
Displaying items 2,001 to 2,020 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. Barbie Trial -- Day 6 -- The Prosecution discusses Barbie's refusal to appear

    13:33 The courtroom slowly fills with jurors, prosecutors, and civil parties 13:40 President Cerdini opens the hearing; instructs the bailiff to go compel Barbie to appear 13:41 Prosecution Cohendy speaks passionately about his anger that Barbie has not been brought in by force 13:43 Cerdini suspends the hearing until the bailiff returns 14:09 Cerdini calls a resumption of the hearing; the clerk reads the bailiff's record of Barbie's continued refusal to appear 14:12 Prosecutor Kormann intervenes, asking for LICRA [International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism] to interrogate the ac...

  2. Selected records from the State Archives in Thessaloniki, Greece

    Selected records related to the interwar and postwar history of the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki, Greece (1912-1968). Consists three subject series: 1.Thessaloniki Criminal Court; 2. Thessaloniki Court of First Instance; 3. Records of Jewish organizations and companies. It includes records of Thessaloniki Criminal Court records related to postwar trials of local German collaborators; Thessaloniki Court of First Instance records related to the postwar restitution of Jewish property. The collection also includes records related to the activities of the Jewish organizations and professiona...

  3. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- The prosecution and defense question expert witnesses

    18:12 Prosecutor Jakubowicz asks the witnesses to comment on an argument of Barbie's defense, in which he claimed that the Jews declared war on Germany in 1939; the witnesses reply that this defense is 'stupid.' 18:13 Prosecutor Klarsfeld asks for a precision as to the date on which Barbie received instructions to arrest Jews. The witness says those instructions came the 14th of April, after the Izieu raid. 18:14 Prosecutor Welzer asks the witnesses to comment in a precise way on the 'Night and Fog' decree. 18:17 Defense attorney Vergès asks why, if the witnesses are so sure of Barbie's gui...

  4. Barbie Trial -- Day 17 -- A witness testifies

    15:48 A witness, Mrs. Francine Gudefin, testifies; she describes torture carried out by Francis André and by Barbie, and being forced to watch her brother being waterboarded; the witness describes a serious injury to her ear, as well as to her vertebral column; she describes the "chambre des torturés" (room of the tortured people) in the basement of the Gestapo headquarters at Place Bellecourt; description of an injury sustained during torture which left her face permanently disfigured 16:07 President Cerdini asks the witness how many times she was interrogated, and whether Barbie ever expl...

  5. Defendants plead not guilty; Jackson opens Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, November 20, 1945. "Attention! Tribunal" MSs, Tribunal enters courtroom. MLS, German attorney makes statement to court and Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence is heard advising the defendants that they may consult with their lawyers. Justice Lawrence stresses that provisions according to Article 24 will be followed by the court. Apparently, this refers to the fact that the defendants could plead "guilty" or "not guilty," but otherwise would not be allowed to make any statements. The defense had complained that the defendants had only been informed about thi...

  6. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Reading of 15 counts of indictment

    Session 1. German translation of the First Count, Letter (h). Judge Moshe Landau continues to read the fifteen counts against Adolf Eichmann, followed by the German translation. When the recitation is complete, Judge Landau asks Eichmann if he understands the charges against him, and Eichmann responds affirmatively. Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius requests permission to voice objections against the court before his client enters a formal plea. Judge Landau agrees, and Dr. Servatius states a concern for both the objectivity and competence of the court. Dr. Servatius suggests that an Is...

  7. Testimony about conditions at Mauthausen and Ravensbrueck at Nuremberg Trial

    War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Dr. Jean Weith testifying in French. He testifies about several visits of high German officials in Mauthausen (Himmler, Kaltenbrunner, Pohl). He confirms that the civil population could have perfectly known about what went on in the camp, because one could see everything from the nearby street. Also, the camp inmates worked in the factories. Even though separated from the workers, there was enough contact, and the workers must have noticed the conditions the prisoners were in. He is also questioned by Kaltenbrunner's counsel, Kurt Kau...

  8. Barbie Trial -- Day 17 -- Victims testify

    14:54:11 Fernand Hahn speaks about prison, SS, and explains that during his deportation to Dachau on in June 1944, Barbie identified himself by name to prisoners at the station saying they would never come back. Hahn says he had not seen Barbie clearly enough to be able to recognize his face after 43 years. 14:55? But he says he remembered Barbie, speaking in French while in a group of German soldiers, as saying that the war was lost for Germany, but that he had put aside "booty" and had a plane ready to take him to South America. 15:16 Judge Cerdini asks Hahn how he could be sure the man w...

  9. Process for presenting evidence at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 450) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, December 17, 1945. MS, Rudolf Hess standing in prisoners' dock talking to his attorney. (Mute) Sound begins at 03:0119 Robert G. Storey, prosecution counsel, addressing the court. LS, MS, Fritz Sauckel's counselor, Dr. Robert Servatius, offers protest to the Tribunal. Speaking on behalf of the "Organization der politischen Leiter" [Organization of Political Leaders] Servatius questions the sufficiency of opportunities and time to discuss evidence presented by the prosecution. 03:04:45 Pan to bench as Chief Justice Geoffrey Lawrence tells Dr...

  10. Selected records of the Court of the First Instance in Bodzentyn Sąd Grodzki w Bodzentynie (Sygn. 1158)

    Court civil cases, records of individual litigation, e.g. correspondence, restoration of birth, marriages or death certificates; andinheritance cases.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Krakow scenes; War Crimes Trial: "Butchers of Auschwitz"

    Hodgson's Poland, 1947. Krakow, Poland. LS, old market place seen from crossroads, policewoman directing traffic. MS, merchants at main square, large umbrellas opened over small carts. LS, gate of the old market. LSs, Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary, in FG, old market place. MS, shop window of market with dolls made in Krakow. CU, child looking at dolls. 02:03:15 "The Trial of Forty German Butchers of Auschwitz Camp," November 24-26, 1947. LS, building in which the trial of Auschwitz takes place. Market scene. MS, crowd listening to loudspeaker on steps of building. MS, crowd outside of b...

  12. Martin C. Dean papers

    The Martin C. Dean papers consist of photocopies of case documentation prepared for Martin Dean by the German prosecuting authorities in Stuttgart, Germany, to assist him in preparing an expert witness statement for a case against Alfons Götzfrid (b. 1919 in Rastatt/Poretschje Ukraine), who served in the Security Police in Lemberg (Lviv) during World War II and who was tried in Stuttgart in 1999 on charges of accessory to murder at the Majdanek concentration camp. The files are entitled “Staatsanwaltschaft Frankenthal 9 Js 70-65 Walter Kehrer, Handakten Bd. I thru V and Sachakten Bd. I thru...

  13. Communist female prisoner and other doctors testify at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 528) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 28, 1946. Dr. Hans Marx, defense counselor, questions Marie-Claude Vaillant Couturier. His questions are in German and answered in French. Dr. Marx asks the witness if her testimony is based on how she personally experienced things. She answers that it is based on her personal experience but has been confirmed through others. 08:02:50 Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence asks the defense counselors if any others wish to question the witness. LS, MS two witnesses, Dr. Jean Weith and Dr. Vic Dupont. 08:04:08 Dr. Weith enters the witness box...

  14. Nuremberg Trial : Verdict

    World in Film. Issue no. 71 (July 1947) "Nuernberger Prozess: Das Urteil" [Nuremberg Trial: The Verdict] Intertitle in German: "Vor dem internationalen militaergerichtshof in Nuernberg ging der groesste Prozess der geschichte zu ende. Er begann am 20 Nov 1945 und um fasste 403 oeffentliche sitzungen des Tribunals. Am 1 Okt 1946 erfolgte der urteilsspruch ging die 22 Angeklagten. Hier sind die aufnahmen der historischen schluss -" Pan EXT, Palace of Justice. VS, military police on guard in vicinity. Civilian and military personnel enter courthouse. Pan, defendants and court audience standing...

  15. Barbie Trial -- Day 16 -- Two civil parties testify

    17:15 Defense attorney Vergès asks the civil party to comment on the responsibility of Barbie of the destination of the transport; discussion regarding the fact that the train's original destination was Drancy 17:17 Prosecutor Klarsfeld comments that the eventual destination of prisoners sent to Drancy was Auschwitz anyway, so whether or not Barbie gave the order for the August 11 transport to continue directly to Auschwitz, he knew that would be the inmates' eventual destination 17:18 Vergès critiques the prosecution, saying that they do not follow proper court proceedings when asking ques...

  16. March of Time -- outtakes -- War Crimes Trial: "Butchers of Auschwitz"

    "The Trial of Forty German Butchers of Auschwitz Camp," November 24-26, 1947. LS, building in which the trial of Auschwitz takes place. Market scene. 02:36:45 MS, crowd listening to loudspeaker on steps of building. MS, crowd outside of building listening to prisoners' examination. 02:37:05 VS, German prisoners jumping out of lorries and marching into the Court of Justice. 02:37:22 VS, Maria Mandl, head of women's camp at Auschwitz, between two Germans. 02:37:58 LS, old women jumping out of lorry and going to the Tribunal. CU, President of the Tribunal, Alfred Eimer, verifying identity of t...

  17. Sentencing Ribbentrop, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner at Nuremberg Trial

    Sentencing of Nazi Leaders at Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, October 1946. MS, Hermann Goering, Baldur von Schirach, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Jodl, Rudolf Hess, sitting in prisoners' dock listening to testimony. Hess taken ill leaves prisoners' dock. Shots of English and US prosecution tables. Scenes of Justice Kravechenko (Russian), reading statement from bench. Pan of prisoners' dock and courtroom as voice of Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence (British) is heard speaking about the SS, slave labor, experiments on human beings, consolidating power, and creating the first co...

  18. Kesselring testifies at Nuremberg Trial

    (Munich 47) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, March 13, 1946. LS, showing left side of prisoners' dock; all defendants listen attentively to testimony of Gen. Albert Kesselring. MS, Chief US Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson seated at a table taking notes. LSs, MLSs, Ludwig Babel, defense counselor, questions Gen. Kesselring. Kesselring first talks about the air attack on Coventry, the distribution of aims and the calculations of the likelihood of missing them. He says he was happy about the "choice" Coventry because it was actually a military target, and not some civilian one. He is then q...

  19. Eichmann Trial -- Session 1 -- Answer to indictment reading of 15 counts

    Session 1. The end of Film ID 2001 is repeated here with Defense Attorney Dr. Robert Servatius requesting permission to voice two objections to the court before his client enters a plea. Judge Moshe Landau agrees, and Servatius asks for a change of venue and/or a case dismissal on the basis that the panel of Judges lack sufficient objectivity. Secondly, the defense suggests that the court is incompetent because it ignored international law by allowing and justifying the seizure of Adolf Eichmann. Furthermore, Servatius accuses the court of proceeding with trial despite Israel's lack of poli...