
Displaying items 2,841 to 2,860 of 12,824
Authority Type: Person
  1. Chaim Pazner

    • חיים פזנר
    • Chaim Pozner


    Chaim Pazner was born in Kowal, Poland, 04 January 1899. In his youth he was active in the Hechalutz movement in the Wloclawek area in Poland, and he served as Vice-Principal of the Hebrew High School in Wloclawek. He was the director of the Committee of Assistance to Polish Refugees in Danzig, 1920-1922. He also served as the representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Association (JTA) in Danzig, 1921-1923. He was one of the leaders of the League for Working Eretz Israel in Wloclawek, and he was elected as a representative to the 12th Zionist Congress in Karlsbad and to other Zionist convent...

  2. Wittenberg Yitzhak

    • Wittenberg, Yitzhak
    • Wittenberg, Yiṣḥāq 1907-1943
    • Wittenberg, Yiẓḥak 1907-1943
    • Wittenberg, Yitzhak 1907-1943
    • Wittenberg, Leo Itzig 1907-1943
    • ...



    First commander of Farey-Negte Partizaner Organizatsye in Vilna ghetto.

  3. Kovner Abba

    • Kovner, Abba, 1918-1987
    • Kovner, Aba.
    • Kovner, Abba
    • Ḳovner, Aba 1918-1987
    • קובנר, אבא
    • ...



    Underground leader and partisan commander; a leader of the Beriha movement; Hebrew poet and writer. One of the FPO leaders, became its commander in 1943, lead escape of Vilnius ghetto fighters into the forest, commanded Jewish partisan unit in the Rudninkai forest.

  4. Glazman Josef



    "A leader of the underground and partisans in Lithuania, and of the Betar movement there. From November 1941 he served as deputy chief of the Jewish ghetto police in the Vilnius (Vilna) ghetto. Glazman was one of the founders of the FPO (United Partisans Organization) in the ghetto, serving as its deputy commander and also worked in the ghetto's educational and cultural programs, while continuing his underground activities. These brought him into conflict with ghetto police chief Jacob Gens, who was head of the ghetto from July 1942, and Gens eventually dismissed Glazman from his post. On J...

  5. Nathan Schwalb

    Nathan Schwalb was born in Stanislawow, Poland (today Ivano Frankovsk, Ukraine) in 1908. He made aliya to Eretz Israel and was member of Kibbutz Hulda. He spent World War II in Geneva as the representative of the World Hechalutz movement, serving as contact person and a financial welfare source for the Jews. He corresponded with hundreds of people in the occupied countries and was active in many areas including the sending of parcels via the Red Cross, mainly to Poland, and transferring funds via messengers whom he drafted for this purpose. Schwalb attempted to keep in touch with Hechalutz ...

  6. Lichtheim Richard

    • Lichtheim, Richard, 1885-1963
    • Likhṭhaim, Rikhard 1885-1963
    • ליכטהיים, ריכארד, 1885-1963
    • Lichtheim, Richard
    • Lichthaim, Richard.
    • ...



    Zionist. One of the founders of Jüdische Staatspartei (1933)

  7. Rumkowski Khayim Mordkhe

    • Rumkowski, Mordechaj Chaim



    Jewish leader and head of the Lodz ghetto during the war

  8. Max Finkelstein

  9. Geertruida Maria van Moorst

    • Gé van Moorst
  10. Jan Feitsma

    22 January 1884 – 2 February 1945

    Dutch NSB and attorney general of Amsterdam during German occupation.

  11. Ernest Bevin

    9 March 1881 – 14 April 1951

    British statesman, trade union leader, and Labour politician.

  12. Abraham Asscher

    19 September 1880 – 2 May 1950

    a Dutch Jewish businessman and politician from Amsterdam. In the 1930s, he became a leader and spokesmen of the Dutch Jewish community. He served as the President of the nation’s central Jewish organization, the Nederlandsch-Israëlitsch Kerkgenootschap (Dutch Jewish Congregation). When Jewish refugees began to flee in numbers to the Netherlands from the Nazi regime in Germany, it was Asscher, along with Professor David Cohen, who established (with government support) two organizations to deal with the situation. The Comité voor Bijzondere Joodse Belangen (Committee for Special Jewish Intere...

  13. Salomon Schrijver

    • Sam Schrijver

    25 May 1917 - 9 July 1943

  14. Lodewijk Ernst Visser

    • mr. L.E. Visser

    2 September 1871 - 17 February 1942

    First Jewish president of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. Was fired after the german occupation. He founded and was chairman of the Joodsche Coördinatie Commissie.

  15. Abraham Salomon Levisson

    8 June 1902 - 25 April 1945

    In 1935 he was appointed chief rabbi of Friesland. This appointment included responsibility for the district of Drenthe. In 1941 he was also appointed chief rabbi of Gelderland. An announcement in recognition of this appointment appeared on the front page of the Joodsche Weekblad in July 1941. Abraham Salomon Levisson founded the circle of Jewish academics in Friesland in an effort to retain Jewish intellectuals within the Jewish community. Chief Rabbi Levisson was one of the leaders in the Leeuwarden subcommittee of the committee for special Jewish interests. In the late 1930s Levisson bec...

  16. Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina van Oranje-Nassau

    • Princess Juliana
    • Prinses Juliana
    • Koningin Juliana
    • Juliana, Queen of the Netherlands

    30 April 1909 – Baarn, 20 March 2004

  17. Elisabeth Maria van Moorst

    • Bets van Moorst
  18. Samuel Henri Englander

    26 September 1896 - 11 June 1943

    Conductor of the Choir of the Amsterdam Synagoge. Died in Sobibor.

  19. Ans van Dijk

    24 December 1905 – 14 January 1948

    Jewish collaborator of the German occupier who betrayed Jewish citizens. Only female war crimes convict that was sentenced to the death penalty.

  20. Anneke Beekman