
Displaying items 2,181 to 2,200 of 17,955
  1. Pétain Henri-Philippe



    General and chief of the collaborationist Vichy-government during the WWII

  2. Franz von Papen

  3. Hlinkova slovenská l’udová strana

    • Hlinka Slovak People’s Party
    • HSLS

    Wartime Slovakia was run by a triumvirate of anti-Semitic leaders who supported most of Nazi Germany’s racial policies. Father Jozef Tiso, a Roman Catholic priest, was the country’s president. Vojtech Tuka, the prime minister and foreign minister, was also head of the Nástupists, the radical wing of the Hlinkova slovenská l’udová strana. Alexander Mach, Slovakia’s propaganda minister, headed the Hlinka garda (Hlinka Guards), the armed Nazi-Fascist wing of the HSLS. This triumvirate gradually transformed Slovakia into a Fascist state.

  4. Mach Alexander

    • Mach, Alexander
    • Mach, Alexander, 1902-1980
    • Mach, Šaňo, 1902-1980



    Slovak nationalist politician. Member of the Hlinka Slovak People´s Party. Minister of Internal Affairs of Slovak republic (1940-), Main Commander of Hlinka Guard (1939-). Sentenced to 25 years in prison by the post-WWII National Court in Bratislava. Released from prison in 1968.

  5. Josef Tiso

    Slovak politician and Roman Catholic priest who led Slovakia from 1939 to 1945.

  6. Tuka Vojtech

    • Tuka, Vojtech, 1880-1946
    • Tuka, Béla 1880-1946
    • Tuka, Adalbert 1880-1946
    • Tuka, Vojtech



    Prime minister in the collaborationist Slovak government during WWII. Played an important role in the deportations of Slovak Jews.

  7. Commissariato di pubblica sicurezza di Foligno

    • Foligno Police Station
  8. Comune di Assisi

    • Municipality of Assisi
  9. Comune di Orvieto

    • Municipality of Orvieto
  10. Prefettura di Livorno

    • Livorno Prefecture
  11. Questura di Livorno

    • Livorno Police
  12. Prefettura di Trieste

    • Trieste Prefecture
  13. Prefettura di Potenza

    • Potenza Prefecture
  14. Reichsstatthalterei Kärnten

    • Carinthian Reichsstatthalterei
  15. Landesgericht Linz

    • Linz Regional Court
  16. Verband ehemalig politisch Verfolgter

    • Association of formerly politically persecuted
  17. Bezirksgericht Baden

    • Baden District Court