
Displaying items 161 to 180 of 2,688
Language of Description: English
Authority Type: Corporate Body
  1. Jewish Confederation of Ukraine

    • Evreiskaia konfederatsiia Ukrainy
    • EKU

    1999 - Present

    Established in 1999, the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine (Evreiskaia konfederatsiia Ukrainy; EKU) is an association of national, regional, and local organizations with a focus on “philanthropy, the reconstruction of the Jewish national way of life, and the support of humanitarian values.” It was set up by four umbrella organizations: the Union of Jewish Religious Organizations of Ukraine (Ob”edinenie Iudeiskikh Religioznykh Organizatsii Ukrainy; OIROU), the Society for Jewish Culture / Jewish Council of Ukraine (Obshchestvo Evreiskoi Kultury / Evreiskii Sovet Ukrainy; ESU), the Association ...

  2. Pracovna Skupina

    • Working Group

    Founded in 1942-03

    Underground Slovakian rescue organization established in Bratislava in 1942-03 by Jewish Slovakian activists. Pracovna Skupina was led by Gisi Fleischmann and Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel. They smuggled the Pracovna Skupina was an underground Slovakian rescue organization established in Bratislava in 1942-03 by Jewish Slovakian activists. Pracovna Skupina was led by Gisi Fleischmann and Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandel. They smuggled the Auschwtizprotocols to the West. The Pracovna Skupina successfully upheld a moratorium on deportations of Slovakian Jewry for almost two years by bribing Slov...

  3. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt

    • Supreme Command of the Armed Forces War Economy and Armament Office
    • WiRü

    Founded in 1935

    The Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt was founded in 1935 as an economic planning staff of the Reichskriegsministerium. The Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt' powers were confined to gathering statistical data or preparing economic intelligence on foreign countries. When the Reichskriegsministerium was abolished in 1938, the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht took over the Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt.

  4. Hitler-Jugend

    • Hitler Youth
    • HJ


    Hitler approved officially the establishment of the Hitler-Jugend on 1926-07-27 and placed under the Sturmabteilung (Storm Division). Between 1933 and 1945 that vast majority of German’s children were members of the HJ, the junior branch of the Nazi Party. Boys were taught the beliefs of National Socialism and trained for military service. Determining that by age ten children’s minds could be turned from play to politics, the regime inducted nearly all German juveniles between ages of ten and eighteen into its state-run organization. The result was a potent tool for the will of Adolf Hitler...

  5. Reichszentrale für Jüdische Auswanderung

    • Reich Central Office for Jewish Emigration

    Founded in 1938-08-26

    The Reichszentrale für Jüdische Auswanderung was headed by Adolf Eichmann. It concentrated all the Jews of Austria in Vienna, set quotas and obligated the Jewish community to meet German demands for human chattel. This process was financed by wealthy Jews. These ‘innovative’ methods were a model for Reinhard Heydrich in Berlin who exported the concepts to the east. This office dealt with Jewish emigration matters until 1941-10, when Jewish emigration was prohibited. Eichmann’s staff became part of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt.

  6. Association des Juifs en Belgique

    • Association of Jews Belgium
    • AJB


    The Association des Juifs en Belgique was submissive to the Germans, but less active in the deportation of Jews than other Judenrate, for example, Amsterdam. It was established on 1941-11-25. The AJB’s orders were often ignored by the Jewish community. The Jewish underground often burned lists of Jews to be deported, thereby undermining the AJB’s authority. The AJB did provide educational and social activities during the winter of 1941 through the fall of 1944. Almost 35,000 of Belgium’s Jewish population of 66,000 were deported to labor and concentration camps and at least 30,000 perished ...

  7. Baum Gruppe

    The Baum Gruppe was an underground anti-Nazi movement, founded in Berlin by Herbet and Marianne Baum. It was composed of Jews who joined the Communist Party during the Hitler regime. Between 1937 and 1942, the Baum Gruppe distributed Zionist and communist brochures and organized a number of cultural events, and in 1942, set fire to an anti-Bolshevik art exhibit. In 1942/1943, most of the members were caught and executed, including the Baums. The Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of Jews in Germany) was dissolved, its members deported under the pretext of retaliat...

  8. Oberkommando des Heeres

    • Supreme Army High Command
    • OKH

    In 1941, Hitler gave the Oberkommando des Heeres the control of the war in the Soviet Union and told them they did not have to abide by the rules of war. The Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine and the Oberkommando des Heeres were subordinate to the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht which was ultimately responsible to Hitler for the operational conduct of the three armed branches of the German forces.

  9. Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia Ludności Żydowskiej w Polsce

    • The Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jewish Population in Poland
    • TOZ


    Towarzystwo Ochrony Zdrowia Ludności Żydowskiej w Polsce was founded in 1922, its main activity before the war was preventive health care for the Jewish masses, efforts to improve hygienic and sanitary conditions, education, and preventive medicine. Above all it combated typhus, tuberculosis, and infectious children’s diseases. TOZ had more than 400 medical centers and sanitary clinics. After a hiatus, it restarted its activities in 1946, but in 1950 its medical centers were nationalized, its property was confiscated, and the organization was closed down.

  10. Oberlandrat in Mährisch Ostrau

    • Oberlandrát Moravská Ostrava
    • Vrchní zemský rada v Moravské Ostravě

    After the occupation of Bohemia and Moravia on 15th of March 1939 by the Wehrmacht and the erection of the Protectorate the area was for administrative purposes divided into Bohemia and Moravia. Each of these was further subdivided into Oberlandratsbezirke, each comprising a number of districts (Bezirke). The position as Oberlandrat was 1939-06/1942/8 occupied by Karl von Rumohr, who was replaced by Gustav Jonak.

  11. Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit

    • IDO

    Founded in 1940-06-20

    The Institut für Deutsche Ostarbeit opened in German-occupied Kraków on 1940-06-20. The brainchild of Hans Frank, Governor General of the Generalgouvernement, the IDO was comprised of eleven sections: agriculture, art history, economics, forestry and woodworking, geology, history, landscaping and gardening, law, linguistics, prehistory, and Rassen- und Volkstumforschung (roughly “Racial and National Traditions Research” or IDO-SRV), whose three Referate (sections) also included one for Jewish studies. The Institute took over the offices in Kraków’s Jagiellonian University, much of whose pro...

  12. Bundesgerichtshof

    • Federal Court of Justice
    • BGH

    The Bundesgerichtshof is Germany's highest court of general, i.e. civil and criminal, jurisdiction which, at the lower instances, is exercised by the local, regional and higher regional courts that come under the authority of the German federal states. Around 75 percent of all German judges are working in this field. The Staatsgerichtshof (State Court of Justice), which from 1920 had been integrated organizationally and in terms of personnel with the Reichsgericht, was replaced in 1934 by the infamous Volksgerichtshof (People's Court of Justice) which, under its president Roland Freisler, s...

  13. Obszczestwo Razprostranienija Truda Sredi Jewrejew

    • ORT

    Founded in 1880

    The Obszczestwo Razprostranienija Truda Sredi Jewrejew was an association founded in 1880 in Russia, and operating in Poland from 1921 under the name Organizacja Rozwoju Twórczości Przemysłowej, Rzemieślniczej I Rolniczej wśród Ludności Żydowskiej w Polsce. It dealt with craftsmen’s training, running schools and training courses.

  14. Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia

    • Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia
    • Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije

    Founded in 1944

    The former Yugoslavia was liberated in 1944. After the Second World War, the region became known as the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia. Throughout the entire region, only 14,000 Jews returned after the war. The Jews opened the Federation of Jewish Communities. Many of the Jewish communities throughout Yugoslavia were reclaimed. In 1946, the government in Yugoslavia changed again, and it became known as the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. The Zionist attitude of the Yugoslav Jews was also reestablished and, in 1948, the Federation of Jewish Communities gained the right to begin emigr...

  15. Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia

    • Committee of National Liberation of Upper Italy
    • CLNAI

    Founded in 1944-01

    In 1944-01 a supreme politico-military authority, the Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale Alta Italia, was formed to coordinate the activities of the Comitato di Liberazione Nazionale and partisans. This body soon asserted its claims to power, not only against Germans and Fascists in the North but also against the official government and against the Allies. Eventually the Allies agreed to recognize the CLNAI as the legitimate political representative of the Resistance forces, and to entrust it with maintaining public order in liberated zones until an Allied Military Government could be set up.

  16. Italian Government

    Italy’s Fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini, fell from power not once but twice, first in 1943-07, and again in 1945-04. Once the king had dismissed Mussolini as prime minister in 1943-07, his transitional government was unable to carry out its (totally unrealistic) plan for Italy’s safe and painless exit from the war. This failure meant both a prolongation of the war in Italy itself and the Nazi German restoration of Mussolini to nominal power in the north Italian Social Republic. The outcome was an aggravation of the civil war between Italians, the ‘war within the war’ which characterized ...

  17. Young Men’s Christian Association

    • YMCA


    In 1844 twelve young men led by George Williams founded the first YMCA in England, London. Their objective was the 'improvement of the spiritual condition of the young men engaged in houses of business, by the formation of Bible classes, family and social prayer meetings, mutual improvement societies, or any other spiritual agency.' YMCA staff served Canadian Armed Forces and became one of only two organizations allowed to visit prisoner-of-war camps to ensure medical requirements were being met.

  18. German Evangelical Church

    In 1939 the five regional churches led by the ‘German Christians’ officially forbade ‘non-Aryans’ from being church members, telling pastors that if they wished to offer services for ‘non-Aryans’, such services could not take place on church property. The intensity of their efforts, and the daily tragedies with which those Confessing Christians working to help the Jews were confronted, were in marked contrast to the pronouncements of the official German Evangelical Church. After 1939, when emigration had become virtually impossible, Jewish Christians received even less support from their ch...

  19. Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen

    • Netherlands Joint-Stock Company for the Liquidation of Businesses
    • NAGU


    Niederlandische Aktiengesellschaft für Abwicklung von Unternehmungen in The Hague was specially entrusted with the valuation of confiscated business or with finding suitable buyers or administrators and mainly interested in large concerns. NAGU was a kind of accountants' office, composed of four separate audit bureaus. The price generally bore no relation to the real value. Within the looting structure, quite a few 'Verwalter' behaved like robbers on their own account.

  20. World Jewish Congress

    • WJC


    The World Jewish Congress is an international organization whose mission is to address the interests and needs of Jews and Jewish communities throughout the world. Founded in Geneva in 1936 to unite the Jewish people and mobilize the world against the Nazi onslaught, the WJC is the representative body of Jewish communities and organizations in nearly 100 countries from Argentina to Zimbabwe, across six continents. It seeks to foster the unity and creative survival of the Jewish people while maintaining its spiritual, cultural and social heritage.