
Displaying items 5,941 to 5,960 of 10,858
  1. Laura S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Laura S., who was raised in Thessalonike?, Greece in an affluent family. She recounts her marriage in 1938; her son's birth in 1939; her husband's military service in Albania in 1940; his return; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; a deportation in 1943; realizing that they would be deported next; smuggling themselves out of the ghetto; obtaining false papers; illegally traveling to Athens; posing as non-Jews; German occupation; escaping to Aleppo, then Palestine; receiving assistance from the Joint and WIZO; their return after the war; her husba...

  2. Harold M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Harold M., who was born in New York City in 1923. He recalls enlisting in the United States military in 1942; serving in the 32nd signal construction battalion of the 1st Army; being stationed in England; arriving in France on June 13, 1944; installing communications cable in Weimar in May 1945; his company commander insisting they enter Buchenwald; seeing dead bodies and emaciated prisoners; the stench of burnt corpses; hardened combat veterans' shock at encountering death on this scale; lampshades made of human skin; and contacts with locals who denied knowledge of ...

  3. Albert M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Albert M., who was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1922. He recalls his military service beginning in 1942; transport to Scotland; and his battalion's progress from Omaha Beach east through the Ardennes. Mr. M. describes his arrival at Buchenwald in April 1945; complete lack of knowledge about such camps; the soldiers' shock at seeing piles of bodies; the horrible stench; the horrendous state of the survivors; and feigned ignorance of the local Germans. He notes an encounter with a German woman in another town who led him to a Jew in hiding. He discusses the permanence...

  4. Hermann R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hermann R., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1913 to Polish immigrants. He describes his father's military service; their orthodox home; the rich cultural life and the vibrant Jewish community; attending public school; antisemitic incidents in engineering school; the socialist uprising in 1934; the Anschluss; anti-Jewish measures; his father's decision to leave Austria even if the family separated; his sister's emigration to England; fleeing to Freiburg with his friend; obtaining false German citizenship documents; crossing to Luxembourg; traveling to Brussels, with...

  5. James T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of James T., who was born in New Hampshire in 1923. He recalls enlisting in the United States military; joining the 90th Infantry Division; shipping out to England; landing on Omaha Beach in Normandy; transfer to the 4th Armored; moving through France; the Battle of the Bulge; encounters with General George Patton; entering Germany; liberating Buchenwald; having no previous knowledge of concentration camps; the pervasive stench of rotting flesh which still stays with him; not understanding they were viewing starved people; the expressionless eyes of the prisoners; and le...

  6. Henry C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry C., who was born in the United States. Mr. C. describes his Yiddish and Workmen's Circle background; attending college; being drafted into the United States Army in 1944; eight months of combat in Europe; working at the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Headquarters; discharge from the army in 1946; working for UNRRA as a civilian, managing Fo?hrenwald displaced persons camp; frequent problems maintaining the physical facilities resulting in poor sanitation; an incident when U.S. soldiers harassed Jewish refugees; his attempts to improve co...

  7. Julian L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Julian L., who enlisted in the United States Army on December 7, 1942. He recounts landing in Marseille; serving as an ammunition bearer; entering Germany; fear of being captured and mistreated as a Jewish soldier; encountering masses of Polish forced laborers; in April 1945 encountering weak, emaciated prisoners in stripped uniforms who spoke Yiddish; giving them their rations; guarding Polish displaced persons; and returning to the United States in March 1946. Mr. L. notes a book his military unit published; that parts of his unit (not his company) entered concentra...

  8. Bill F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bill F., who was born in 1926 and served in the United States Army in World War II. He recounts attending military high school; induction into the army in 1944; fighting with the 7th Army in France, Holland, Belgium, and Germany; being awakened by the smell of death while riding in a half-track; entering Dachau; and observing emaciated corpses lying on the ground.

  9. Yetta G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yetta G., who was born in Poland in 1924, the youngest of ten children. She recounts her father and one brother were butchers; attending cheder; German invasion; hiding with a sister and two brothers in a hole they dug under the floor; her parents being taken (she never saw them again); escaping to the forest; hiding for over three years with a Polish farmer who knew her brother and father; occasionally hiding in the forest when Germans were near; liberation by Soviet troops; her brothers' draft into the Soviet military; marriage; traveling to Che?m, then ?o?dz?; lear...

  10. Имперский суд и Прокуратура Германии (г. Лейпциг)

    • Reichsgericht und Reichsanwaltschaft (Leipzig)
    • Records of the Reichsgericht and Reichsanwaltschaft in Leipzig (State Court and State Prosecutorial Office)

    Investigatory records, letters, newspapers

  11. Управление службы безопасности (СД) в г. Штеттине

    • SD-Abschnitt (Stettin)
    • Records of the SD‐Abschnitt Stettin

    Correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to the Seventh-Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses, the confiscation of their printed materials, and one item about Jewish influence on churches.

  12. Материалы народного суда и других немецких судов

    • Records of Volksgerichtof and other German Courts

    Court files of investigation of people charged with state treason, sabotage, listening to foreign broadcasts, and other treasonable acts involving the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. Included are correspondence and orders regarding the investigation of Poles, Czechs, Jews, and Russians; excerpts from "highly treasonable" radio broadcasts printed in "Deutsche Volkszeitung" (October 1938) and broadcast over "German Freedom Station."

  13. Бюро имперского протектора в Богемии и Моравии (г. Прага)

    • Records of the Reichsprotektor in Böhmen und Mähren, Prague
    • Büro des Reichsprotektors in Böhmen und Mähren (Prague)

    Contains a March 1941 monthly situation report of the head of the SD in Prague that mentions the emigration and "resettlement" of Jews. Also included are letters to other German authorities that include a listing of all leadership offices, statistics on German nationals, and the reestablishment of Deutschtum ("Germanness") in the Protectorate.

  14. Правление синагогальной общины (г. Штеттин)

    • Vorstand der Synagogen-Gemeinde (Stettin)

    Archival records of the synagogue in Stettin (Szczecin, Poland) and the history of Jews in the region from 1906 to 1937: it consists of a bulletin and various documents of the "Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland" regarding the need to better organize statistics on Jewish organizations; correspondence, statistics and clippings on the emigration of Jews from Szczecin (Stettin).

  15. Slovenská tlačová kancelária

    • Slovak Press Bureau
    • STK

    The Slovak Press Bureau was a state press agency of the Slovak Republic 1939-1945. The fonds contains files as well as extensive photo archive of the Slovak Press Agency from the years 1939-1945. While files are not processed and therefore not accessible, the photo archive is completely digitized and available in the Research Room of the Slovak National Archive. It contains thousands of pictures taken by professionals of the Slovak Press Bureau covering various events in Slovakia of that period. This includes some of the anti-Jewish measures (such as deportation of Jews in 1942) even though...

  16. Executive Committee of the Tașlîc village council of workers' Deputies in Grigoriopol district

    • Исполнительный комитет Ташлыкского Сельского совета депутатов трудящихся Григориопольского района МССР
    • Ispolnitel'nyy komitet Tashlykskogo Sel'skogo soveta deputatov trudyashchikhsya Grigoriopol'skogo rayona MSSR

    Registration of military cemeteries; lists of soldiers buried in 1944-1945

  17. German Occupying Forces 1941-1945

    The fund of German Occupying Forces has in total 315 boxes of the materials of a war period from 1941-1945, arranged and processed in archival manner. The aforementioned archival material applies mainly to combat operations of the German units on Yugoslav territories, various combat reports, checklists of units staffing and documentation of German military and civilian authorities. The fund of German Occupying Forces also has 51 boxes of disorganized archival materials with the reports on operational section work, promotional material and German card files manuscripts. The fund of German Oc...

  18. Allen Spears photograph collection

    Consists of three photographs depicting scenes of Ebensee concentration camp following liberation. The photographs are associated with the military service of Allen Spears of the 206th Engineer Combat Battalion. Original inscriptions are included on the reverse of the three photographs.

  19. Paris May 1, 1945

    Roll 0015. Paris City Snapshot on May 1, 1945. Snowy winter day. Few people walking in the snow. Traffic. Armored truck outside a Paris building. Trees and rooftops. Eifel tower and sunnier skies. Father and son have a snow ball fight. Others surround the Eifel Tower, all white promenade.

  20. Służba Specjalna Batalion Zastępczy w Lublinie Sonderdienst Ersatz-Bataillon Lublin (GK 689)

    Personal files of SS-Sturmbannführer Anton Binner along with his private correspondence. administrative files: correspondence, service assignments, promotions, lists of members of the SS Substitute Battalion of the Special Services in Lublin, orders, reports on business travel, and financial settlements. Includes a protocol on the dissolution of Sonderdienst E-Bataillon, February 22, 1941, and photographs of the 1th company.