
Displaying items 2,041 to 2,060 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Formal Jap Surrender

    Universal Newsreel, Vol. 18, No. 431. Release date, 09/06/1945. According to UN advance information: "Japs Sign Surrender Papers." On the broad decks of the USS "Missouri" in Tokyo Bay, the official Japanese delegation signs the formal surrender documents. Military representatives of each of the victorious Allied powers, then affix their signatures, and hostilities are ended. Gen. MacArthur, Supreme Commander of the Allies, speaks to the gathering, and to the world, stating that hostilities have ceased, and that with God's help, war will be ended forever.

  2. Leonard Linton photographs

    1. Leonard Linton collection

    Collection of copy prints, contact sheets, and copy negatives of black and white images which depict images of survivors and victims after liberation, general post-WWII imagery (such as destruction, abandoned property, and American GIs), Nazi officials and other military leaders. Gathered by Leonard Linton (donors' father) who was part of the US G5 military unit after the war and cared for survivors of the Woebbelin concentration camp.

  3. Inspectorate General of Gendarmerie.

    1. Ministry of Interior

    Various police actions against local criminals and against Soviet parachutists. Attacks by the partisans. Germans attacked by the partisans ask for help form the Italian and the Romanian military. The military are ordered to return a calendar titled “The new order in marching”. The Germans continue to enroll young men from Romania as volunteers in the German army. Continuous fights with the partisans in Transnistria. A number of gendarmes are killed. Parachutists captured. Number of Jews evacuated from the districts Tiraspol, and Tulcin. Number of Jews in Râbniţa, Moghilev. Numerous railroa...

  4. Процесс по делу о злодеяниях немецких захватчиков в Латвийской, Литовской и Эстонской ССР

    • War crimes trials in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

    Latvia. Riga. The trial of fascist invaders, who committed crimes on the territory of Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian SSR during the temporary occupation. Proceedings of Military Tribunal in the House of Officers. Members of Military Tribunal, defenders, audience in the court. Interrogations of the accused, testimonies of witnesses, announcement of the sentence. Execution of convicts in the city square.

  5. PCM. Cabinet/PCM - Cabinet I. Antonescu

    1. Presidency of Council of Ministers

    Complaints against the Armed Services for mismanagement, inhuman treatment of military personnel etc. Fights and complaints between civilians and related to the military. Report on execution of directives given by I. Antonescu. Various domestic problems. Among others, a request to increase the number of “vespasian” (public urinals) and import of the equipment from Germany.

  6. SS commander Harald Turner

    1. Државна комисија за утврђивање злочина окупатора и њихових помагача
    2. Trials against Nazi criminals of war in Yugoslavia (Serbia)

    SS commander Harald Turner was one of the most important officers in the German military administration of the Territory of the MIlitary Commander in Serbia. In 1941-1942 he was one of the main responsible for the Holocaust in Serbia. In 1946, Turner was arrested in Germany and extradited to Yugoslavia where he was tried, convicted and executed in 1947. The dossier is part of the prosecution against SS commander Harald Turner and contain part of the interrogatory, his answers and statements, collected in 1946 and concerning several issues: the role of the SS in occupied Serbia, the concentr...

  7. Jerome S. Buser papers

    1. Jerome S. Buser collection

    Consists of notebooks, documents, and clippings from the collection of Jerome S. Buser, who was given intelligence gathering and German language training at Carleton College in Minnesota during World War II. This training was done for eventual espionage wherein Mr. Buser would be dropped behind enemy lines to pose as a German businessman. The notebooks contain notes from history, geography, and language classes, demonstrating the training one received for future espionage activities. Due to the end of the war in Europe, Mr. Buser was never deployed overseas.

  8. Fighting war disease; UNRRA

    Orientation Film no. 17 : shows widespread devastation and deprivation resulting from the war and conducive to disease and epidemics. Reel 2: Medicines are made and administered. Italians are isolated and inoculated. Swamps are drained and sprayed and natives treated in the South Pacific. Europeans receive food and clothing from UNRRA and military units, are pooled for identification, and return to their homes. Includes views of the San Francisco Conference.

  9. Feature film about a Russian army officer: soldiers fighting

    Feature film about a young Russian army officer. Begins with his participation at a Russian youth military school and follows him as he advances in the army. Film portrays youthful patriotism through the willingness of young Russian men and women to enlist. The inhumanity of war is illustrated through scenes of extreme and ruthless German aggression. There are many any scenes of camaraderie between soldiers, battles with the Germans, and the destruction of war. Reel 6: Soldiers dress their wounds. Battle scenes. Soldiers in a bunker communicate instructions from their commander.

  10. Nazi conquest of Czechoslovakia: Henlein

    A documentary about the conquest of Czechoslovakia by the Nazis just prior to World War II. SPD Party; Henlein.

  11. Patch that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Patch for the United States Second Army that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  12. Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  13. Jews and other refugees moving into the USSR

    Shot of a Soviet border guard on a bridge at the border between the Soviet Union and Romania after the Soviet Union seized northern Bukovina in 1940. Long shot of a mass of refugees waiting to cross the border into the Soviet Union. Refugees, including Jews, move across a bridge from Romania to what is now the Soviet Union. Close-up on a Jewish family as they show their papers to a guard before they cross the bridge. The guard smiles and shakes hands with the couple. Shot of refugees running across the bridge.

  14. Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Ribbon bar pin that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  15. Patch that belonged to Eric W. Wolf

    1. Wolf family collection

    Patch that belonged to Eric W. Wolf, a German refugee who served in the U.S. Military in the Signal Corps.

  16. Belsen Concentration Camp on the 9th day after liberation

    Little girl and other female inmates look beyond barbed wire at a lorry and a trailer filled with dead. In the trailer there are two SS prisoners, including Dr. Klein. MS of little girl watching female bodies being dragged/buried (on other side of barbed wire). Cut to waiting trucks with bodies and diggers. MLS across open grave where British guards and Burgermeisters stand around pit. MS local dignitaries listening to address next to grave. MSs of women of SS administration - Charlotte Klein, Gertrude Feist, Herta Enlert, etc.

  17. Radio Luxembourg - Metz liberation

    1. Operation Annie broadcasts

    TRACK 1 Metz Street scene in the eastern part of the city. Introduction to 1 Hospital Scene. Metz PW Recording. Date Nov 20, 1944. TRACK 2 Metz Liberation Interview. Two US officers near Brauchitsch barracks recall the occupation of Metz. There are no document finds in barracks. Date Nov 19, 1944. TRACK 3 Metz Liberation Show. Parade before US and French military in front of the cathedral; liberation festivities. No Date. TRACK 4 Metz Liberation, continuation of Track 3. No Date.

  18. Medal

    1. Nahman-Leib Neumann Itzicovici collection

    The medal was awarded to Nahman-Leib Neumann Itzicovici donor's paternal grandfather for his service in the Romanian Army during World War I.

  19. Medal

    1. Nahman-Leib Neumann Itzicovici collection

    The medal was awarded to Nahman-Leib Neumann Itzicovici donor's paternal grandfather for his service in the Romanian Army during World War I.

  20. Gheller-Millberg papers

    The collection consists of a census card issued to Romanian Jews in 1942, a military book identifying a Jewish member of the Romanian military, an identification card issued by the commissar of Jewish affairs, a death certificate issued to Ifrim Gheller [donor's relative] who was killed in a pogrom in Iași, Romania, in 1941, and four identification/citizenship certificates issued to Ifrim and Sarika Gheller [donor's relatives].