
Displaying items 2,261 to 2,280 of 17,955
  1. Richard Wagner

    • ריכרד וגנר

    German composer and antisemitic writer.

  2. Ehud Avriel

    • אהוד אבריאל

    Activist of "Hamossad Le'Aliyah Bet". After WWII member of the Knesset and Ambassador.

  3. Knesset

    • כנסת
    • Israeli Parliament
    • בית הנבחרים ישראלי

    From 14/02/1949 to the present

  4. Julian Tuwim

    • יולין טובים
    • Oldlen

    Jewish poet in Poland. One of his works was for the anthem of the underground in Poland. Author of "We, the Jews of Poland";

  5. Mezan Saul

    • Mézan, Saül 1893-1943
    • Mézan, Saül



    Poet and Zionist. Author of "Pesni za Erusalim" ("Songs of Jerusalem")

  6. Ralf Hochhut

    German writer. His play Der Stellvertreter was an indictment against Pope Pius 12 for not acting against the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis *

  7. Draza Mihailovic

    Commander of the Serbian organization CETNICI / Chetniks. This organization collaborated with the Italian occupation and later with the Nazis.

  8. Chetnik movement

    • Chetniks

    The Chetnik movement was founded on the ideology of an expansionist Serbia, a common state for the Serbian people. From the establishment of the Yugoslav state in 1918-12 until its destruction in 1941-04, the Chetnik organizations were pillars of expansionist Serbian elements within the top ranks of the government.

  9. Gyula Gombos

    Prime Minister of Hungary from 1932-1936

  10. Moshe Gildenman

    • משה גילדנמן

    Jewish commandant of a partisan group in Ukraine.

  11. Mordehai (Marcus) Ehrenpreis

    • מרדכי ארנפרייס

    Rabby Dr. Mordehai (Marcus) Ehrenpreis - Chief Rabby of Bulgaria 1900-1913.

  12. Einsatzgruppe B

    • EG B


    Einsatzgruppe B, 655 troops initially, had its headquarters in Smolensk. Areas of operation were Belorussia and Smolensk district. Its first commander was SS-Obergruppenführer Arthur Nebe. He was implicated in the 1944-07-20 assassination attempt against Hitler and executed in the spring of 1945. Himmler replaced him with SS-Gruppenführer Erich Naumann and later SS-Oberführer dr. Horst Böhme and SS-Standartenführer dr. Heinz Seetzen. SS units, specially trained assassins, assigned terror tasks for the political administration in the Soviet Union and other eastern territories. The Einsatzgru...

  13. Franz Stark

    Officer at Einsatzgruppe A in years 1941 - 1942

  14. Einsatzgruppe A

    • EG A


    Einsatzgruppe A, 1.000 troops initially, had its headquarters in Danzig. Areas of operation were Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Leningrad district. Einsatzgruppe A’s first commander was SS-Standartenführer dr. Walter Stahlecker. After Stahlecker’s death in a firefight with guerillas in 1942, Einsatzgruppe A was led by Heinz Host, SS-Oberführer dr. Humbert Achamer-Pifrader and SS-Oberführer dr. Friedrich Panzinger. SS units, specially trained assassins, assigned terror tasks for the political administration in the Soviet Union and other eastern territories. The Einsatzgruppen worked behind t...

  15. Einsatzgruppe D

    • EG D


    Einsatzgruppe D, 600 troops initially, had its headquarters in Piatra-Neamt, Romania. Areas of operation were southern Ukraine, Crimea, Ciscaucasia. Dr. Otto Ohlendorf commanded Einsatzgruppe D. Himmler replaced him with SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Polizei dr. Walter Bierkamp. SS units, specially trained assassins, assigned terror tasks for the political administration in the Soviet Union and other eastern territories. The Einsatzgruppen worked behind the lines and murdered political opposition. The Einsatzgruppen murdered between 1.25-2 million Jews and tens of thousands of Sovie...

  16. Willi Seibert

    Officer in Einsatzgruppe D in years 1941 - 1943

  17. Heinz-Hermann Schubert

    Adjuntant in Einsatzgruppe D in years 1941-1942

  18. Einsatzkommando 8

    • EK 8


    Einsatzkommando 8 was a mobile killing squad of Einsatzgruppe B.

  19. Rudolf Schlegel

    Commandant of Teilkommando in Einsatzkommando 8, years 1941-1943

  20. Fritz Scherwitz

    Officer in Einsatzgruppe A in years 1941-1944. In charge of forced labor in the Riga ghetto between 1941 and 1943 ,and commander of the Lenta camp between 1943 and 1944