Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,961 to 1,980 of 55,818
  1. Afrique du Nord

    Sous cette cote sont réunis des dons individuels divers (copies ou originaux) relatifs à différents événements qui se sont produits en Afrique du Nord, notamment pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. On y trouve des documents portant sur la législation relative aux Juifs, des papiers administratifs (recensement, services médicaux du comité de recrutement de la main-d'oeuvre), de la presse, une pétition, une lettre au général de l'Armée, des documents sur le convoi 151 de Tunis à Naples vers Sachsenhausen (prisonniers). En plus, on y trouve un ensemble de documents copiés des Archives national...

  2. Afrique du Nord : Algérie

    Ce fonds contient vingt-quatre pièces concernant l'Algérie. 1-2. Documents sur le rôle de l'American Jewish Comittee dans la restauration du décret Crémieux. 3-4. Le rétablissement en 1943 de la « légalité républicaine » : ordonnance Giraud, rapport à Xavier Vallat, déclarations de presse, télégrammes et notes sur les Juifs en Algérie, leur statut et leur histoire. 5-8. Le camp de Bedeau et les événements produits en Algérie. 9-16. Le camp de Djelfa et autres camps d'internés ou de travailleurs étrangers (Kenadza). 17. Décrets, circulaires de Vichy et autres textes officiels du gouvernement...

  3. Afrique du Nord : Maroc

    Ce fonds comprend une collection de pièces portant principalement sur la situation des Juifs au Maroc pendant la guerre. On y trouve par exemple des listes d'internés dans des camps au Maroc, des textes législatifs relatifs à l'application du Statut des Juifs au Maroc et des déclarations liées aux règlements juridiques et économiques, ou encore une liste des dahirs et arrêtés viziriels, des rapports divers, de la correspondance entre Vanikoff et l'ambassadeur de France au Maroc et d'autres lettres échangées entre la communauté juive et les autorités. Enfin, y sont archivés des documents rel...

  4. Afrique du Nord : Maroc

    Les dossiers qui sont ici réunis contiennent des documents originaux concernant la situation des Juifs en Afrique du Nord et plus particulièrement au Maroc, avant et pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Les pièces rassemblées (allocutions, correspondances, rapports, tracts, presse) portent principalement sur le décret Crémieux et son abrogation, les mesures restrictives et vexatoires à l'égard des Juifs d'Afrique du Nord, les difficultés économiques (ravitaillement alimentaire) ou les discriminations, agressions et maladies. Parmi les producteurs principaux se trouvent le Congrès juif mondia...

  5. Afrique du Nord : Tunisie

    La documentation réunie sous cette cote retrace la situation des Juifs de Tunisie sous l'occupation allemande et sous Vichy. Parmi d'autres, on y trouve un texte de Maximilien Trenner intitulé « La croix gammée s'aventure en Tunisie », un document « Au sujet de l'antisémitisme dans l'armée d'Afrique pendant la campagne de Tunisie et après : récit d'un réserviste », un autre concernant « Les Juifs de Tunis pendant l'occupation allemande », ainsi qu'un ensemble de textes relatifs à la législation raciale en Tunisie et l'application des lois de Vichy. De plus, l'on peut mentionner l'existence ...

  6. Afrique du Nord. Congrès Juif Mondial. Maroc--pays étrangers.

    Contains records about the activities of the World Jewish Congress in North Africa, antisemitism in the French army, the delegation from Tunisia at the War Emergency Conference, the Cremieux Decree, the German seizure of Jewish assets, German atrocities, the postwar activities of Adolf Eichmann, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, and the interrogations of the International Tribunal in Nuremberg.

  7. AFS ambulance drivers assist evacuation of survivors after the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

    Large group of German SS stand in front of barracks at Belsen. According to the American Field Service (AFS) records, these SS men were transported out of the camp in AFS ambulances. A British soldier in a brown uniform smoking gestures at the group of SS. Rotated view of camp grounds with lush green trees. Camera shifts to the correct position to show a memorial sign erected in May 1945, "This is the site of the infamous Belsen Concentration Camp liberated by the British on 15 April 1945." Pan, barbed wire fence and camp ruins. Entrance gate open to dirt road and camp grounds. Brief view o...

  8. Aftermath of Reichstag Fire

    Day after Reichstag fire. Title: "Das Fanal der Schande. Kommunistische Brandstifter legten im deutschen Reichstagsgebaeude etwa fuenfzig Brandherde an. Die gesamte Berliner Feuerwehr war eingesetzt, sie rettete das Gebaeude in merhstuendiger aufopfernder Arbeit: Der Plenarsitzungssaal ist vernichtet, das Reichstagsgebaeude ist auf Monate unbenutzbar." Night photographs of the Reichstag dome with fire. Title: "Das Bild der Verwuestung am naechsten Morgen" Fire-brigade. Remainders of small fire. Panes of glass in rooftop are shattered. CU of rooms. Detailed photographs of the burned-out plen...

  9. Agartz, Viktor

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Viktor Agartz, Wirtschafts- und Steuerpolitik, Berlin 1986.- Volker Gransow, Michael Krätke, Viktor Agartz. Gewerkschaften und Wirtschaftspolitik, Berlin 1978.- Hans Peter Riesche, Von der "Neuen Wirtschaftsdemokratie" zur "Expansiven Lohnpolitik". Ein Beitr. zur Biographie von Viktor Agartz, Diss. Hannover 1979.- Hans Willi Weinzen, Gewerkschaften und Sozialismus. Naphtalis Wirtschaftsdemokratie und Agartz'' Wirtschaftsneuordnung, Frankfurt/M. / New York 1982.- Koolen, Bernhard: Die wirtschafts- und gesellschaftspolitische Konzeption von Viktor Agartz zur Ne...

  10. Agata Bubola papers

    The papers consist of a birth certificate ("Geburtskunde") issued for Gabor Müller in Feldsberg, Austria (now Valtice, Czech Republic) (Gabor Müller died six weeks after his birth) and a postcard written by Agata Müller [donor] in Feldsberg, Austria, to Dr. Josef Rado [donor's father] in Mährisch-Kromau (Moravsky Krumlov), Czech Republic.

  11. Agata Tuszynska-Dasko collection

    Collection of Rosenberg and Kaplan family photographs, and of Henry Dasko [donor's late husband's family] who survived the Holocaust on false papers in Warsaw and vicinity. The Rosenberg family was originally from Łódź, Poland, and Rywa Kaplan, Henry's mother, was from Vilna. Professional identification card issued to Wladyslaw Daszkiewicz (real name, Mojesz Josl Rozenberg), stating that he is a member of lawyer's association.

  12. Agatha B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Agatha B., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1932. She recalls her close, extended family; attending English school; German occupation in March 1944; her family moving into a building designated for Jews; her parents' deportations (she was left alone with her younger sister); assistance from Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors; postcards from her father; refusing to convert or to leave their home with an aunt (she wanted her parents to be able to find them); a mass killing including her aunt; her parents' return in September after their escape from deportation trains; ...

  13. Agathe Ehrenfried papers

    The papers consist of a Nazi Party membership book ("Mitgliedsbuch") issued to Dr. Walther Brunk on Nov. 4, 1936, in Berlin, Germany, and two receipts ("N.S. Bolkswohlfahrt") issued for contributions in the amount of RM 4.50 in 1943 and inserted into the membership book

  14. Agathe Szarvas collection

    The collection consists of 42 postcards written by members of a labor battalion in Hungary between 1940-1944. A majority of the letters are dated from 1944 and are largely addressed to Dr. Laszlo Vamberi in Letka, Budapest or Tulek, and Dr. Viktor Harmos in Budapest.

  15. Agatz, Wilhelm

    Bestandsbeschreibung Biographische Daten 10. Juni 1904 In Heisingen (Essen) geboren, Besuch der Volksschule, Beruf Bergmann 1918 Verband der Bergarbeiter Deutschlands 1920 Sozialistische Arbeiterjugend 1922 Kommunistische Jugend Deutschlands 1924 Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands 1930 Ausschluss aus dem Bergarbeiterverband wegen Teilnahme am Bergarbeiterstreik, Mitglied der Bezirksleitung Ruhrgebiet der Revolutionären Gewerkschaftsopposition 1931 Leiter des Einheitsverbandes der Bergarbeiter Deutschlands 1934 Verhaftung, Verurteilung zu drei Jahren Zuchthaus, dann bis 1939 Konzentrationsla...

  16. Aggie H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aggie H., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1934. She recalls hiding with her parents and brother during deportations of non-Hungarian citizens in 1941 (her father was not a citizen); their deportation; being returned to Budapest due to overcrowding at their destination; her father's service in a Hungarian slave labor battalion; his return; German invasion; ghettoization; living in a safe house; their arrest; returning to the ghetto with her brother; their incarceration in Bergen-Belsen; liberation; returning to Hungary; living in an orphanage and abusive foster ho...

  17. Agi Geva collection

    The collection consists of family documents, photographs, and handmade lace doilies.

  18. Agi R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Agi R., who was born circa 1928 in Budapest, Hungary. She recalls her parents' close friends with whom they vacationed in the Balaton area; parental pressure to become a concert pianist; anti-Jewish measures from 1939 onward; her father's dismissal from his job in 1940; German occupation of Budapest in March 1944; deteriorating conditions; her father's deportation for forced labor; and moving in with a family friend. Mrs. R. describes a seven day walk with her mother in November to a brick factory in III. Keru?let (O?buda); a forced march to Hegyeshalom; obtaining Swe...

  19. Agnes B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Agnes B., a Romani, one of nine children. She recalls her brother's deportation from Königsberg (Kaliningrad) in 1938; being sent with her husband and many family members to Hohenbruch; forced labor; a severe beating after attempting to escape; relatives and friends being beaten to death; liberation by Soviet troops; her child's birth; learning her husband had been sterilized after her child was conceived; and moving to Berlin, Schwerin, Celle, and then Munich. Mrs. B. notes she could not endure those conditions again (she would kill herself rather than try to surviv...

  20. Agnes Balint personal accounts of WW2 in Hungary

    This collection contains the personal papers of Agnes Balint describing her experiences as a Jewish woman at the time of the Nazi occupation in Budapest during the Second World War.The papers submitted to Yad Vashem in support of her nomination of her rescuers being named "Righteous amongst the Nations" (1725/2), she provides details of her rescue, her life in hiding, the siege of Budapest, the support she obtained from friends that enabled her to survive the war and her escape to the country.Also included is an eyewitness testimony of the German occupation and liberation of Budapest (autho...