Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,341 to 6,360 of 55,818
  1. Ryva Yalov collection

    Contains materials donated by Ryva Yalov. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  2. Henry Baigelman collection

    Contains materials documenting the experiences of Henry Baigelman. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  3. Bäecher family collection

    THe collection consists of a letter from the Movement for the Care of Children From Germany in London to Mrs. A. Baecher in Bronham, England concerning her son Ivan and his disposition. Dated July 3, 1940, signed by Barbara Winton. Metal tag usd in Theresienstadt concentration camp by Josef Fleischer, Ivan’s grandfather, who died in the camp in 1943. Tag was kept by Ivan’s Grandmother, Jenny who did survive but passed away in June 1945, after her liberation; Photographs of Ivan’s extended family-Aunts, Uncles, cousins who did not survive the Holocaust or survived in hiding.

  4. Irwin Ullmann collection

    Contains materials documenting the experiences of Irwin Ullmann. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  5. Signed testimonies of the Ma'agalei Shema Association collection

    Video interviews with Deaf Holocaust survivors, produced by the Ma'agalei Shema Association

  6. Teodor Gruca collection

    Contains materials documenting the Holocaust experiences of Teodor Gruca. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  7. Richard Weaver collection

    Contains materials donated by Richard Weaver. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  8. Liliane Yates collection

    The collection consists of photographs and prints depiting the life in the concentration camps and liberation.

  9. Menczel, Kahn and Reichnitzer family collection

    The collection consists of documents, photographs, books, and a textile relating to the holocaust-era experiences of Shulamith Ziv's family. This includes a Deutsches Reisepasse belonging to Szmil and Adele Menczel, prewar photographs of the donor's maternal and paternal grandparents and cousins, transportation passes, announcement of PhD ceremony for the donor's mother, Fanny Menczel Kahn, and other documents. Also, a poetry book written by and a cookbook belonging to Frieda Reichnitzer, the donor's mother-in-law, an autograph book belonging to Fanny Menczel, two friendship books belonging...

  10. Morris Sklarsky collection

    The collection consists of 3 telegrams received by Morris Sklarsky in New York regarding updates to the fates of his niece Chiena Ewrebin and her brothers David Ewrebin and Schloma Ewrebin. Additionally, there is a pin from the Joint Boycott Council of the American Jewish Congress that reads: "Boycott Nazi Germany/Joint Boycott Council"

  11. Max Eisikovits recordings

    A collection of recordings by Max Eisikovits, Romanian composer, conductor, musicologist and pedagogue, including a publication and documentary: 1. Toamna Muzcala Clujeana Cenenar 'Max Eisikovits' - An autumn musical at the Max Eisikovits Center in Cluj. Performance recording dated October 8, 2008. 2. "Seara de muzica romaneasca" - Evening of Romanian Music including performers: Formatia Art-Contrast (Art-Contrast ensemble, Violin, Viola, Piano). Features two instrumental works by Max Eisikovits. Performance recording dated March 12, 2012. Track listing on CD insert card. 3. Barabas Kasler ...

  12. Oral history interviews of The Last Witnesses of Time collection

    Oral history interviews with Holocaust survivors recorded throughout the United Kingdom and South America

  13. Joseph and Loeb families collection

    Contains materials documenting the experiences of members of the Joseph and Loeb families. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  14. Excerpts from private film collections of prewar Jewish life

    A glimpse into the lives of individuals who were soon swept into the destruction of the war. (28:45 minutes) Part One of a three-part video series representing the Holocaust experience with the rich and very personal imagery found in the Museum’s private film collections. Such vivid cultural documents is at once familiar, intimate, and individual, and captures everyday subjects which are quite similar to how people experience life today -- like holidays, birthdays, vacations, or leisure activities. Created solely of amateur films or home movies from over 30 collections, the production conve...

  15. Comunità ebraiche in Italia

    Il fondo conserva per lo più carte inerenti la persecuzione degli ebrei nelle varie comunità italiane durante il periodo nazi-fascista. Tra esse, elenchi nominativi, richieste di informazioni, perizie dei danni causati dal vandalismo nazifascista, richieste di risarcimento danni, raccolte di articoli di giornale, dati inerenti la popolazione ebraica prima e dopo la seconda guerra mondiale nonchè cenni storici sulle comunità. Da segnalare il fascicolo contenente l'elenco delle comunità e degli enti ebraici al 1936 (b. 1, fasc. 1).

  16. Ponar Yizkor

    A personal-poetic statement by the Holocaust survivor Meïr Shapiro with (commercially recorded) background music.

  17. Minia Moszenberg collection

    Contains materials documenting the experiences of Minia Moszenberg and her family during the Holocaust. Some of these materials may be combined into a single collection in the future.

  18. Ita Rozenczwajg Dimant collection

    Diary: written by Ita Rozenczwajg (donor's mother) during her forced labor on a farm in Germany, 1943-1945 on parchment paper she stole from the German owners of the farm. Collection of photographs (40), pre- and post-war; false documents; wartime correspondence from Ita's rescuer's family, Brust, pre and post-war correspondence; transcript of the Polish language diary; English memoir written by Ita Dimant based on her diary; Hebrew translation of the memoir. Fake tooth that contained cyanide which was installed in the mouth of Ita Rozenczwajg by members of the Polish underground. Ita was a...

  19. Comunità ebraica di Milano

    La documentazione testimonia la vita della comunità, coprendone tutti gli aspetti anche se in modo incompleto, sin dalla sua ricostituzione subito dopo la fine della guerra e la successiva amministrazione con la raccolta dei verbali delle sedute di giunta e consiglio con i relativi ordini del giorno, avvisi e circolari, preventivi e consuntivi di bilancio, vertenze, amministrazione del personale dipendente e non, corrispondenza di carattere generale. Le carte oltre a certificare la vita amministrativa ed economica della comunità ne racconta la vita religiosa con i fascicoli relativi alla co...

  20. Riccardo Bachi

    Il fondo raccoglie la carte testimonianti l'attività svolta da Riccardo Bachi relativamente a tematiche di storia economica come la campagna per lo Scekel (cfr. b. 1, fasc. 5) e alle questioni inerenti l'ebraismo italiano con particolare riferimento al sionismo revisionista di cui si segnalano bollettini e circolari di contenuto vario (b. 1, fasc. 5).