
Displaying items 5,861 to 5,880 of 10,858
  1. Bulldozers and US Army engineers unearth corpses in the rubble of destroyed buildings

    The NARA record states that this film shows "the rubble of a European town devastated by Germans." Civilians and US Army soldiers (engineers?) watch as a bulldozer clears the rubble from a bombed building. After the bulldozers have moved the large pieces of debris, the soldiers use shovels to continue digging for bodies of those buried in the ruins. Soldiers escort a distraught man away from where they are digging. A long shot of several devastated houses, then a shot of what used to be the interior of a house, with a photo still hanging on the wall. A woman digs through the rubble piled on...

  2. Robert Weil papers

    Includes a transcript of a speech given by Robert Weil to students in the Philadelphia, Pa., area concerning his experiences during the Holocaust. In addition, there are letters of response and thanks collected from hundreds of students who heard Weil's speech. Also included are copies of military documents concerning Weil's discharge from the United States Army.

  3. Walter Furst correspondence

    The Walter Furst correspondence consists of correspondence between Walter Furst at Camp Ritchie, Maryland and his brother Harry, his parents Berthalo and Louise Furst, T.E. Glaser, Herbert Meyer, Curt Sloan, Fred Furst, R.H. Stern, Werner Oppenheim, and various other friends from across the United States. The letters focus mainly on military life and other personal matters. The majority of letters are in English, but some from Walter's father are in German. Also included are two overdue notices for library books.

  4. Bea Browdy letter

    The Bea Browdy letter consists of a copy of a letter written by Army nurse Bea Browdy and addressed to her friend Mildred Herman, dated May 11, 1945. The letter describes the wartime experiences of the American army nurse and includes descriptions of Dachau concentration camp and the conditions there shortly after liberation. Both women served as nurses in the United States Army.

  5. Kay Foldvary papers relating to post-liberation Dachau

    Contains "Recollections of Dachau, May 1945" and "Memories of Life in U.S. Army, 1942 and 116th Evacuation Hosp. in Europe 1944-1945," both written by Karessa (Kay Foldvary). The date of the memoirs is unknown. Both memoirs relate to Foldvary's experiences as a United States Army nurse at Dachau concentration camp after the liberation. Also includes 52 photographs of original photographs from a photo album compiled by Foldvary. The photos depict images of post-liberation Dachau and are accompanied by handwritten captions from Kay Foldvary.

  6. Gilden Meyer papers relating to Wöbbelin

    Contain matierals relating to the Wöbbelin concentration camp. They include a speech delivered at the burial service for victims of Wöbbelin on 08 May 1945; copies of the speech by Harry C. Cain, US Army Directory of Military Government (G-5), from the aforesaid booklet; an audiotape version of the speech read by Meyer Gilden; and a color copy of a painting of the memorial at Wöbbelin with Cain's speech inscribed. *See the Meyer Gilden donor file for more detailed information about the painting.

  7. Medal of Heroism awarded to Russian Jewish woman in the Partisan Brigade

    1. Ester Guissin collection

    Medal of Heroism awarded to Russian Jewish Partisan during the Holocaust. Awarded to Ester Blizovski in August 1944 for her participation in the Partisan Brigade entitled Kaplun [Kapluna Brigade].

  8. United States of America v. Karl Brandt et al., Nov. 21, 1946 - Aug. 20, 1947

    Contains proceedings, exhibits, and other court documents from the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, United States v. Karl Brandt et al., the "Medical Case" (Case I), November 1946 to August 1947, prosecuting Karl Brandt and others for crimes against humanity during World War II. The proceedings contain information about medical experiments conducted on concentration camp prisoners; euthanasia programs carried out on the mentally ill and others; and killing of camp inmates for the express purpose of collecting skeletons for medical research. A list of defendants' names is provided in NARA pamphle...

  9. Simon Fuks collection

    Contains legal documents, letters, newspaper articles, and a memoir describing the experiences of Simon Fuks, a rabbi of Agen, France. Fuks' memoir, "Souvenir de Guerre," concerns the German occupation of France; his service in the French military and the collapse of the French forces; his capture and subsequent release by the Germans; how he and other rabbis resisted the Nazis and gave assistance to those Jews that they could during May 1941 to May 1943; activities undertaken by the Union gééale des Israéites de France; conditions inside the camps of Drancy and Rivesaltes; and his escap...

  10. I am not a hero but I am a survivor it is a story of ten miracles in my life

    Describes Joseph Deak's work in a Hungarian forced labor battalion; his liberation by members of the Soviet military; his journey home; and the postwar experiences of members of his family.

  11. Ferencz lecture: Structures for a Peace Convocation

    Structures for a Peace Convocation conference, Washington, DC. Lecture: "What Structures Can Save the Environment, Promote Development, and Insure Human Rights?" Presider: Rev. Donald Harrington. Benjamin Ferencz states the principles established at Nuremberg: a) aggressive war is a crime; and b) crimes against humanity are punishable by law. He claims that world peace is "not so complicated" and calls for "world government" to enable international law and order. He reminds the audience to embrace our progress. Finally, Ferencz urges the public to favor time, compromise, and a willingness o...

  12. Fritz Buchholz's report about Auschwitz

    Fritz Buchholz's report (dated 19 Jun. 1945) describes the following in Auschwitz-Birkenau: sadistic camp guards; torture of inmates; the deaths of Jewish prisoners in gas chambers; confiscation and stockpiling of the arrivals' property; and the destruction of the camp's crematorium by the Nazi guards before the camp was overrun by the Soviet military.

  13. Sandbostel - April 1945

    R. Barer's memoir describes: the steps taken to liberate Sandbostel; the concerns of British military medical personnel about the presence of typhus in the camp; the sanitary conditions inside the camp; the burial of the camp's dead; the difference in conditions between political prisoners and prisoners of war; the visit to the camp of German doctors and nurses; and Barer's ideas to prevent a reoccurrence of German atrocities by an education program.

  14. Joseph G. Fogg letter and obituary

    Contains a copy of a April 30, 1945 letter by Joseph G. Fogg to his parents describing what he saw at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp the week after liberation including health conditions of and care given to the camp's surviving inmates, the camp's sanitary conditions, and the fate of some of the camp's SS guards. Also contains a photocopy of an obituary for Joseph G. Fogg, from the April 4, 1992, issue of "The Plain Dealer." The obituary provides additional information about Fogg's military experiences, interests, and family life.

  15. Gejza S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gejza S., who was born in Dolný Kubín, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (presently Slovakia) in 1909, the oldest of nine children. He recounts brief service in the Czech military; moving to Žilina after enactment of anti-Jewish laws, then to Bratislava; marriage in 1941; his son's birth in 1942; his father's death; his mother sending him, his family, and his siblings to Budapest to avoid deportation; separation from his wife while saving their son; posing as a Catholic after German invasion; traveling to Stupava after liberation; and remarriage. Mr. S. notes his faith was...

  16. Henry L. Cohen collection relating to Nuremberg Case No. 11, the Ministries Case

    Contains transcripts of interrogations of defendants and witnesses in the "Ministries Case" (Nuremberg Case No. 11); general administrative records from the case concerning the interrogations of defendants and witnesses; translations of pre-World War II and World War II-period German documents collected as background information and as evidence in the Ministries case. The bulk of the materials in the collection relate to the participation of Richard Walter Darré in crimes against humanity while serving as Reichsbauernführer and Reichsernärungsminister from June 1933 to May 1942.

  17. Robert C. Goldberg letter

    Letter dated Rosh Hashanah 1945, describing the plight of Jewish Holocaust survivors who were living in the American sector of Europe; author's pleas for American Jews to help European Jews; and author's desire that Palestine be opened for Jewish immigration.

  18. SS personnel records from Auschwitz concentration camp

    Contains personnel files of SS personnel assigned to Auschwitz concentration camp from 1941 to 1944; Sturmbann-, Standort-, and Kommandantur-Befehle (orders) issued at Auschwitz from 1941 to 1944; and a Zugangsliste for Jews entering Auschwitz from 12 March 1942 to 30 November 1943, Personnel files contain biographical and military service information for SS personnel. The Zugangsliste contains date of birth, place of origin, and occupation information for the persons listed.

  19. March of Time -- outtakes -- Swiss troops in Bern, Switzerland

    Swiss target practice near Bern. LS, men in civilian clothes with guns returning from shooting practice. 04:33:42 In street, outside Hotel Suisse, trams. 04:34:16 Posters announcing the Federal Shooting Contest (in German, French, Italian). Frontier guard soldiers with binoculars in the mountains. 04:35:00 Soldiers with backpacks, horses, machine guns. 04:36:27 Soldier on small bridge with gun. Peasant passes by. Soldiers sit by house on lookout. 04:37:46 Staff of mountain infantry regiment in office. Colonel looking at map, giving orders. 04:38:34 LS, village, church. 04:39:21 Streets in B...