Denní hlášení o nasazení do práce v Terezíně (na zadní straně dok. počty prominentů v jednotlivých odvětvích)
Corporate Bodies
- Glimmerspalterei
- Galanteriewarenstätte
- Filling of ink powder sachets
- Technical department
- Central laundry
- Central collection and distribution unit for laundry
- Central bath
- Central bakery
- Kitchen bakeries (x3)
- Production
- Holzverarbeitung
- Metallverarbeitung
- Clothing bank
- Coffee house
- Apotheke
- Leitung und Administrative
- Gesundheitswesen und Fürsorge
- Jugendfürsorge
- Department of pathology in the crematorium
- Detective department
- Feuerwehr und Luftschutz
- Central secretariat
- Gemeindewache
- Freizeitgestaltung
- Financial department
- Economic control
- Bank der Jüdischen Selbstverwaltung
- Agricultural department
- Dispatch
- Raumwirtschaft
- Transport management
- Abteilung für Innere Verwaltung
- Arbeitszentrale
- Security and organisation service
- Cleaning service
- Post and transport
- Canteen unit
- Materialverwaltungen (7x)
- Central stock and inventory administration
- Wärmeküchen
- Laundries
- Kartoffellager (9x)
- Central wood depot
- Central food depot
- Central butcher
- Bauwesen
- Building administration
- Betrieb des Wasserwerkes
- Bricklayer
- Carpentry
- Dachdecker
- Kanalisation
- Müllabfuhr
- Straßenreinigung
- Eisenbahnbau
- Road construction
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Tagesmeldungen über den Arbeitseinsatz in Theresienstadt (auf der Rückseite des ersten Dokuments sind die Zahlen an Prominenten in einzelnen Branchen angeführt)
Corporate Bodies
- Central butcher
- Central food depot
- Central stock and inventory administration
- Materialverwaltungen (7x)
- Laundries
- Wärmeküchen
- Cleaning service
- Security and organisation service
- Production
- Kitchen bakeries (x3)
- Coffee house
- Clothing bank
- Agricultural department
- Dispatch
- Central wood depot
- Kartoffellager (9x)
- Glimmerspalterei
- Galanteriewarenstätte
- Central bath
- Department of pathology in the crematorium
- Road construction
- Gesundheitswesen und Fürsorge
- Jugendfürsorge
- Müllabfuhr
- Kanalisation
- Eisenbahnbau
- Straßenreinigung
- Apotheke
- Leitung und Administrative
- Arbeitszentrale
- Abteilung für Innere Verwaltung
- Financial department
- Freizeitgestaltung
- Canteen unit
- Post and transport
- Transport management
- Raumwirtschaft
- Gemeindewache
- Central secretariat
- Bank der Jüdischen Selbstverwaltung
- Economic control
- Feuerwehr und Luftschutz
- Detective department
- Technical department
- Filling of ink powder sachets
- Building administration
- Bauwesen
- Bricklayer
- Betrieb des Wasserwerkes
- Dachdecker
- Carpentry
- Metallverarbeitung
- Holzverarbeitung
- Central collection and distribution unit for laundry
- Central laundry
- Central bakery
- Frauen
- Männer
- Forced labour
- Central labour office
- Ghettowache/L 315
- L 502/Parkstrasse 2
- Krematorium
- Magdeburger Kaserne/B V
- Terezín
- Bäckerei/A IV
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Daily report on labour deployment in Terezín (the back of the first document contains the numbers of prominent Jews in the various sectors)
Corporate Bodies
- Eisenbahnbau
- Straßenreinigung
- Müllabfuhr
- Kanalisation
- Dachdecker
- Carpentry
- Bricklayer
- Betrieb des Wasserwerkes
- Apotheke
- Leitung und Administrative
- Gesundheitswesen und Fürsorge
- Jugendfürsorge
- Financial department
- Freizeitgestaltung
- Arbeitszentrale
- Abteilung für Innere Verwaltung
- Feuerwehr und Luftschutz
- Detective department
- Bank der Jüdischen Selbstverwaltung
- Economic control
- Gemeindewache
- Central secretariat
- Dispatch
- Agricultural department
- Kartoffellager (9x)
- Central wood depot
- Central food depot
- Central butcher
- Materialverwaltungen (7x)
- Central stock and inventory administration
- Wärmeküchen
- Laundries
- Security and organisation service
- Cleaning service
- Post and transport
- Canteen unit
- Raumwirtschaft
- Transport management
- Building administration
- Bauwesen
- Technical department
- Filling of ink powder sachets
- Galanteriewarenstätte
- Glimmerspalterei
- Central bakery
- Central bath
- Central collection and distribution unit for laundry
- Central laundry
- Metallverarbeitung
- Holzverarbeitung
- Production
- Kitchen bakeries (x3)
- Coffee house
- Clothing bank
- Road construction
- Department of pathology in the crematorium
- Männer
- Frauen
- Forced labour
- Central labour office
- Ghettowache/L 315
- L 502/Parkstrasse 2
- Bäckerei/A IV
- Terezín
- Magdeburger Kaserne/B V
- Krematorium
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.