
Displaying items 201 to 220 of 17,956
  1. Бессарабский областной инспекториат жандармерий

    • Bessarabskii oblastnoi inspecktoriat zhandarmerii
  2. Centrala Evreilor

    • Jewish Central Office in Romania


    Centrala Evreilor, Jewish institution similar to a Judenrat, was set up in Romania in 1942-02 by Romanian leader Ion Antonescu, in response to German pressure. The Centrala replaced the Union of Jewish Communities, which had long represented the Jews of Romania. The Centrala, run by Nandor Ghingold, was forced to carry out all orders issued by the Romanian and German authorities regarding Jewish affairs. It was charged with carrying out two contradictory tasks: helping the German authorities organize the deportation of Jews to extermination camps in Poland; and serving the Romanian authorit...

  3. Maccabi

    • מכבי

    An international Zionist sports organization

  4. Комратскии Комиссариат Полиции

    • Komratskii Komissariat Politsii

    Comisariatul poliției Comrat avea în subordinea sa 3 secții: Secția Administrativă; Secția Siguranță; Secția Judiciară. Statele de personal al Comisariatului poliției Comrat: 1 comisar, care conducea Comisariatul; 2 ajutori ai comisarului, 2 agenți de poliție, telefonistul, șeful secției, 10 polițiști și curierul.

  5. Полиция местечке Криуляны

    • Politsiya mestechke Kriulyany
  6. Резинскии Комиссариат Полиции

    • Rezinskii Komissariat Politsii

    Comisariatul poliției Rezina avea în subordinea sa 3 secții: Secția Administrativă; Secția Siguranță; Secția Judiciară. Statele de personal al Comisariatului poliției Rezina: 1 comisar, care conducea Comisariatul; 2 ajutori ai comisarului, 2 agenți de poliție, telefonistul, șeful secției, 10 polițiști și curierul.

  7. Полиция города Сорока

    • Politsiya goroda Soroca
  8. Квестура Полиции города Бельцы

    • Kvestura Politsii goroda Beltsy
  9. Лапушнянская уездная префектура

    • Lapusna district prefecture
  10. Questura di Firenze

  11. Prefettura di Firenze

  12. Luftwaffe

    • Armed Air Wing

    The Luftwaffe was the German Air Force in World War II, headed by Hermann Goering.

  13. Reichsluftfahrtministerium

    • State Ministery of Aviation
    • RLM

    Founded in 1933-04-29

    On 1933-04-29 the 'State Commissioner's Department for Aviation' was converted to the Reichsluftfahrtministerium with Göring as Minister and Milch as Staatssekretär.

  14. Oswald Mosley

    British fascist leader.

  15. Otto Dietrich

    31 August 1897 - 22 November 1952

  16. Bormann Martin

    • Bormann, Martin 1900-1959?
    • Bormann, Martin, 1900-1945?
    • Borman, Martin, 1900-1945
    • Bormann, Martin
    • ボアマン, マルティン



    Leiter (Head) of Polizeikanzlei of the NSDAP in a rank of a Reichsminister. One of the people closest to Hitler. Suicide.

  17. Heß Rudolf

    • Hess, Rudolf
    • Hess, Rudolf, 1894-1987
    • Hess, Walter Richard Rudolf, 1894-1987
    • Hess, Richard Walter Rudolf, 1894-1987
    • Hīs, Rūdulf 1894-1987
    • ...



    Stellvertreter des Führers (StdF).

  18. Goebbels Joseph

    • Goebbels, Joseph, 1897-1945
    • Goebbels, Paul Joseph, 1897-1945
    • Goebbels, Josef, 1897-1945
    • Gkaimpels, Paoul Giozeph, 1897-1945
    • Gebbelʹs, Ĭosef 1897-1945
    • ...



    Reichsmininster for Volksaufklärung and Propaganda, Gauleiter of Berlin, one of the people closest to Hitler.

  19. NSDAP-Reichsleitung

    • NSDAP Directorate

    The NSDAP-Reichsleitung in Munich strictly prohibited involvement by overseas Party cells in the domestic affairs of their host countries. Regulations were enacted that governed the conduct of the individual Party member abroad and specifically banned the public display of swastikas and the wearing of uniforms outside of closed meetings.

  20. Государственный архив новейшей истории Белгородской области

    • State Archives of Contemporary History of Belgorod Oblast
    • GANIBO

    History of the Archive began in 1954 when the Belgorod Oblast Party Archive was created. In the years 1960-1965 archive had obtained Communist Party documents from Kursk and Voronezh Party Archives from the years 1918-1953 and became one party archive of the newly established Belgorod Oblast. In the 1991 Archive was reorganized into the Center of the Documentation of Contemporary History of the Belgorod Oblast. In 2010 Archive was again reorganized and from that time it holds its current name State Archives of Contemporary History of Belgorod Oblast (OGKU "GANIBO").