
Displaying items 321 to 340 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Archives départementales des Bouches-du-Rhône

    • Departmental Archives of Bouches-du-Rhône
    • France
    • 18 rue Mirès BP 10099, Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
  2. Imperial War Museum; Department of Documents

  3. Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas

    • Lithuanian Central State Archives
    • LCVA
    • Lithuania
    • O. Milašiaus g. 21, Vilnius
  4. Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education

    • OJMCHE
    • Oregon Holocaust Resource Center
  5. The University of Manchester Library

    • John Rylands Research Institute
  6. Βιβλιοθήκη και Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Library and Information Centre, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    • Vivliothiki kai Kentro Pliroforisis Aristoteleiou Panepistimiou Thessalonikis
    • Πανεπιστημιακή Βιβλιοθήκη
    • Βιβλιοθήκη ΑΠΘ
    • ΒΚΠ ΑΠΘ
    • ...
    • Greece
    • AUTh Campus, Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia
  7. Kazerne Dossin: Memoriaal, Museum en Onderzoekscentrum over Holocaust en Mensenrechten / Kazerne Dossin: Mémorial, Musée et Centre de Recherche sur la Shoah et les Droits Humains

    • Kazerne Dossin: Memorial, Museum and Research Centre on Holocaust and Human Rights
    • Kazerne Dossin: Memoriaal, Museum en Documentatiecentrum over Holocaust en Mensenrechten / Kazerne Dossin: Mémorial, Musée et Centre de Documentation sur l'Holocauste et les Droits de l'homme
    • Belgium
    • Goswin de Stassartstraat 153, Mechelen, Flanders
  8. Archivo General de la Nación

    • General Archives of the Nation
    • AGN
    • Argentina
    • Av. Leandro N. Alem 246 , Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires F.D.
  9. Rahvusarchiiv

    • National Archives of Estonia
    • Riigiarhiiv
    • State Archives of Estonia
    • Estonia
    • Nooruse 3, Tartu
  10. American Friends Service Committee

    • AFSC
    • United States
    • 1501 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  11. Archives du Palais Princier

    • Archives of the Principality Palace
    • Monaco
    • B.P. 518, Monaco, MC Monaco Cedex
  12. Archiv hlavního města Prahy

    • Prague City Archives
    • Czechia
    • Archivní 6, Prague, Prague
  13. Архив Jугославије

    • The Archives of Yugoslavia
    • Arhiv Jugoslavije
    • Arhiv Srbije I Crne Gore, Beograd, Serbia And Montenegro (2003-2009)
    • (Former) Arhiv Srbije i Crne Gore (2003-2009)
    • The Archives of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2009)
    • Serbia
    • Vase Pelagića 33, Beograd
  14. Дипломатски архив Министарства спољних послова

    • Diplomatic Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
    • Diplomatski arhiv Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije
    • Diplomatski arhiv Saveznog Sekretarijata za Inostrane Poslove, Beograd (former name)
    • Serbia
    • Kneza Miloša 24-26, Beograd
  15. Державний архів Одеської області

    • State Archive of the Odessa Oblast
    • Derzhavnyi arkhiv Odeskoi oblasti
    • Ukraine
    • vul. Zhukovs'koho 18 (korp. 1); 56023 Odesa, vul. Pirohovs'ka 29 (korp. 2), Odesa, Odesa oblast
  16. 814-oji karo lauko komendantūra

    • Feldkommandantur 814
    • Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius

    Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius was established in July 1941 and existed untill July 1944. The institution was under the authority of Der Kommandant in Litauen des Wehrmachtsbefehlshabers Ostland. The Commandant handled almost all military and civilian affairs, except for the political. Also supervised activities of the committee of the citizens' of the Vilnius city and the area and activities of the Lithuanian auxiliary police.

  17. Kauno 13-oji didžioji kariuomenės statybos įstaiga

    • Grosse Heeresbaudienststelle 13 Kauen
    • Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13

    Kaunas Major Military Construction Office Number 13 supervised construction of military objects.

  18. Party day in Nuremberg w/military exercises and Hitler speech

    Military exercises on the field at Reich Party Day in Nuremberg. Smoke, explosions, soldiers simulate battle while spectators look on. Shooting machine guns, tanks. Hess, Hitler, members of military watch planes flying overhead. Good shots of blimp over the stadium. People in the crowd wave handkerchiefs. Hitler speaks to the military: "You are chosen by the nation to stand watch." Alternating shots between Hitler speaking and the field. Hitler reviews marching military, including Navy.

  19. Military Advance in France; German soldiers in Paris

    MCU, horse-drawn artillery advancing through Chateau Thierry; French prisoners in FG. MCU, motor-drawn artillery advancing, infantry in BG. Drivers of horse-drawn artillery sleeping on wagons. MCU, tank panzer division crossing river on pontoon bridge. Armored vehicles on road. Infantry advancing in heavy rain. French POWs. Field kitchen. MS, Volkswagon passing by tanks. Buildings burning around oil refinery. Oil tanks on fire, black smoke. Nazi flag hoisted. Airplane landing in Paris, civilians and soldiers in FG. LS, Eiffel tower. MCU, anti-tank gun in streets of Paris. MCU, German troops...

  20. Falkenhausen resigns as military governor of Belgium and northern France

    General Alexander von Falkenhausen officially relinquishes his position as military governor of Belgium and northern France on July 18, 1944 in Brussels. Long shot then CU of Falkenhausen at a podium in front of an audience of men in Nazi uniforms. The location is the offices of the Belgian senate. Shot of Josef Grohe, the new Reichskommissar of the civilian government (the transition from military to civilian government was decreed on July 13, 1944), and General der Infanterie Martin Grase sitting in the front row of the audience. Grase gets up to speak, followed by Grohe. LS of Grohe at t...