
Displaying items 5,901 to 5,920 of 10,510
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Edward Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshall 1936

    Scenes in Warsaw as General Smigly-Rydz becomes Field Marshal of Poland. The dignitaries arrive at the parade review stand. Press camera corps photograph the event, which includes officials shaking hands, Smigly-Rydz close-ups, marching soldiers, and troop reviews. Massive crowds of bystanders. 01:20:44 A woman sells Polish flags with the eagle crest insignia. 01:21:03 CU profile of Smigly-Rydz flanked by two Catholic officials, including Cardinal Hlond, whose antisemitic pronouncements at the time fueled longstanding anti-Jewish attitudes among Polish Catholics (see more of Hlond in RG-60....

  2. Licco Haim and friend ski and climb mountains

    AGFA 8 1939. Handwritten title "Winter 1940." Title over with the date 25 February 1940 over a still image of the group with their names. Two men tie skis to the roof of a car. CUs, of women as they walk on a city sidewalk to join the ski trip to the winter resort at Borovets. Good MS of the group skiing on the slopes. 01:03:46 Title with date 21 April 1940, "On the South Side of Black Peak" at Vitosha Mountain. Mountaineering and skiing. 01:07:25 Title with 21 April 1940 date, "Anny and Licco on the Wall", a skiing track on the south side of Black Peak. Zinka, Kiro, Anny, and Licco (the ba...

  3. DP tent city and rally

    Tent city and displaced persons in Landsberg, Germany. Families, children, baby, elder crying. Pan feet (mostly barefoot). Toilet training a baby. More of the displaced families. Laundry. Teenage Hebrew scouts sitting on grass. Boy getting water from a military jeep. Standing in line for food with buckets, eating, soup distribution. Pan food lines. Man dragging child in cardboard box. Feeding child soup. Elderly woman eating bread. Waiting to talk to commanding officers in tent marked "Kommanding Officer". Man standing on chair in courtyard, above crowd of DPs arriving at camp with luggage....

  4. Lajbman family papers

    1. Lajbman family collection

    The collection documents the Holocaust-era experiences of Abram and Chaja Lajbman and their sons Isaac (later Jacques Leibman) and Bernard in Belgium. Included are biographical material, immigration papers, and photographs that document Isaac and Bernard’s survival in German-occupied Belgium as hidden children, Abram and Chaja’s false identities, and their immigration to the United States in 1953. Biographical materials include Abram and Chaja’s false identification cards, receipts for care packages of food sent to Chaja’s family in Belgium, Isaac’s Belgian military documents and a memoir, ...

  5. David Diamant papers

    1. David Diamant collection

    The David Diamant papers include Diamant’s forged identity card and work certificate under his alias Alexandre Nagy, a forged identity card under the alias Marc Sylvain Camus for another member of the French Resistance, and the last letters of French Resistance members Henri Bajtsztok and Maurice Fingercwajg before their executions.

  6. Buchenwald; bombing of countryside

    Slate: "Mainzer / SFP 186 / Buchenwald / Roll MM-8 / 4-16-1945". MS, shirtless thin man sitting against red barn wall at Buchenwald camp. Another man, older with a shirt on. German civilians walking inside camp, forced to confront the atrocities. Two inmates in striped uniforms seated on a bench against barracks. Civilians walk through an opening in wooden barricade/wall. Slate: "Mainzer / SFP 186 / Buchenwald / Roll MM-9 / 4-16-1945". Pile of corpses with barracks in background. Bodies on flatbed, faces, feet, from various angles. German civilians touring the camp, survivors peering over w...

  7. World War I Iron Cross 2nd class combatant’s medal with ribbon awarded to a German Jewish soldier

    1. John and Dorothy Goldmeier collection
    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn85375
    • English
    • a: Height: 2.625 inches (6.668 cm) | Width: 1.750 inches (4.445 cm) | Depth: 0.125 inches (0.318 cm) b: Height: 12.250 inches (31.115 cm) | Width: 1.250 inches (3.175 cm)

    Iron Cross (Eisernes Kreuz) second class medal and ribbon, awarded to a member of Dorothy Fried Goldmeier’s family, for bravery as a soldier in the German Army during World War I (1914-1918). The Iron Cross was first issued in 1813 and reissued in August 1914, after the start of World War I. It was awarded to servicemen of all ranks, and as many as 5,000,000 second class medals were awarded between 1914 and 1918. Although it was originally a Prussian award, its use continued after German unification. Even after Germany lost World War I, the Iron Cross remained a symbol of military honor and...

  8. German siege of Warsaw, Poland, Sept. 1939

    The site of a downed plane-wreckage is visible on the hillside, where one Polish soldier is showing the journalist something that came from this plane, another Polish soldier is climbing down the hill to join them. 01:01:53:14 CU: journalist and Polish soldier, soldier demonstrates how one of the guns on the plane would have worked. More CUs of this wreckage, and cleanup, the camera pans from the site of the downed plane to the surrounding buildings that look almost brand new (this location may be one of the outlying suburbs of Warsaw that Julien Bryan refers to in his book "Siege"). The me...

  9. 75 mm artillery shell found in the ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto

    1. Muzeum Wojska Polskiego collection

    Remains of a 75 mm artillery shell, found among ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto in the 1960s. On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and Warsaw on September 29, after subjecting the city to heavy artillery bombardment. Warsaw had the largest Jewish population in Europe before the war. On October 12, 1940, German authorities in Warsaw decreed the establishment of a 1.3 square mile Jewish ghetto and required over 400,000 Jews from the city and nearby towns to relocate there. Between July 22 and September 12, 1942, approximately 265,000 Jews were deported from Warsaw to Treblinka killing cent...

  10. Vladimir Lewin papers

    1. Vladimir Lewin collection

    Documents and photographs related to the Holocaust-era experiences of Vladimir Lewin and his family, originally from Pinsk, Poland (Pinsk, Belarus). Material related to Vladimir consists of identification cards including his Titolo di Viaggio per Stranieri used in 1970 when he left Poland via Italy to immigrate to the United States; military papers including Vladimir’s discharge papers and booklets commemorating medals he earned with the Soviet and Polish armies; and a testimony statement by Vladimir related to a restitution claim from the German government. Documents related to Vladimir’s ...

  11. Uziel L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Uziel L., who was born in Z?uromin, Poland in 1916, the youngest of three children. He recalls his family's affluence; his father's leadership role in the Jewish community; attending Jewish and public schools; moving with his family to ?o?dz? in 1929; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; his sisters' emigration to Palestine in 1934 and 1935; training as a textile engineer; supporting his parents; his leadership role in No?ar ha-Tsiyoni; enlistment in the Polish military in 1938; attending officers' training school; German invasion; capture; imprisonment in Stalag II A; ...

  12. Wili G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Wili G., who was born in Olomuoc, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Czech Republic) in 1914, the oldest of three brothers. He recounts his family's affluence; attending the local German gymnasium; completing engineering studies in Belgium; draft into the Czech military; German occupation; military discharge at the end of 1938; one brother's emigration to Palestine; moving to Prague with his grandmother; participating in Maccabi; teaching at a Zionist school; joining a hachsharah; marriage to a woman he met there in October 1941; joining his parents in Olomouc; a no...

  13. Dov H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dov H., who was born in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1913, one of six children in an orthodox family. He recounts attending cheder, yeshivas in Khust and Galanta, then a Jewish gymnasium in Brno; night work in a factory to support himself; attending an agricultural school in Tábor to prepare for emigration to Palestine; participating in Hechalutz; graduation in 1932; military draft; continuing contact with Hechalutz; discharge in 1936; returning home briefly; working in Prague; training at a kibbutz in Plzeň; military recall in 1938; his posting in Košice; his ...

  14. Avraham T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Avraham T., who was born in Lazdijai, Russia (presently Lithuania) in 1909, one of six children. He recalls attending cheder; his family's expulsion during World War I; their return; attending Hebrew high school in Marijampolė; participating in Maccabi; leading the Lithuanian team in the 1932 Tel Aviv Makabiyah; attending the University of Pittsburgh; his father's death; returning home; completing law school in Kaunas; antisemitic harassment by university officials; marriage in 1935; attending the 1939 Zionist Congress in Geneva; Soviet occupation in June 1940; worki...

  15. Erfgoed van de Oorlog, Bystander Memories, interview RG-50.570.0005

    1. World War II

    De geïnterviewde werd geboren op 16 april 1919 in Nederlands-Indië. Hij was vanaf het begin tot het eind werkzaam en woonachtig in kamp Westerbork, waar hij werkte voor het distributiekantoor. Vanuit die positie wist hij vele Joden van de transportlijsten te krijgen. Tevens hielp hij Joden uit het kamp te ontsnappen en was hij lid van het verzet. Hij spreekt uitvoerig over zowel Dischner als Gemmeker. Ook de bewaking van de Grüne Polizei, de Ordnungdienst en de marechaussee komen uitvoerig ter sprake. Hij was tevens getuige van veel transporten richting het oosten en schetst een goed beeld ...

  16. US poster promoting victory over racism at home and fascism abroad

    1. United We Win poster collection

    US poster promoting the need for an integrated workforce to support the war effort. It depicts a black American and a white male working together to rivet an airplane. Roosevelt's June 1941 executive order prohibited discrimination in defense work. After the US declared war in December 1941, there was a labor shortage as war production increased and working men enlisted in the military. The War Manpower Commission, formed in 1942 to mobilize the work force, spotlighted the need to overcome prejudice and hire workers from all segments of the population. Black Americans also faced discriminat...

  17. US poster promoting victory over racism at home and fascism abroad

    1. United We Win poster collection

    US poster promoting the need for an integrated workforce to support the war effort. It depicts a black American and a white male working together to rivet an airplane. Roosevelt's June 1941 executive order prohibited discrimination in defense work. After the US declared war in December 1941, there was a labor shortage as war production increased and working men enlisted in the military. The War Manpower Commission, formed in 1942 to mobilize the work force, spotlighted the need to overcome prejudice and hire workers from all segments of the population. Black Americans also faced discriminat...

  18. Nazi atrocities; surrender

    06:12:46 Reel 2: "Activities in European Theater of Operations" In Germany, Schweinfurt citizens gather in courtyard. Confiscated art, belongings, etc. German male civilians march in columns in streets to be screened by US counter-intelligence. Cached gold and art treasures emoved from Merkers salt mine. Nordhausen citizens loot shops, walk through streets, stopped by armed US soldiers, forced to surrender stolen goods. French POW camp in Seurst, Germany. The liberated wave out of three story building windows, give hugs, pats, and kisses to liberating soldiers, large crowd, US and French ra...

  19. Justice Daniel T. O'Connell photograph

    1. Daniel T. O'Connell collection

    Photograph of Justice O'Connell in the courtroom, date and location unknown.

  20. Amateur film of the liberation of Prague; Germans forced to breakdown barricades

    Montage of scenes from the liberation of Prague in May 1945, made up of footage shot by Bohumil Veselý in the area of ​​his residence. Most of the footage filmed near the intersection of streets and Vodickova School. Title of film. Another: “Ve 13. roce Hitlerovy vlády a v 7. roce našeho, protektorátu přišel konečně.” “KVETEN” and the number 5. “Dopoledne.” Morning. People in a Prague street. A man holds a white flag out of a window. A woman smiles. People outside of “ANTONIN KMENT.” Trolley car. Two people wave Czech flags out of a window. German soldiers on the street. People outside “Tsc...