandparents, the only Jews there; singing in the church choir; returning to Novi Sad in 1918; living with his aunt; learning that he was Jewish; attending a Jewish school; his father's two remarriages; the births of two half-sisters; part...

  16. Stanley Winfield fonds

    Fonds consists of photographs, publications, reports and correspondence created or collected by Stanley Winfield while he was a sergeant with the Royal Canadian Air Force, related to the time he spent at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp shortly after its liberation. Fonds consists of a copy of a scrapbook created by Winfield on the subjects of Bergen-Belsen and Ted Aplin; passports belonging to the Lichtensterns, who were a Jewish couple related to Winfield’s mother and who fled Austria for the United States in 1939; and the program for and copies of speeches delivered at the fiftieth a...

  17. Operation Annie - December 5, 1944

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 0:01: News for the population of Rhineland: Max Weber was sentenced by the local court to 7 moths in jail because he first refused to take in women and children who had been fleeing from the Rhineland into his spacious stables. 0:25: Eisenhower requests foreign workers in the Third Reich to leave their work to hide somewhere and try to take part in the resistance against the German government. The ministry of Propaganda doesn’t take Eisenhower’s decree seriously, because exceedingly few foreign workers are able to leave their work and take part. 0:46: The court in Hamburg has senten...

  18. German surrender; Nazi officers surrender

    Two German boys and an old man push a cart laden with belongings past the camera. A family with cart pulled by a cow moves down a road. German soldiers, one of whom is barefoot, walk down the road. American soldiers resting. Red flags hang from windows in the town of Carlsbad. According to the NARA story card, the flags indicated the town's surrender to the Russians, who had not yet arrived. Low aerial shots of surrendered German troops and equipment. 01:19:19 Newly released British POW's smoke cigarettes and smile at the camera. A truckload of liberated French drives down the street. More ...

  19. Manfred Marcuse papers

    The papers relate to Manfred J. Marcuse's experiences during the Holocaust. Included are documents issued to Bruno Marcuse, Manfred's Jewish father, concerning his internment in and liberation from Theresienstadt concentration camp and documents issued to Manfred Marcuse, born of a Protestant mother, regarding his forced labor for the Organisation Todt.