Blok objednávek číslo 21 hospodářského oddělení v Terezíně – objednávky různých oddělení a osob z Terezína
Corporate Bodies
- Production
- Arbeitszentrale
- Central Clothing repair workshop
- Flickstube
- Central food depot
- Feuerwehr und Luftschutz
- Post and transport
- Referat für Körperbehindertenfürsorge
- Beschaffungswesen
- Central depot for clothing and equipment
- Gesundheitswesen und Fürsorge
- Cleaning service
- Electronics unit
- Müllabfuhr
- Jugendfürsorge
- Materialverwaltungen (7x)
- Coffee house
- Shops
- Economic department
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Bestellbuch Nr. 21 der Wirtschaftsabteilung - Bestellungen der verschiedenen Abteilungen und Personen in Theresienstadt
- Schwefel, Arnold (* 25.6.1881)
- Stahl, Heinrich (* 13.4.1868)
- Rosenthal, Ernst (* 5.8.1888)
- Marmorstein, Hugo (* 10.6.1902)
- Wieluner, Fritz (* 3.2.1890)
- Jacobsohn, Hugo (* 10.4.1873)
Corporate Bodies
- Central Clothing repair workshop
- Central depot for clothing and equipment
- Gesundheitswesen und Fürsorge
- Production
- Arbeitszentrale
- Feuerwehr und Luftschutz
- Post and transport
- Referat für Körperbehindertenfürsorge
- Beschaffungswesen
- Economic department
- Shops
- Flickstube
- Central food depot
- Cleaning service
- Electronics unit
- Materialverwaltungen (7x)
- Coffee house
- Müllabfuhr
- Jugendfürsorge
- Economic department
- Council of the Elders/Jewish self administration
- Q 810/Postgasse 10
- Q 403/Neue Gasse 3
- Kavalierkaserne/E VII
- Geniekaserne/E IIIa
- Kaffeehaus/Q 418
- L 203/Bahnhofstrasse 3
- Bäckerei/A IV
- L 305/Lange Strasse 5
- Hannover Kaserne/B IV
- Hamburger Kaserne/C III
- Magdeburger Kaserne/B V
- Terezín
- L 321/Lange Strasse 21
- Dresdner Kaserne/H V
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Order book no. 21 of the economic department - Orders by the various departments and persons in Terezín
- Schwefel, Arnold (* 25.6.1881)
- Stahl, Heinrich (* 13.4.1868)
- Wieluner, Fritz (* 3.2.1890)
- Jacobsohn, Hugo (* 10.4.1873)
- Rosenthal, Ernst (* 5.8.1888)
- Marmorstein, Hugo (* 10.6.1902)
Corporate Bodies
- Materialverwaltungen (7x)
- Coffee house
- Müllabfuhr
- Jugendfürsorge
- Central food depot
- Flickstube
- Shops
- Economic department
- Beschaffungswesen
- Referat für Körperbehindertenfürsorge
- Post and transport
- Feuerwehr und Luftschutz
- Arbeitszentrale
- Production
- Gesundheitswesen und Fürsorge
- Central depot for clothing and equipment
- Central Clothing repair workshop
- Cleaning service
- Electronics unit
- Economic department
- Council of the Elders/Jewish self administration
- L 321/Lange Strasse 21
- Dresdner Kaserne/H V
- Terezín
- Magdeburger Kaserne/B V
- Hamburger Kaserne/C III
- Hannover Kaserne/B IV
- L 305/Lange Strasse 5
- Bäckerei/A IV
- L 203/Bahnhofstrasse 3
- Kaffeehaus/Q 418
- Geniekaserne/E IIIa
- Kavalierkaserne/E VII
- Q 403/Neue Gasse 3
- Q 810/Postgasse 10
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.