
Displaying items 1,861 to 1,880 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Meeting of the Jewish Anti-fascist Committee, 1944

    A meeting of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee at the Kolonny zal [Columnar Hall] in the House of Unions, possibly on July 26, 1944. The meeting was meant to raise funds for the Soviet war effort. Members of the committee and military officers sit on the stage beneath a huge portrait of Stalin. Long shot of Solomon Mikhoels as he reads a speech (mute). Pan across the other men on the stage. Participants, in high spirits, sign a petition: David Bergelson signs at 01:07:08, Mikhoels signs at 01:07:33, Abraham Sutzkever signs at 01:07:52 and Ilya Ehrenburg signs at 01:07:58 At a meeting on Jul...

  2. Testimony of Felix Pollak, born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1921, regarding his transfer to England on a children's transport, 1939, and his experiences in the Czechoslovakian Army in England, Agde and in combat in Dunkirk

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Felix Pollak, born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1921, regarding his transfer to England on a children's transport, 1939, and his experiences in the Czechoslovakian Army in England, Agde and in combat in Dunkirk Transport of Jewish children from Prague to England, 1939; work on a farm, 1940; enlistment in the Czechoslovakian Army on reaching the age of 18; transfer of Jewish volunteers from England to the Czechoslovakian camp in Agde, France; return to England after the French defeat; formation of a Czechoslovakian military camp in Cholmondeley Park; Jewish soldiers forswear the C...

  3. Testimony of Helmut Brecher, born in Liberec, Czechoslovakia, 1923, regarding his escape to England, 1939, and his experiences as a Czechoslovakian soldier in the British Army, including service in the Royal Air Force (RAF)

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Helmut Brecher, born in Liberec, Czechoslovakia, 1923, regarding his escape to England, 1939, and his experiences as a Czechoslovakian soldier in the British Army, including service in the Royal Air Force (RAF) Childhood in a Jewish orphanage in Prague; arrival in England with his brother Albert using Slovak passports, 1939; assistance of the British Refugee Committee, 1940; work in factories; military training in the Czechoslovakian military unit in Southampton; enlistment by Jews, 1943; detention of Jewish escapees in Italian camps; help from Italian farmers; enlistment in th...

  4. Дніпропетровський обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України

    • Dnipropetrovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
    • Dnipropetrovskyi oblasnyi komitet Komunystychnoi partii Ukrainy
    • Днепропетровский областной комитет Коммунистической партии Украины

    Inventory 4 (Opys 4) contains filed relating to the history of the German occupation regime, population policies and the Holocaust in the region during the World War II. Inventory 4 (Opys 4). File 4. Letters, informations, reports by the Regional Committee to the lower-level party and governmental bodies, city- and district Communist party branches about activities of military registration and enlistment offices, defense construction works and dislocation of military units, creation of destruction battalions, about atrocities committed by the occupiers and their accomplices. 1943. 66 pages....

  5. March of Time -- outtakes -- Hitler speaks in Vienna after annexation of Austria

    Arthur Seyss-Inquart, who was proclaimed Chancellor of Austria after the German takeover, addresses a huge crowd in Vienna. He introduces Adolf Hitler, who salutes the crowd from the podium. Hitler speaks briefly about the absorption of Austria into the Reich. More shots of the wildly cheering and saluting crowd. Shots of Hitler's car arriving at a large government building and greeting officials. A wreath with a ribbon bearing Hitler's name stands in front of the building. Planes fly overhead. The next scene is a military parade through the streets of Vienna. Hitler salutes from the sideli...

  6. General Headquarters. Mobil Command Post. Miscellaneous.

    Vol. XIII. 28.VII - 30.IX, 1941. 5-th Army Corps, Problems related to the conquest of Bessarabia. Creation of pre-military work units. Reports of execution of various works by the Technical Army Corps (Pioneers). Reports of plundering and acts of barbarism by the troops in the occupied territories. Iuliu Maniu requests to cease military operations after Bessarabia and Bucovina are liberated. Antonescu replies there are Romanians up until the Dnieper. Abusive behavior of the Ukrainian Police East of the Dniester. No Romanian currency allowed there. Frictions between the German Police and the...

  7. Trials against Nazi and collaborationist criminals of war in Yugoslavia

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against Nazi officers and collaborationists accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII. Among them, generals Franz Bohme, Heinrich Danckelmann, officers of the 64 Police Reserve Battalion, Serbian general Milan Nedić and others involved in the Holocaust in Serbia. The files contain statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extrad...

  8. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Yugoslavia (Serbia)

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against high-ranked Nazi officers accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII, with particularly attention to the Serbian territory under German occupation. The file contains statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extradition of the Nazi criminals of war who managed to escape to Germany after the liberation of Yugoslavia. Many ...

  9. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Yugoslavia (Serbia)

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача

    The files contain SCICOS prosecutions against high-ranked Nazi officers accused of war crimes committed on the Yugoslav territory during WWII, with particularly attention to the Serbian territory under German occupation. Among them, SS commander George Kiessel. The file contains statements and interrogatories, reports, sometimes original documents in Serbian or German language. Particularly attention during the trials is dedicated to the extermination of the Serbian Jews. After WWII Yugoslav authorities asked for the extradition of the Nazi criminals of war who managed to escape to Germany ...

  10. Burning buildings, probably in Saarland

    Scenes filmed by Lieutenant Edgar Forsberg of the 257 German Infantry following the collapse of the Polish army on October 6, 1939. German soldier walks toward the camera. Caravan of military vehicles. 10:08:05 Several fires destroy buildings, probably in the Saarland, a region along the southwest French-German border where the 257th Infantry was positioned after their time in occupied Poland. Their post in the Saarland was unusual as few battles between the French and German armies occurred along this Western Front between October 1939 and April 1940. Destruction was likely caused by Frenc...

  11. Liberation of Belgium and capture of collaborators and POWs

    Civilians gathered in a city plaza welcome Allied soldiers arriving in trucks. A joyful crowd of Belgian men, women and children ride on a tank and wave Belgian and American flags. Interior shots of German soldiers and Belgian collaborators kept in animal cages lined with straw at the Antwerp zoo (shots are dark), including CUs of a German officer looking through the bars. Belgian collaborators are led down the street by armed Belgian resistance fighters, members of the L'Armee Blanche. German soldiers are escorted to waiting trucks by troops from the 4th Battalion King's Shropshire Light I...

  12. Italian Ministry of Defense Selected records of the Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito

    Contains a census, questionnaires, documents, circulars, and correspondence relating to Jews, racial policy, military institutions, Yugoslavia, France, and Greece. Includes reports on the activities of the Ustashi against Jews in Yugoslavia; reports of Jews moving into newly occupied territories; translation of an article from "Der Spiegel" on the conduct of the Italian military in protecting Jews in occupied territories; the role of the Catholic Church in persecuting Jews in Rome; lists of military officers who aided Jews in Greece, France and Croatia; bibliography from the book on Italian...

  13. Ministry of Defense Archives records

    Contains name lists, correspondence, diaries, reports, and trial documents. Documents concern the Soviet prisoners of war, including Soviet Jews, kept in Finnish camps during World War II; the organization of the Office of Prisoners of War within the Home Front headquarters of the Finnish Army; the personal diary of Walter Horn, Finnish military attaché in Berlin, from September 1940 to October 1944; and the trial records (1947 and 1948) of Arno Anthoni, wartime head of the Valpo, Finnish Security Police (Etsivä keskuspoliisi; later Valtiollinem poliisi, Valpo).

  14. Warsaw during German bombing, shelling; Hitler & Generals

    Map. Goering, Keitel, von Ribbentrop, Himmler, and Hitler in a map conference; also present, Rommel, Bodenschatz. Preparation for bombing Warsaw. Intertitle: "Nach Ablehnung der Uebergabe wird der Kampf fortgesetzt." Bombs loaded into plane. Aerial shots of bombs being dropped on Warsaw. Thin black columns of smoke from outskirts of town. Soldiers firing bombs from land. Smoke. Hitler in plane looking through telescope. Buildings on fire. Soldiers advancing [footage is dense, grainy, scratched]. Polish soldiers surrendering, running with hands raised. German soldiers carry an injured man in...