Italian Government

Type of Entity
Corporate Body


Italy’s Fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini, fell from power not once but twice, first in 1943-07, and again in 1945-04. Once the king had dismissed Mussolini as prime minister in 1943-07, his transitional government was unable to carry out its (totally unrealistic) plan for Italy’s safe and painless exit from the war. This failure meant both a prolongation of the war in Italy itself and the Nazi German restoration of Mussolini to nominal power in the north Italian Social Republic. The outcome was an aggravation of the civil war between Italians, the ‘war within the war’ which characterized the period from autumn 1943 tot spring 1945.


  • Founded and active in Italy.


  • The Fall of Mussolini : Italians and the War, 1940-1945 / P. Morgan. - Oxford, 2007. - p.