Archival Institutions

Displaying items 1,841 to 1,860 of 2,302
  1. Terezin Music Foundation

    • TMF
  2. Thüringisches Staatsarchiv Altenburg

    • Thuringian State Archives, Altenburg
    • Germany
    • Schloß 7, Altenburg, Thüringen
  3. thyssenkrupp Konzernarchiv

    • thyssenkrupp Group Archive
    • thyssenkrupp Corporate Archive
    • Germany
    • thyssenkrupp, Konzernarchiv, Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia
  4. Tiroler Landesarchiv

    • Tyrolean Regional Archives
    • Austria
    • Michael-Gaismair-Straße 1, Innsbruck, Tirol
  5. Tiszántúli Református Egyházkerületi és Kollégiumi Levéltár

    • Archives of the Tiszántúl District of the Reformed Church in Hungary and its College
    • Hungary
    • Kálvin tér 16., Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar County
  6. Topographie des Terrors

    • Topography of Terror
    • Germany
    • Niederkirchnerstraße 8, Berlin, Berlin
  7. Toronto Holocaust Museum

    • Sarah and Chaim Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre
    • Holocaust Education and Memorial centre
    • Canada
    • 4588 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario
  8. Toshkent Shaxr davlat arxivi

    • Tashkent City State Archives
  9. Toshkent Viloyati davlat arxivi

    • Tashkent Regional State Archives
  10. Tresoar

    • Netherlands
    • Boterhoek 1, Leeuwarden, Friesland
  11. Tsentralny Gosudarstvenny Arkhiv Kirgizskoy Respubliki

    • Central State Archive of the Kyrgyz Republic
  12. Türkmenistan Merkezi Devlet Arşivi

    • Central State Archive of Turkmenistan
    • Центральный государственный архив Туркменистана
  13. UBI Banca

    • Banca Regionale Europea
    • Banca del Monte di Milano
    • Unione di Banche Italiane S.p.A
    • Italy
    • via Mac Mahon 19, Milano
  14. Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito

    • Army General Staff
    • The Italian Ministry of Defense Archives
    • Army General Staff
    • Italy
    • via Lepanto 5, Roma
  15. Ulkoasiainministeriön arkisto

    • The archives of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
    • Finland
    • Ritarikatu 2 B, Helsinki PO Box 176, 00023 Government, Helsinki
  16. UN Library & Archives Geneva

    • League of Nations Archives
    • Library of the League of Nations
    • Switzerland
    • Palais des Nations, Geneva, Geneva
  17. United Nations Archives and Record Centre

    • United States
    • 304 East 45th St., Ground Floor, New York, New York