Zpráva o stavu podstaty bývalého koncentračního tábora v Terezíně a spisy ministerstva sociální péče ČSR týkající se likvidace terezínského ghetta z majetkoprávního hlediska
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Bericht über die Bedingungen im ehemaligen Ghetto Theresienstadt und Dokumente des Tschechoslowakischen Ministeriums für Fürsorge bezüglich der Liquidierung des Ghettos und die Eigentumsrechte
- Alltag
- Post-war
- Terezín
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Report on the conditions in the former ghetto in Terezín and documents of the Czechoslovak Ministry of Social Care relating to the liquidation of the Terezín ghetto with regard to property rights
- Alltag
- Post-war
- Terezín
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.