Denní hlášení o stavu stavebního materiálu ústředního skladu dřeva z Terezína z ledna, 27.4.1945 - 25.6.1945
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Tägliche Materialstandmeldung des Zentralen Holzlagers in Theresienstadt vom 27.4.1945 - 25.6.1945
- Terezín
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Daily reports on the state of materials of the central wood depot in Terezín, April 27th 1945 - June 25th 1945
- Terezín
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.