
Displaying items 5,601 to 5,620 of 7,748
  1. Sharon B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sharon B., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1922, one of four sisters. She recalls belonging to Zionist youth groups; Soviet occupation in 1939; confiscation of the family store; attending Soviet public schools; German invasion in June 1941; a futile attempt to flee; returning home; ghettoization; her mother sending her and a sister to Polish peasants; returning to the ghetto fearing exposure; visiting Catholic friends outside the ghetto; being taken with her family in a round-up; escaping with help from a Lithuanian guard; hiding at a friend's house; obtaining false ...

  2. Rose I. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose I., who was born in Vis?eu de Sus, Romania in 1923, one of seven children. She recounts her mother's death; visiting relatives in another town; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz; witnessing an execution; joining her cousin in another barrack; her cousin's transfer; slave labor digging ditches; transfer in December 1944 to Bergen-Belsen; reunion with her sister; her sister's transfer three weeks later; liberation by British troops; observing Kommandant Josef Kramer's capture; spitting at him from a distance; living in Bergen-Be...

  3. Charles L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles L., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1928. He recounts German invasion; public humiliation of Jews; ghettoization; forced labor; a round-up, including his parents; obtaining his mother's release through connections; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from his mother and sister (he never saw them again); selection for work with his brother; clandestinely leaving the children's camp to join his brother; their transfer to Altenhammer; obtaining privileged work in the kitchen; providing food to his brother and others; a death march, then train transpor...

  4. Myra L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Myra L., who was born in 1919 in ?o?dz?, Poland. Mrs. L. describes anti-Jewish legislation and extreme antisemitism; German occupation; forced labor; ghettoization; her work in a hospital as a student nurse; deportations; thousands of deaths caused by starvation, including her older brother, younger brother, and mother; the conflict between wanting to help others and the instinct for survival; liquidation of the ghetto; evacuation of the hospital; deportation to Auschwitz; selections; transfer, with a friend, to Freiberg; slave labor; and liberation by United States t...

  5. Chaim W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaim W., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1932 and raised in Topol?c?any, Czechoslovakia. He recalls anti-Semitic incidents from childhood; an influx of Jewish refugees from Austria; Slovakia's increasing stringent anti-Jewish regulations and violent actions by the Hlinka Guards; hiding with non-Jewish friends; discovery and deportation to Novaky in June 1942; different jobs held by his family; efforts to observe the Sabbath; the Czech Kommandant allowing prisoners to escape in August 1944 prior to the camp's transfer to Germans; fleeing with his family to Banska? ...

  6. Ellen W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ellen W., who was born in Memel, Lithuania (presently Klaipe?da) in 1921. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; her father's death; the family's move to Kaunas in 1939; German invasion in 1941; Lithuanian pogroms; she and her family being saved by their concierge; the disappearance of two brothers; learning they were shot by Lithuanians; ghettoization; a selection in October 1941 in which her mother, brother, and uncle's family were taken (she never saw them again); forced labor outside the ghetto; bartering for food with Lithuanians; working with her sister in a brick ...

  7. Eva E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva E., who was born in Lublin, Poland, in 1919. Mrs. E. tells of German bombing; trying to give bread to Polish POWs; hoping to survive to see hungry German prisoners; ghettoization; the March 1941 deportation of the unemployed; escaping in March 1942; work for a Polish farmer; an Aktion in which her mother and sisters were taken; reunion with her brothers; a German soldier who advised her not to return to the ghetto with her brothers (they were subsequently taken); and obtaining false papers with the farmer's help in October 1942. She relates hiding with two women a...

  8. Ita M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ita M., who was born in approximately 1928, and lived in Sosnowiec, Poland. She recounts having two brothers and two sisters; attending public and Jewish schools; German invasion; eviction from their apartment; her father's deportation for forced labor in Germany; ghettoization; forced labor manufacturing military uniforms; receiving food from Polish friends; deportation to Graeben; slave labor in a spinning factory for twelve hour shifts; receiving food from Soviet and Polish POWs; transfer to Bergen-Belsen in 1945; observing cannibalism; encountering her sister; con...

  9. Wolf Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Wolf Z., who was born in Chmielnik, Poland in 1923. He recalls attending public and Jewish schools; extreme poverty; poor relations between Jews and Christians; German invasion; forced labor at Pruszko?w, the Krako?w airport, P?aszo?w, Gross Rosen, Falkenberg, and Ludwigsdorf; the routine hangings and shootings in P?aszo?w, where he was a tailor; learning to be an electrician from Hungarian inmates in Falkenberg; transfer to Ebensee; and liberation. Mr. Z. recounts traveling to Italy to attempt emigration to Palestine; reunion with his twin brother; living with his tw...

  10. Tyla R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tyla R., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1903, one of nine children. She recalls attending high school; her father's death at the end of World War I; moving to Paris in 1931 to escape antisemitism; marriage to a friend from Warsaw; a visit to her family in Poland; her daughter's birth in 1938; German occupation in 1940; and the helpfulness shown to Jews by the French. She tells of compulsory registration of all Jews in 1941; French people hiding her daughter in Normandy; hiding with her husband and others from a round-up on July 14; her daughter's return to Paris; h...

  11. Regina F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina F., who was born in Strzemieszyce, Poland in 1923, one of eight children. She recalls her orthodox home; attending public school; rising antisemitism in the 1930s; German invasion; arrest of her four brothers one by one (she never saw them again); her mother's death following a beating; ghettoization with her father and three sisters in 1942; deportation to Ludwigsdorf; slave labor in a (munitions) factory; her sisters' arrival from another camp; learning her father was deported (he did not survive); fasting during Yom Kippur; liberation by Soviet troops; livin...

  12. Eli W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eli W., who was born in the United States and grew up in a secular home, observing Jewish holidays. He recounts enlisting in the United States Army after Pearl Harbor; training as a tank officer; serving in the Third Army, 11th Armored Division; fighting under Patton in southern Europe and the Battle of the Bulge; capture near Malmedy; observing from a distance the Germans shooting all the American prisoners; immediately escaping; rejoining his unit; the pervasive stench when approaching Mauthausen; entering in the lead tank; shock at the condition of the prisoners; t...

  13. Jennie W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jennie W., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1926, a twin and one of six children. She recalls her father's death when she was very young; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions; volunteering for a forced labor camp (Gru?nberg) in her mother's place in 1941; a German woman who trained her on the factory machines, wrote to her mother, and gave her extra food; giving up escape plans when a friend was executed and mutilated after attempting escape; caring for her sisters who arrived from Auschwitz in 1943; escaping with her sisters and others from a death march; bein...

  14. Vera F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vera F., who was born in 1916 in Cluj, Romania. She recalls her orthodox family; a Passover Seder; attending Jewish and Romanian schools; German invasion; working in a sweater factory; transport to Auschwitz in May 1944; transfer to Birkenau after several days and Kaiserwald after one day; forced labor; and transfer in August to Stutthof. She tells of beatings; transfer in October to Poland; digging trenches; a forced march and train trip west in December; the guards deserting them; staying at an abandoned house with thirty-four others; walking to another village; a R...

  15. Lola J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lola J., who was born in Cze?stochowa, Poland in 1926. She recalls her father's death in 1935; German invasion; ghettoization; one brother's escape to the Soviet zone; forced labor in a HASAG factory; mass deportations which included her sisters and mother; conversion of the ghetto to a camp; receiving extra food from one German; encouraging each other by singing; sharing extra food with her remaining sister; liberation by Soviet troops in January 1945; reunion with another sister in Feldafing displaced persons camp, then with her brother; marriage; and emigration to ...

  16. Mendl H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Mendl H., who was born in Vysna Apsa, Czechoslovakia (presently Verkhe Vodyanoye, Ukraine) in 1926 and was raised in Berehove. He recalls extreme poverty; his family's Hasidism; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; fleeing to Budapest eighteen months later; two sisters and his brother joining him; his brother's draft into a Hungarian slave labor battalion (he later joined the partisans); hiding since he was not there legally; returning home in late 1943; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from his family (he never saw them again); transfer ...

  17. Adele B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adele B., who was born in Bełchatów, Poland in 1925, the oldest of three sisters. She recalls her large and close extended family; German invasion; working in a factory producing German uniforms, her father thinking it would keep her safe; her deportation with other factory workers to the Łódź ghetto in 1942; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944, then to another camp a few days later; slave labor in a munitions factory; a forced march and train transport to Theresienstadt in April 1945; others helping her because she was one of the youngest; helping a dying friend by g...

  18. Rose K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rose K., who was born in Beuthen, Germany (Bytom, Poland) in 1921, the youngest of eight children. She recalls living in Be?dzin; her father's death; her mother's death six years later; placement in an orphanage; living with her sister; German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; pretending to be a non-Jew to buy food; ghettoization; hiding with her sister, sister-in-law, and niece during a round-up; betrayal by their Polish landlord; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her family (she relives her sister's death to this day); slave labor digging trenches;...

  19. Geoffrey H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Professor Geoffrey H., a distinguished literary scholar and advisor to Holocaust testimony projects, who was born in Frankfurt, Germany, in 1929. He tells of assimilated relatives; curiosity about Nazi flags and parades; antisemitic restrictions; placement at age seven in a boy's home supported by the Rothschilds, where his divorced mother thought he would be safer; his mother's departure for America in late 1938; evacuation on a children's transport in March 1939; and arrival with nineteen other boys at the James Rothschild estate in Waddesdon, England. He speaks of ...

  20. Samuel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel G., who was born in Szastarka, Poland in 1926. He describes his large family; forced relocation after German occupation; taking his older brother's place as a slave laborer; his family bribing a Pole for his release after three months; hiding with his family for two weeks with help from a Pole; their capture; about two years in Budzyn? concentration camp; atrocities committed by camp commander Reinhold Feiks; incidents of mass punishment after escape attempts; transfer to Ostrowiec; and a mass killing including his father. He recalls transfer to Auschwitz in 19...