
Displaying items 5,541 to 5,560 of 7,748
  1. Stephen J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stephen J., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1939. He recounts his family's move to Piotrko?w Trybunalski after German occupation; ghettoization; his father's privileged position as a physician; living in a hospital compound; deportation to a labor camp with his parents, brother, and uncles and aunts; transfer to Buchenwald with his father and brother (his mother was sent to Bergen-Belsen); being hidden in the shoemaker's shop with assistance from a German prisoner-physician, then in the tuberculosis barrack; seeing shootings and wagons full of corpses; the prisoner ...

  2. William K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of William K., who was born in Szarvas, Hungary in 1911, the oldest of seven children in an Orthodox family. He recalls brief military service in 1930; establishing a trucking business; disbelief that the events in Germany would effect Hungarian Jews; revocation of his business license in 1940 due to antisemitic laws; compulsory service in a slave labor battalion in Gyoma; assignment as a truck driver during the German offensive in Ukraine; discharge in spring 1942; hiding in a mental institution in Gyula and in his home to avoid further service; German invasion in March...

  3. Lili B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lili B., who was born in Transylvania. She recalls Hungarian occupation; moving to Budapest in 1942; working as a seamstress; German occupation in 1944; anti-Jewish restrictions; a difficult journey home; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz; separation from her family; helping each other stand during appells; forced labor in Gelsenkirchen; liberation from a death march by Soviet troops; returning home; learning one brother had survived; living with her uncles; illegally traveling to Vienna in 1945 with a Zionist group; moving to the Leipheim displaced persons camp...

  4. Saba B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Saba B., who was born in approximately 1926. She recalls incarceration with her sister in Skarz?ysko-Kamienna and Cze?stochowa; her sister saving her from a selection for death; working in her sister's place which saved her sister's life; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; useless forced labor; transfer to Burgau; forced labor in an airplane factory; fasting on Yom Kippur; transfer to Tu?rkheim; a death march; her sister engineering their escape; hiding in the woods with other escapees; seeking food in a nearby town; liberation by United States troops; living with Germans; tr...

  5. Sarah W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah W., who was born in Kovno, Lithuania in 1905. She recalls moving to Antwerp with her family; her mother's death; attending Hebrew school; marriage in 1927; her son's birth in 1928; moving to Luxembourg where her husband was a rabbi; German invasion in 1940; anti-Jewish measures; fleeing to Paris with her husband and three children; traveling by train through Spain to the Portuguese border; futile attempts to enter Portugal with assistance from the Joint; returning to France; internment with her family in Bayonne; her son's bar mitzvah in a local synagogue; trave...

  6. Vera G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vera G., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1929. She describes her childhood in an affluent family; German invasion in 1944; closure of the Jewish school; being spat upon the first time she wore the yellow star; having to move to a building designated for Jews only; all people over seventeen being taken away, leaving her in charge of many children; help from a non-Jewish woman; her father and sister returning; her father placing her sisters in different hiding places; moving to the ghetto with her father; his continuing search for her mother; obtaining Swiss passpo...

  7. Rita K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita K., who was born in Grodno, Poland (presently Hrodna, Belarus) in 1926. She recalls ubiquitous antisemitism; Soviet occupation; destruction of their home during the German invasion; executions of prominent Jews; Polish collaboration; ghettoization in November 1941; her father's round-up for forced labor; non-Jewish acquaintances who gave him food to smuggle into the ghetto; her brother being severely beaten; liquidation of the ghetto in November 1942 during which she was separated from her family (she never saw them again); and transport to Auschwitz. Mrs. K. rec...

  8. Ernest P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernest P., who was born in Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1912. He recalls his father's death in 1918 serving in World War I; his mother's struggle to support him and two younger siblings; working at age sixteen to assist; the Anschluss; immediate anti-Jewish laws and violence; obtaining a forged passport in 1938 (his siblings had already left and his mother followed); living in Luxembourg for eighteen months; support from the local Jewish community; marriage to a Polish-Jewish refugee; the Jewish community organizing a group emigration to Cuba; traveling to Iru...

  9. Henry W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry W., who was born in Boryslaw, Poland in 1923. He recalls pervasive antisemitism; Soviet occupation in 1939; attending a Soviet high school with his sister; German invasion; local violence against Jews prior to German arrival; forced labor in the forests; his father's death from illness; his mother's Polish friend offering to hide them during round-ups, then her refusal to do so; hiding in the forest; being found while returning to town; his selection to remain when most were deported (his sister also remained); ghettoization; hiding during round-ups; conversion ...

  10. Sarah G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah G., who was born in Piotrko?w Trybunalski, Poland in 1920. She recounts her parents' former marriages (they each had four children); working in their summer restaurant in Ciechocinek; German invasion; returning to Piotrko?w; ghettoization; forced labor; deportations including her family; transfer to Difi in Bugaj; slave labor; transfer to Ravensbru?ck, then Bergen-Belsen, after about eight months; liberation by British troops; reunion with a half-brother and sister; living in Landsberg displaced persons camp; marriage; a daughter's birth; emigration to Israel (h...

  11. Daisy M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Daisy M., who was born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia in 1938. She recounts illegally crossing the Italian border in 1941 with her parents, an aunt, and two cousins; living in Montecatini for almost a year; leaving illegally in September 1943 after hearing of deportations; partisans hiding them in a village outside Florence for two months; being hidden elsewhere after Germans neared; farmers bringing them food; warnings of German patrols during which they hid in a pit and mountain caves; liberation by South African troops; returning to the village outside Florence; her father'...

  12. Dora Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Dora Z., who was born in P?on?sk, Poland in 1921. She recalls chaos as the war began; anti-Jewish restrictions; ghettoization; frequent atrocities; seeing her parents for the last time when they were evacuated from the ghetto; and deportation with her three sisters to Auschwitz in 1942. Mrs. Z. describes the arrival routine including shaving and tattooing; meaningless forced labor; supporting each other during selections; the deaths of her sisters; friendships with other prisoners; new arrivals being herded to the gas chambers; the pervasive stench and smoke from the ...

  13. Isabelle H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Isabelle H., who was born in Czortko?w, Poland (presently Chortkiv, Ukraine) in 1939. She recounts her first memory of her mother bringing her to a Catholic family (her mother survived on false papers); spending most of her time in the attic; forming close bonds with the family; a few occasions when she was almost discovered; liberation by Soviet troops; reunion with her mother a year later; living with her in Katowice, then Krako?w; hitchhiking to Austria; living at displaced persons camps; visiting her father in Vienna; being rejected since he had a mistress; being ...

  14. Peter D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter D., who was born in Germany in 1936. He recalls that his father emigrated to Shanghai shortly before or after his birth; living with his mother in Berlin; staying home alone while she worked; their arrest and deportation to Terezín; living in the children's compound; seeing his mother every other weekend; moving boxes and finding one full of skulls; liberation; and survivors forcing a German into a bonfire. He describes returning to Berlin with his mother and stepfather (she married in Theresienstadt); moving to Deggendorf displaced persons camp; antisemitism ...

  15. Lilly G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly G., who was born in Sa?toraljau?jhely, Hungary in 1923. She recalls attending a Jewish school; her family's orthodoxy; her brothers' draft into Hungarian slave labor battalions; one brother feigning insanity to evade service; visiting him in Budapest; German invasion in March 1944; ghettoization; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her mother and younger sister (she never saw them again); remaining with her sister and her future husband's mother; transfer to Dachau; hospitalization; her sister singing to her; friends hiding her since she was too s...

  16. Gabor K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gabor K., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1926. He recalls his family's strong Hungarian identity; hearing of atrocities against Jews from a Polish refugee in 1943; German occupation in March 1944; anti-Jewish measures including wearing the star; conscription into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in June; transport to Bor; slave labor in a nearby camp; sadistic Hungarian guards; a death march in September 1944; escaping with friends during a partisan attack; briefly joining the partisans; traveling to Soviet-controlled territory, including Bor; joining a relativ...

  17. Steven L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Steven L., who was born near Pinsk, Belarus in the early 1930s. He recounts his mother's death when he was very young; a close relationship with his maternal grandparents; meeting non-Jewish farmers while peddling with his grandfather; Nazi invasion in summer 1941; ghettoization; working for a non-Jewish farmer to supply food for his family; hiding during round-ups (his family was taken); escaping to the forest with another family; finding another Jewish family; assistance from a shepherd he knew; building bunkers; the deaths of one family from illness; the birth of a...

  18. Eva S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva S., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1926. She recalls anti-Jewish laws beginning in 1939; German invasion in March 1944; obtaining permission to join her parents in Szeged in May; ghettoization in June; separation from her parents upon arrival at Auschwitz (she never saw her mother again); briefly seeing and waving to her father when transporting food from one camp to another (she never saw him again); transfer to Kaufering in November; forced labor at the Landsberg airport from March to April 1945; transfer to Allach; the disappearance of guards during the d...

  19. Lillian Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lillian Z., who was born in 1928 in Czechoslovakia. She recalls Hungarian occupation; conscription of men for forced labor; German invasion; her brother's illness and death; transfer with her extended family to the Munka?cs ghetto in April 1944; transport to Auschwitz in May; separation from her family; a pregnant woman whose baby was killed shortly after its birth; transfer to Gelsenkirchen; a German who helped the prisoners hide during an air raid; transfer in September to Soemmerda; a six-week death march in March 1945; disappearance of the guards; and liberation b...

  20. Thea S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thea S., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1921, an only child. She recalls visiting relatives in Poland; living with her mother in Germany for a year in the late 1920s; attending gymnasium; participating in Maccabi and other Zionist organizations; the Anschluss in March 1938; dismissal of her Jewish teachers; prohibition from employing their non-Jewish maid; Nazi harassment; being forced to move many times; her boyfriend's arrest on Kristallnacht; non-Jewish neighbors hiding her father; obtaining British travel documents with assistance from an uncle in London; trav...