Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,941 to 1,960 of 55,813
  1. Aerial shots of postwar Germany; destruction of Nuremberg

    Slate reads: Lt. Col. Wm. Clothier, May 29. From plane: flying over countryside in Germany. Planes. 01:19:18 Aerial shots of bombed Nuremberg, showing damage to buildings, streets, and marshalling yards.

  2. Aerial views of Berlin devasted by bombs & shelling

    Aerial views from plane flying over severely bomb damaged Berlin, including shots of damage to marshalling yards, airstrip, and factories. Long travelling shot with clear views of buildings, housing, and ground from plane. More of other city areas, flying lower. Bomb craters on ground along canal or river. Flying lower over bomb damaged Berlin zoo, showing empty cages.

  3. Aerial views of Paris; POW camp

    EXT shots of military planes, and a plane taking off. The propellors of plane 771 spin, preparing for take-off. People board plane V4. Aerial shots from plane show views of Paris and a chateau with large gardens. Clouds and the city below. 01:17:44 Two men stand in front of a military jeep smoking cigarettes. A young man in uniform walks towards the camera, hands in pockets and smiling. Building with an arched roof and a steeple has a sign in front that reads “Post Chapel”. 01:18:13 POW camp (?). Camera pans left to a plane, watchtower, a basketball court and rows of buildings. View from pl...

  4. Aerial views of postwar Paris

    Aerial shots of Paris and the Eiffel Tower. U.S. Air Force soldiers stand and kneel together posing for a photo. More aerial images of Paris neighborhoods, destroyed bridges and Notre Dame Cathedral. Aerial views of the French countryside.

  5. Aerial views of war-damaged Germany along the Rhine from U.S. Air Force plane

    Aerial views of Germany and Belgium from USAF airplane. Snow-capped mountains. INT plane with male pilot (US soldier) chewing gum, controls. CU passenger (US soldier & presumably the cameraman). More aerial views, including Liege, Belgium, the city of Cologne, Rhine River, smokestacks, farmland, railroad tracks, the Cologne Cathedral, and castles along the Rhine. 01:07:48 Passenger deplanes and pilot waves to camera as he gets back into the plane. Airport (USAF base?), MSs large airplane. Brief shot of an interchange with two US soldiers, civilians in BG. Small airplane takes off.

  6. Aerials of Hitler plane

    Hitler by window of plane. POV, plane landing. Aerial of plane. Hitler gets out of plane.

  7. Afdeling 6A.

    Onder nr. 20212 vinden we stukken met betrekking tot de Joodse gemeenschap te Gent. Het bevat onder andere: begeleidende briefwisseling van budgetten van de Joodse gemeenschap in Gent (1912-1931); rekeningen “van klerk tot meester” van de erfgenamen Jacques Jacobs, schatbewaarder van de Joodse gemeenschap in Gent, aan Henri Heyman en briefwisseling over de goedkeuring van de eindrekening van Heyman (1920-1934); rekeningen (1931-1940, 1962-1963, 1972-1978) en budgetten (1931-1942, 1962-1966, 1973-1978) van de synagoge in Gent; een brief van secretaris-generaal Romsee aan de provinciegouverne...

  8. Afdeling Kunsten en taakvoorgangers van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Kunsten en Wetenschappen over de periode 1945-1965.

    • Nationaal archief
    • 2.14.69
    • Dutch
    • 1945-1965
    • 3 meter; 2702 inventarisnummers

    Het archief van de Afdeling Kunsten en taakvoorgangers van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Kunsten en Wetenschappen over de periode 1945-1965 is verdeeld in twee hoofdrubrieken, te weten het archief van de afdeling Kunsten en gedeponeerde archieven. Het eerstgenoemde bevat o.a. stukken m.b.t. personeel en organisatie, stukken betreffende het verlenen van medewerking en/of subsidie aan (mogelijke) tentoonstellingen, steun aan kunstenaars en steun bij studie, stukken m.b.t. rijks- en andere instellingen, internationale contacten, het bevorderen van het kunstleven, het verlenen van subsidie aan ...

  9. Afdeling Onderwijs (5e Afdeling) van het gemeentebestuur van Haarlem, 1899-1957

    Zie voor meer algemene informatie de toelichting bij het archief van het Gemeentebestuur Haarlem, identificatienummer 2295. In het archief van deze afdeling vindt u ondermeer stukken betreffende protesten op scholen, onderwijs aan Joodse kinderen etc.

  10. Affaires militaires, prisonniers de guerre, tome 1

    . Les archives du Bureau d'Etudes (n°2607-2339) restent les plus abondantes. Outre les minutes du courrier général au départ, qui, de mai 1941 à octobre 1944, constituent une série chronologique à peu près complète, la correspondance avec différents organismes, tels que ministères, Croix-Rouge et surtout O.K.W., elles comportaient une série d'articles classés par sujets et portant des cotes constituées par des abrévations suivies de chiffres : (ex. CCa : congé de captivité ; TP ma : traitement matériel des prisonniers ; TP mo : traitement moral) ; la clé en a été donnée par une note intérie...

  11. Affaires militaires, prisonniers de guerre. Tome 2

    Archives du Commissariat aux Prisonniers et Déportés du Comité français de la Libération nationale On peut à peine qualifier d'archives du Commissariat les quelques dizaines de liasses recueillies par les Archives nationales, ce sont des résidus qui ne peuvent qu'en partie donner une idée de l'activité de cet organisme. Celle-ci a dû être réduite car le Commissariat ne disposait que de peu de moyens. Pourtant la Direction des Secours assumait l'assistance aux absents et a envoyé, à ce titre, de nombreux colis fournis en majorité par les Etats-Unis ; mais il n'en reste pas de trace écrite. L...

  12. Affidavit concerning the heroism of Céline Demarez Morali

    Consists of a copy of a French affidavit describing the heroism of Céline Berte Morali, who was responsible for the rescue of several Jews by hiding them in the basement of her hardware store in Paris.

  13. Affidavit of interrogation of Rudolf Hoess

    Affidavit by Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant of Auschwitz from 1940-1943, taken at Nuremberg in April 1946. Includes mimeograph version and photocopies of versions in German and Russian.

  14. Affidavit re: Schacht presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Lt. Bryson, US prosecutor, presents charges against Hjalmar Schacht. Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone defending Schacht. During the speech are shots of Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess in prisoners' box and MSs of Hans Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Frank. He quotes from a document saying that Schacht warned both British and Americans about the Nazis, and disapproved with basically everything the Nazis were doing. Prosecutor quo...

  15. Affidavit re: Schacht presented at Nuremberg Trial

    (Paris 489) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 11, 1946. Lt. Bryson, US prosecutor, presents charges against Hjalmar Schacht. Prosecutor (from behind) reads an affidavit of someone defending Schacht. During the speech are shots of Joachim von Ribbentrop whispering to Rudolf Hess in prisoners' box and MSs of Hans Frick, Julius Streicher, Walther Funk, Hjalmar Schacht, Constantin von Neurath, and Hans Frank. He quotes from a document saying that Schacht warned both British and Americans about the Nazis, and disapproved with basically everything the Nazis were doing. Prosecutor quo...

  16. Affidavits and memoir relating to experiences in Auschwitz and Mauthausen

    Testimony, 1 page, typescript, of Burekhovich, who gives a brief summary of his deportation from Hungary to Auschwitz and subsequent camps, along with notarized document from fellow camp survivor, who attested to the veracity of Burekhovich's account, Los Angeles, 1989.

  17. Afghanische Minengesellschaft mbH, Berlin

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Der Bestand besteht fast ausschließlich aus Durchschlägen der ausgegangenen Schreiben des Büros Berlin der Afghanischen Minengesellschaft. Bestandsbeschreibung Bericht über eine Untersuchungsreise nach Badakschen mit Vorschlägen zur Aufnahme von Schürfungen; Fotokopien von Routenaufnahmen aus diesem Gebiet; Schriftverkehr des Büros Kabul mit der Geschäftsführung in Berlin, der Deutschen Gesandtschaft Kabul, der Afghan Nationalbank und den Siemens-Schuckert-Werken, u.a. über Schürfarbeiten in Padakschen 1937-1942 (11). Zitierweise BArch R 8131/...

  18. African-American troops in World War II

    "American Negro Troops, no locations or captions, Aug 1944"

  19. African-American troops; US infantry in Germany

    (LIB 390) "US Negro Troops, 969th Field Artillery, Luxembourg, 1 Nov 1944" (LIB 391) "Infantry Advancing, Hurtgen Forest Near Vossemack (?) Germany, 2 Nov 1944" 04:30 (LIB 392) "1104th Engineer Combat Group, Marienberg, Germany, 2 Nov 1944" Slates: "Uncovering Pill Box. 2 Nov 44. Raddatz"

  20. Afrika-Brigade 999 / Afrika-Division 999

    Geschichte des Bestandsbildners Wie die Kriegstagebücher (KTB) aller anderen Verbände und Dienststellen des Heeres waren auch die KTB der Divisionen vom Mobilmachungstag (26. August 1939) an das Heeresarchiv Potsdam abzugeben, wo sie eine Zugangssignatur erhielten (anfangs getrennt nach Kriegsschauplätzen: P für Polen, W für Westen; nach Beendigung des West- und des Norwegenfeldzuges aber nur nach laufender Nummer) und in dieser Reihenfolge eingelagert, dann aber systematisch nach den KTB-führenden Stellen und Abteilungen in Eingangslisten erfasst wurden. Diese Listen (so genannte "Potsdam-...